Chapter 187 Three birds with one stone

"Boss Xu!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

When the battalion commander of Menneng County's "Security Camp" entered the office of the police chief, under the incandescent light, the three of us behind the scenes were completely together.

Police Chief Banbra stood up to greet me, and then the three of us shook hands with each other at the window.

"Battle Commander Sesuo, Boss Xu is here today..." He couldn't help but look at me with a smile and said, "You should talk about this matter yourself."

I responded lightly: "Last time, when I arrested a trafficker in a hotel, I owed Director Banbula and Battalion Commander Sesuo a huge favor. No, it's almost Chinese New Year, so I'm here to repay the favor. "

Sesuo thought I was here to give a gift, so he quickly said: "Why bother, we are all doing our best for Lao Qiao. Besides, Lao Qiao was very happy after that incident."

These words are all excuses. He is obviously looking forward to this. I can see it from his smile.

"That doesn't work, it doesn't work by designation. If I receive a drop of kindness from someone, I have to repay it with a spring of water."

I took out the cigarette with a smile and handed it over.

Dealing with these official people is completely different from dealing with Lao Yaoying and others.

With these people, you have to use great principles to pave the way, use great interests as a guide, and finally end with good results and a moral high ground.Even if you put in so much effort, it will end up being a bad thing.

"Battle Commander Sesuo, the reason for this incident is that I want to build a school..." I connected the public security situation in Meneng with the difficulty in recruiting teachers. When I explained the reason for the matter, the battalion commander challenged Eyebrow looked at me, and the smile on his face disappeared little by little.

"Boss Xu, sweeping the place is not the same as arresting human traffickers. Human traffickers only do one-time transactions. After arriving, they neither take care of things nor have much interaction with us..."

"Those big bosses who open nightclubs are all...right?"

Sesuo made it very clear, meaning that he was taking advantage of others.

At this time, I looked at Banbra.

Banbula quickly said: "Director Sesuo, you have to have an idea of ​​how much goods can be produced by sweeping a place, right?"

Setho immediately responded: "That's against the rules."

"You have an idea of ​​how many people can be produced, right? Boss Xu has said that he will accept all the armrest girls swept out by then and buy them according to the price!"

Sesuo's eyes lit up instantly!

For them, this money is a huge amount of wealth! !

I quickly explained: "We are not sweeping all venues. Our target this time is only nightclubs with 'Hi Bags'."

"After sweeping these nightclubs, I won't move at all about all the goods inside. The two of you will share them equally. It's up to you what you do when the time comes;"

"The handrail girl who was swept out will enter the police station. I will ask Lao Lin from the park to count the heads. Each one will be counted according to the company's account. When the time comes, the two of you will go to the night show to settle the bill. You two will join in the effort. Five, I still don’t want a cent.”

"You two of the captured players, the ones who can afford to play high-level games, you should know who they are. These people are either park executives or park bosses. If you arrest them, someone will pay a lot of money to redeem them. At that time, I still don’t want any of this money.”

Sesuo looked at me strangely: "Then what do you want, Boss Xu?"

Banbula sneered and said: "Boss Xu wants the entire market of high-end bags in Menneng. In other words, in the future, only Ye Xiu and his family can have 'high-end bags' in Menneng. For the rest of the places, we and I will share them once. money."

Sesuo understood this time: "Oh, Boss Xu wants to build a school and asks us to rectify the public security problem in Meng Neng..." Look, wouldn't the whole incident be sublimated by saying this.He turned around and asked the most crucial part: "Old Qiao, what do you say?"

I laughed.

He smiled extremely happily. No one in this group knew better than me what Old Qiao looked like after becoming the 'Messenger of Justice'.

Banbula said in a deep voice: "Just now, before you walked into this room, I just submitted a report to the Justice Bureau to 'rectify public security'."

Sesuo immediately became nervous and asked, "What did you say?"

"Let me tell you, the response to the last operation to arrest human traffickers was strong on the Internet. Our police station should work harder to completely restore public order in Menneng as the Spring Festival is approaching. To this end, a major crackdown on Menneng should be carried out. Large-scale cleaning. I also cited the shooting case in the villa area a few days ago..." Director Banbula looked at me and smiled as he spoke: "The case of an unknown corpse near the lumber factory, and the shooting case at the 'Night Show' KTV and many other cases.”

Banbula, whose whole face was covered by shadows under the light, continued: "I even applied for this security cleaning activity to be personally planned and directed by County Magistrate Qiao. I will serve as the deputy commander, and Battalion Commander Sesuo will serve as the leader of the action team."

He even lowered his voice and said in Sesuo's ear: "The old man likes the feeling of being in the spotlight. Have you forgotten the smile he showed in front of the media in the hotel that day?"

Immediately, he returned to his normal voice: "I guess this report will be approved in a day or two."

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, who doesn't want to be happy?"

Banbula pointed at me: "What's more, the roundworm in the old man's stomach is not here."

After all the words were said, Sesuo completely shut his mouth until I opened my mouth to ask: "Battlemaster Sesuo, would you like to express your opinion?"

Sesuo took a long puff of cigarette, and the smoke kept popping out of his mouth as he spoke: "What else can I say?"

"As long as the Judicial Committee approves it, let's do it."



The office was filled with laughter.

From this day on, I truly understood what politics is!

Meng Neng's politics is not about what the people want, but about reaping the benefits after using the banner of "what the people want".

In this harvest feast, as long as Old Qiao is happy, the people are happy, and no one of us is injured, then it doesn’t matter who lives or dies. What matters is that the benefits must be distributed evenly, and there must be someone like me. There is a pile of gold coins in front of you, but you can resist your greed and not touch it.

Because in the eyes of Banbula and Sesuo, no matter how long-term profits are, they are not as valuable as what can be immediately put into their pockets. Of course, in order to form an alliance with Meng Neng, these two powerful figures, I have to cut my flesh.

"You two, from now on, for the 'Night Show''s high-end package business, one of the floors will be delivered to your desk every month."

Banbula and Sesuo both smiled crookedly. They were refusing on the surface, but in reality they were waiting for my response and said, "Boss Xu, this is not good. Who do you think we are?"

I held their hands tightly and said affectionately: "I just want to be friends with you two. More friends means more paths."

At that second, our eyes were tightly intertwined under the light, and we became the most inseparable combination of interests in this room.

Since Menneng is a place that is 'reluctant' to let me leave, then I will spread the darkness deep in my heart everywhere, and I will make the entire Menneng airtight!

Until as far as the eye can see, no threat can be seen anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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