The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 175 Why were you caught again?

It's not a heroic epic, it's all trivial.

Lao Qiao said that when he first started working in this industry, he suffered a huge loss.

At that time, Lao Qiao was not in Wa State, but in Tachilei.

I was not very familiar with the name of this place, and my face was a little confused. Old Qiao said: "Nuokang, when this guy didn't succeed, his only legal identity was that of a militia captain in Tachilei."

I don’t know much about other people, but the name Nuokang is very familiar. To these people in China, Nuokang is almost as synonymous with drug lords as Kunsha.

Of course, when Lao Qiao was active, there was no Nuokang, and he was still a child wearing a crotch cloth.

Lao Qiao started to sell drugs at that time, but he never transported the goods himself. Every time he used the time of people who had cars to go out, he put the goods in other people's cars.Lao Qiao said that the environment was like that at that time. If anyone wanted to send something far away, he would wait for someone with a car to send it over when he went out, and let others drop by.

The first few times went smoothly, but the last time, Lao Qiao didn't wait for the driver to come back at the time, so his first reaction was to pack up and prepare to run away.

His reaction was very correct. As soon as his front foot left, the entire village was wiped out by Kunsha.

At this time, Lao Qiao also told me an interesting story, that is, Nuokang was originally Kunsha's subordinate. Later, Kunsha was destroyed and he took the lead. He even kidnapped relatives of Mr. Dabao. Millions of beauties have been taken away from there.

That's a cold-blooded guy.

Later, Lao Qiao began to follow the crowd, going to Muse and old streets, and lived a heroic life.

I asked him how he lived back then, that is, his source of income.

Lao Qiao curled his lips, took out the gun from his waist, put it on the table and pointed it in response: "Whose waist are you putting this thing on and you still can't get enough food for a few days?"

"If you encounter someone who doesn't give it to you, just put it down and take it yourself."

He also said that Nuokang was a cold-blooded guy... I squinted at him.

In those days, Lao Qiao never felt that any place in the world belonged to him, nor did he need any place to belong to him. At his age, he readily accepted the idea of ​​being a family all over the world, until he met Mr. Bao.

how to say……

Lao Qiao described his encounter with Mr. Bao in one sentence. He said, "Dabao never misses you."

Lao Qiao was convinced by Mr. Big Bao.

He and Mr. Da Bao met in the 80s, when Lao Qiao was in high spirits.

He is ruthless enough, so everyone around him is afraid of him;

He was also very righteous, so he quickly gathered four NO.50 brothers.

But the business they did violated the interests of many people at that time, so they were brutally surrounded and suppressed.

However, Lao Qiao was not convinced.

After escaping from the siege, he cursed Mr. Bao across the mountain. He said he wanted to skin Mr. Bao, but Mr. Bao said he wanted to destroy his whole family.

The two of them cursed almost all the way along the mountains, and Mr. Da Bao was so angry that he fired randomly in the mountains with his gun.

As a result, three days later, Lao Qiao was captured alive by Da Baozong at the door of his house.

He ransacked someone else's house.

After being captured, Lao Qiao glared at everyone behind him, but Mr. Bao said: "No one betrayed you. I can catch you for three reasons."

"First, I am a soldier and you are a bandit. You will never confront me head-on. You can only look for my weaknesses." "Second, you can't bear the thought of being surrounded and suppressed, and you can't do anything to me or attack my family. Starting is the most economical option;”

"Thirdly, I come from a family of leaders in Xinzhai, Kunma. You come from a small thatched hut but have always been living in the world. This also means that you are not upright in your heart. Therefore, I think you will definitely treat me. The family will take action.”

Lao Qiao said that Da Bao never looked like that kind of genius with sharp eyes and a sense of arrogance; he was like a calm middle-aged man who had never achieved any outstanding achievements, but was always improving step by step, from the inside out. There is such a sense of competence.

I understand. What Lao Qiao wants to say is that Da Bao is not Huo Qubing, who became a blockbuster when he debuted; he is more like Zeng Guofan, who likes to play it slow and stick to the strongholds to win the war.

Dabao never let him go and locked him up, but Myanmar was in chaos at that time. Old Qiao ran away from the police station, jumped from the second floor window with handcuffs on, and jumped into the river at night. inside.

From there, he got into trouble with Mr. Bao. As long as he heard news about Mr. Bao, whether it was where Mr. Bao was going or what Mr. Bao’s people were doing, he would always find an opportunity to add some information. trouble.

When Lao Qiao said this, he looked at me: "Do you hear the difference between us?"

Can you still not hear it?

Big Bao always regards Lao Qiao as just one thing in his life, and he regards him as his lifelong goal.

I nodded.

Old Qiao said with waning spirits: "I just got smaller and smaller in front of Mr. Bao. From being in the ring with Mr. Bao to playing against him, I ended up playing against his subordinates. I thought this was fucking revenge... …”

"Let me tell you, don't believe in the saying that family background determines destiny. The family background of Mr. Bao's leader is destined to always keep his eyes on high places."

At this time, Lao Qiao was actually convinced, but he might not even know it.

But if I expose it, won’t I lose his face?

So I asked: "Then how did you convince yourself?"

"The big bag always goes to my house."

Due to his political line, Da Bao always has to participate in some high-profile projects, which makes him step into Lao Qiao's hometown.

Mr. Da Bao was not the king of the Wa State at that time and was still under the leadership of the government. He led the guerrillas to defect to the government army in 69. After 20 years of steady fighting and reaching the top, he began to occupy the Wa State and become the king. In those 20 years, during that period Nian Dabao is only 40 years old.

Lao Qiao ignored my inner calculation and continued talking.

He said that Dabao knew that his family was in that area, but he walked through every village calmly as if there was no such thing as Lao Qiao.

Da Bao never used his power to embarrass any of Lao Qiao's relatives. He used his most ordinary thoughts to scare Lao Qiao into a cold sweat in the mountains and forests.

That night, Lao Qiao thought about it all night, always thinking that if it was his turn, that little broken village would have been wiped out hundreds of times!

To others, he felt ashamed.

Early the next morning, Lao Qiao appeared outside the military camp where Dabao's troops were stationed. He handed all the guns to the soldiers, put on the handcuffs again and was brought to Dabao again.

This time, he took the initiative to go there. He felt that his family had been left with a chance of survival, so this grudge must be explained.

How tiger?

The first thing Mr. Dabao said to him was: "Why did you let my people catch you again?"

It was obvious that there was no Old Joe in his eyes. (End of chapter)

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