Old Joe is here.

When I got off the bus, I didn’t even wait for a group of us to greet me. I bent down first and then shook my head: “Ah!”

After sneezing loudly throughout the park, he rubbed his nose and started sniffing, not feeling energetic at all.


Lao Qiao ignored me, tightened the blanket around him, and walked directly up the stairs.

This made everyone stunned. No one, including me, understood what was going on. Why did Old Qiao look so dissatisfied after sneezing this early in the morning?
In the eyes of everyone, I quickly followed Lao Qiao upstairs. Immediately afterwards, everyone behind me entered the office on the second floor.

At that time, Lao Qiao was sitting in my seat, leaning back on the chair, and said: "I have a bit of a fever. It hurts all over my body."

I don't know whether he came to ask about the progress of the matter or whether he came to me to seek care when he was sick like a real old man.

"Ginger soup."

After I said something to Boureia, I took the initiative to go over and ask, "Why are you like this after only a few days?"

Lao Qiao didn't take it lightly, and responded a little sadly: "Then when your mother came to me for illness, you still discussed it with me?"

In a word, it is so sad that I can see the end of the hero. It is true that old people cannot rely on their bones and muscles.

Yang Rong seemed to be careless. He went into the house and sat on the sofa, playing a newly released game on his mobile phone. He almost ignored Lao Qiao's illness.

After all, he is still young. At his age, he only thinks about himself and enjoys himself. He pays no attention to social relationships and connections. He stubbornly believes that he got this position based on his ability.

And when Boureia came back with the ginger soup, I took the bowl and put it next to the desk. I neither urged Lao Qiao to drink nor asked any more questions about his illness.

At this moment, Lao Qiao opened his mouth and asked, "Where are Xiaogang and Xiaoguang?"

The Tu brothers stood up.

"Is the road going smoothly?"

Tu Gang blinked and looked at me.

What can I say?I can only add: "Just say what I ask you."

Tu Gang then opened his mouth: "Mr. Qiao, we didn't go anywhere else. We just picked up someone from the smuggler at the border." He didn't understand why Lao Qiao asked, and he also thought that he didn't have any powerful power. There is no right or wrong about the scope.

Lao Qiao seemed to realize that there was something wrong with what he asked, and added: "Thank you for your hard work..."

"It's not hard, it's not hard, not to mention that you gave me a reward, old man."

"Did I give money?"

Only then did Lao Qiao open his eyes and turned to look at me.

I quickly said: "Are you out of your mind? Didn't you say that when the Tu brothers came back, they asked me to withdraw fifty yuan from the company's account to pay them as hard work?"

Old Qiao was happy.

He laughed and cursed: "You fucking..."

Then he turned back to look at the Tu brothers, pointed at me and said, "You guys will never be able to catch up to a toe of the little mute in this life."

I quickly picked up the ginger soup, handed it over and said, "While it's still hot, it might not have any effect."

Old Qiao pinched his nose and said, "Shut my mouth."

"Don't know how bad it is."

Lao Qiao smiled again, nodded and said, "Okay, okay, you're so powerful, I can't do anything to you."

He picked up the bowl and drank the ginger soup which was steaming but not scalding at all. He didn't even waste the ginger slices in it and chewed them directly.

It’s hard to say how much medicinal effect this thing has, but taking it with a burst of heat in the morning can instantly make people feel energetic.Old Qiao can stretch out again, and he is completely different from the one who was nestled in the boss's chair just now, but the blanket on his shoulders has never been taken off: "That..."

"Lu Qiang." It was me who spoke.

"Have you asked?"

I continued to reply: "I didn't dare to ask deeply, because I was afraid that people would not be able to handle you after you came. When you wanted to ask questions, you didn't have the words to answer."

"What's this?" Lao Qiao turned to look at me incomprehensively.

I explained: "You have scared me so much for Lao Yaoying and the others. After getting the news that Lu Qiang was in place yesterday, I collected everyone's mobile phones and went straight to 729. They all thought it was you who was attacking them." Another test, every one of them will be killed by Lu Qiang to prove his innocence."

"Then ask." Lao Qiao looked at me with doubts on his face.

I smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid of sticky bags?"

"I'm going to be beaten to death. You crooked your mouth and said something unpleasant..." My voice became smaller and smaller, and the last words I spoke were slurred: "Killing and silencing...who will suffer?" Come on."

"You fart you!"

Old Qiao looked as if he had been wronged a lot, with an angry face: "I burned all night last night, and when I opened my eyes this morning, four doctors were guarding my bedside. How could I have time to talk nonsense with you? "

Lao Qiao turned his head and suddenly reacted: "What are you afraid of?" He slammed the table: "There is something wrong in your heart!"

When the loud noise came out, Brother Yao almost jumped up.

The corners of Mangui's mouth turned up and she looked at me pitifully: "Mr. Xu, you have to tell us. No one dared to leave your sight last night..."


After hearing Man Gui's voice, I pointed to the door: "Go, wait outside."

They had just kicked me out, and I was just about to talk to Lao Qiao about it, mainly because I was so damn scared that I almost had a neurasthenia...

Lao Qiao put his feet on the table!

After I closed the door and saw this scene, I almost felt so angry that I pointed out my hand and said, "You are so sick, why are you still acting?"


Old Qiao sniffed: "If I don't scare them, can you easily manipulate them?"

"That guy named Old Falcon, do you know what he did after we left the hotel?"

"The host invited me to another meal in Mengneng!"

"You're still like a stupid boy, you don't know anything, right?"

"Just think about it, we are all young people, why should they obey you?"

"For them, can't you show your ability in 729? If I don't nod, who will you be here?"

I looked at Lao Qiao: "That's why you went to my house for dinner?"

Lao Qiao pretended to be profound and did not answer.

But I have to ask: “Why me?”

Lao Qiao slowly opened his mouth. He told an ordinary story that was so long that it was almost impatient to listen to it. Apart from the ups and downs in Myanmar, he used the simplest and most powerless words to say what it means to be deafening.


"Tender." (End of chapter)

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