It's raining.

But a hoarse voice suddenly came from Building 2: "Assemble!"

Immediately afterwards, when a passing green soldier saw Yang Rong sticking his head out of the window, he felt as if he had seen a ghost in the next second and shouted at the green soldiers in the distance: "Gather!!!"

After a while, all the Greenskins gathered on the basketball court. I still remember that basketball stand.

At this moment, Yang Rong turned back to look at me and said, "Look at these losers."

When I looked through the window, I noticed that this group of green soldiers stood in the rain with no military dignity at all. Some of them even retreated out of tiredness, relying on swinging their bodies from side to side to support their legs to reduce the burden.

"From Lao Qi to Xigu, the atmosphere in the 729 Military Region has never been good..." Yang Rong looked at me and said, "Do you know why?"

I shook my head.

Yang Rong said calmly: "Because these people never regarded themselves as soldiers from the beginning to the end, they even felt that they were bandits."

"In their hearts, their biggest wishes are to get some money somewhere, have some drinks after work, and find a girl somewhere at night."

There was fire in his eyes, but I was deeply touched.

What Yang Rong was scolding was not this group of soldiers, but this land.

Because the flower of sin grows on this land, and this flower of sin attracts the most vicious people in the world. This means that anyone who wants to rise here must use this flower of sin to make money, otherwise you will not be able to catch up. Catch other people’s development speed.

What will be the consequences of that?
The result is that when even the sky above your head is a drug dealer, what can you do to ask these soldiers to have a sense of justice in their hearts?

Lao Qiao couldn't ask for it.

Not only Lao Qiao couldn't ask for it, but even Mr. Bao, who defeated Kun Sha, couldn't ask for it.

Therefore, if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, there are only two management methods that can be used here, one is money and the other is killing.

In the final analysis, this is the reason why Lao Qiao introduced the fraud park. What he is doing is to transform from 'felonious crime' to 'misdemeanor crime'. But how can it be so easy to pull one's feet out of the quagmire?Just when Lao Qiao didn't know what to do, he found that his hand was stuck in the park and he couldn't pull it out!
So, before the villages in the mountains were uprooted, there was a large area of ​​​​parking area around Menneng. When you just took a breath and wanted to let go of your hands and feet as if you were resigned to your fate, another population appeared in Menneng's rivers and lakes. An entertainment center that sells and brings hi-packs...

These things will turn around and start to pollute the army you rely on for survival. Even Boureia felt like he was entering heaven when he entered the 'Night Show', but he had no idea that the paradise in front of him was actually someone else's hell.

But I finally understood in this second that 'PC' is not a serious crime. Why is the country so desperate to crack down on pornography? In fact, what they are afraid of is not dirty intercourse, but what will be conceived under the filth. Derivatives, evil derivatives.

Yang Rong walked down the stairs quickly. He stood in the rain like everyone else, and then...

Just stood like this for an hour.

During this hour, there were soldiers who collapsed in the rain due to exhaustion. As long as Yang Rong saw this scene, he would walk over immediately.

He was not trying to save someone, but rather unbuttoned the person's cuffs and rolled up his sleeves. As soon as he saw the eye of the needle, he would immediately stand up, take out his gun, aim it at the person's left chest, and pull the trigger.

There is absolutely no explanation.

When an hour passed and there were three or four more corpses on the ground, Yang Rong finally opened his mouth: "From today on, everyone wearing military uniforms in the 729 Park will be under my control, and my first request is that anyone You’re not even allowed to touch that thing!”

"If you are already addicted and you are lucky enough not to be found out by me..."

Yang Rong looked at everyone with sharp eyes: "I will give you a chance to survive today. You will go to the Military Disciplinary Office to register your resignation in a while. I guarantee that you can go home safely."

"But there will be no registration after today!"

"Let me find out next time, these people will be your fate!!"

"Now, the martial law in 729 Park is lifted and disbanded!" He did not read out many military disciplines, but only clarified the requirement that small happy things are not allowed to be touched. However, from today on, I know that the green soldiers in 729 Park will soon be rotten to the core. , is about to usher in a huge change.

Yang Rong's ruthlessness and iron-bloodedness will make them slowly straighten their backs. His cruelty will make these people devote themselves crazily to training. They will never be the same as before, even showing weakness during exercises.

Yang Rong......

This kid is not only smart, he is also a born soldier. But I could not see these things at all when I only limited my sight to Lao Qiao's small courtyard.

At this moment, I wonder if there might be some undiscovered parts of Brzea?
What surprised me even more was Lao Qiao.

When he not only wanted to develop his strength but also had to fight against the entire outside world, he was able to find time to cultivate the monster 'Yang Rong'. If Lao Qiao had not been born in war and was imprisoned in Myanmar all his life, but had a person who could learn enough Given an intellectual environment and a healthy and happy childhood, what will this person become in the end?

But Yang Rong came back and shattered all my illusions. His answer was: "Maybe then Lao Qiao will be useless."

I looked at him with confusion in my eyes.

Yang Rong explained: "If there is such a comfortable place, why are we practicing these skills?"

"You have already set a pacifier for us, why should we grow fangs and claws to snatch it?"

I fuck...

Why do I feel that he has confused me?
This guy doesn't usually have much to say, but with this mouth, the words he casually says are so powerful!
The kind of energy that can lift you up in one sentence.

"I'm leaving."


I stared at Yang Rong.

Yang Rong said as if he didn't care about this park: "I don't have time to stay here, Lao Qiao is still in the village."

As he spoke, he smiled at me very affectionately for the first time and said, "I am a cold-tempered person. Once I get to know someone, I will develop a habit."

"You, try not to die. I don't want to experience the feeling of starting from scratch with a stranger again, okay?"

When he was done, he turned and walked away.

But I just want to curse: "You fucking..."

I have always felt that I have no relationship with Yang Rong, it is nothing more than getting along with each other in the village and playing cards after leaving the village.

But this kid...

Once you get close to him, you will find that all the softness in his body is hidden in his armor.

When Lao Qiao left me to fight with Xigu, he was the one who reminded me and told me, 'Okay.' Today, after he was sent back to 729 by Lao Qiao, it was he who came to deal with the aftermath for me...

But for such a person with extremely strong abilities, he just can't throw away the mobile phone in his hand, and occasionally he will have fun with it.

Even at this second, I felt that I saw his vulnerability. Yang Rong, this young man locked his emotions tightly to avoid being hurt. For this reason, he would rather give up the beauty between people.

He is afraid of society.

I laughed out loud as if I finally found this person's weakness...

When he walked in the rain in the park, it wasn't actually raining heavily. The darkness in the sky was just the splashing of the night sky and the flood of memories. Perhaps, there were many regrets, but he didn't bring an umbrella. (End of chapter)

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