"Mom, I was wrong, really, I was wrong."

Villa area.

The old lady took off her cloth shoes and chased me all over the house while carrying her soles, but she was still reluctant to beat me. She wanted to catch up every time, but she deliberately stopped where she was, holding her cloth shoes, panting and yelling, and let me run out.

"Little bastard, why did you come to such a dangerous place?"

"That night, there was a lot of gunfire. Every time the gunshot went off, I would lie down on the bed and tremble. You were going to frighten me to death, you!"

"Let me ask you, what on earth is this place?"

I hid behind the sofa and gasped loudly: "Mengneng, Menneng in northern Myanmar, belongs to the Wa State."

"Say something I can understand!"

I thought for a long time and explained: "An Lushan or Wu Sangui, which one are you familiar with?"

Our old lady didn't even think about it, relying on her familiarity with Qing palace operas, she immediately said: "Wu Sangui."

"Then you can treat this place as the private territory of the vassal king after the rebellion. It's just that Kang Mazi of Myanmar has never defeated Wu Sangui. As for Wu Sangui, there is nothing he can do about the government troops. The two sides are in a stalemate. When the stalemate becomes unbearable, Kang Mazi admits the status of the United Wa State Army."

I mixed up the environment and history here and talked about it. Unexpectedly, my mother actually understood: "What do you mean, there are two emperors here?"

I shook my head: "According to your statement, this place is full of emperors."

“In the earliest days, this place had the United Wa State Army, the Kokang Alliance Army, the Eastern Shan Alliance Army, the New Kachin Democratic Army and the SPP. That was in 1989, and now it is full of grass-head kings.”

"At the military level, there are grass-headed kings who are just like Mr. Bao;"

"At the government level, there are King Zhao and Mr. Zhao;"

"There are four major families in the world;"

“The business community is full of casinos and nightclubs.”

As soon as I started the topic here, my mother opened her mouth and started scolding: "Then come here, your skin is tight again!"

I smiled and said, "Mom, this is not only a burial mound, but also a place of heroes."

"I went to your house to fuck you, come home with me!"

Once this Northeastern old woman gets angry, she will say anything to me. The old lady scolded me and I was stunned. She dragged me out and wanted to go out.

I quickly advised: "Mom, Mom..."

Just when I was about to give up, my cell phone rang. Not many people knew the phone number of this new phone, so I had to answer it.


One hand was pulled by my mother, and when I took out the phone with the other hand, I accidentally pressed the speakerphone. Aunt Fang's voice came over the phone: "Please come back, I have a hunch, it's really going to happen." I feel like I'm pregnant, please take me to the hospital."

When I was having a lawsuit on my head, how could I have a good temper and say, "Are you sick?!"

It has only been two days, and I have never seen a woman know whether she is pregnant or not within two days after the incident.

My mother didn't pamper me at all. She just slapped my brain. She grabbed the phone and glared at me and cursed: "You are sick!"

"A toad has no hair, just follow your damn father!"


I seem to be a relative, right?
Why am I still in a daze?
My old lady held the phone and said, "Hello? Girl? I'm Xu Ruifeng's mother."

The guy and the old lady were gentle and didn't have any manners to talk to me.

Aunt Fang was better at controlling the scene, and even said on the phone: "Auntie~" She had never been so tight that night!


My world was completely turned upside down.

If these two mental illnesses come together, I will not be able to live well in my next life.

"I heard you say on the phone just now that you have it, right?"

"Auntie, I haven't gone to the hospital yet. I don't know the situation yet. I just have a very strange feeling."

"That's right. Our colleague stayed at the partner's house the day before and told me the next day that she seemed to have it. After a while, she went to the hospital for a check and found that she really had it. Some of us women have very sensitive bodies. , can feel it.”

"Well, I'll ask Xu Ruifeng to take you to the hospital. When you're done, I'll take the report home with you. Do you listen?"

"Okay." The old lady hung up the phone.

I seized the opportunity and immediately said: "What, you go home, I will have someone drive you to Yangon, and then you will transfer from Yangon to Thailand, and then return from Thailand..."

The old lady reached out and twisted my arm viciously!
The one who pinched me screamed and almost escaped from the first floor to the upper floor.

"Aren't you shy?"

"Hurry up and take the girl to the hospital, and then bring me the report and the person."

I could only push: "I don't have a car."

"Where's your car!"


"Get your legs up!"

She almost gave me up...

No face left for me.

After I left the house, I put this matter behind me. I stood at the door of the villa and said to Zhen Zhen beside me: "Tomorrow, you take people to pick up all the children and old people in the village. I will find a place for you to settle. The children go to school first, and the older ones go to the park and do odd jobs in the lumber factory."

"Eminem will stay at my house for now."


"Go get the lumber mill."

Sincerity definitely did not name him in vain. He immediately told me: "I don't understand wood."

I smiled, very happily. At this time, my sincerity only had one eye, and all the joy, anger, sorrow and joy were on my face.

"No one asks you to understand wood, so just go and do it. If you don't understand anything, call the person in charge of their group to the office and ask. Do you understand?"

I was teaching Zhen Zhen what to do next. In the distance, a brand-new 57 led the way, followed closely by a 14-model Regal, which parked majestically in front of my house.

Then Regal opened the car door, and brothers Tu Gang and Tu Guang got out of the red Regal.

"Mr. Xu."

When the two men appeared in front of me again, their faces were filled with the words "sincerely convinced" and they directly reported: "Old Harrier has caught the eagle's hand and is out of danger. After waking up..." The two brothers smiled a little. : "Isn't it because your car crashed? Let us brothers deliver a car to you."

This is not a gift of a car. He clearly wanted to tell me through this behavior that he was convinced.

The two brothers told me that the way they surrendered was by knocking on the car door.

From the car, a few strong men with tall and thick hair and tattoos of dragons and tigers got out.

"Mr. Xu, a lot of things have happened these days, and the brothers are all thinking about you. If that doesn't work, just ask them to follow you first. If anything happens, they can help."

Tu Gang has already expressed his position on the choice of camp. Taking this step means that no matter what happens to me in the future, their brothers will no longer stand by and watch.

They also knew that from the moment I pulled myself up in the lumber mill, it was impossible to integrate into the Old Falcon camp. And after I poured this bucket of dirty water on them, what would happen to them if they hadn't made a choice yet? It is Mangui, so we can only choose to have both prosperity and loss.

"Let these brothers go to the park first. There is a shortage of people there to watch the show."

I must accept the people they send, otherwise these two brothers will have nowhere to go, but I can't keep them by my side. I have to tell them that they can become their right-hand man only if they follow me. You have to take your own actions. To gain my trust.


Tu Gang agreed, turned around and left.

At this time, I called him: "Where to go?!"

Tu Gang was stunned.

I smiled and said, "The Chinese New Year is almost here, come with me to go out and do some errands."

Now that I have told them to take action to gain my trust, I naturally have to give them the opportunity to do things. Otherwise, how can I gain this trust?

In other words, I allowed these two brothers to integrate into my circle after telling them that there was still a certain distance between them and me.

Sure enough, Tu Gang showed a smile, and this gangster brother actually ran over, stretched out his tattooed hand, and opened the back seat door of the 57 for me: "Mr. Xu."

I looked at him without moving.

Tu Gang glanced at me and lowered his head: "Brother." (End of this chapter)

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