The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 200 See if you are ruthless enough!

It's Nau.

When I saw this kid appear outside the door of Judicial Committee Lao Qiao's office, and walked into the office as if he couldn't see me, I knew that Lao Qiao had already made a decision in his heart.

He not only needs the most trustworthy Yang Rong to stabilize the army, but also the most honest Burea to stabilize the village. However, I am not among the "most" ranks, so Nawu is here.

If my guess is correct, Nawu should be Lao Qiao's bodyguard when he goes out this time, and I am just a liaison.

He carried Lao Qiao out of the office. At this time, I took out my mobile phone in front of Lao Qiao and asked, "Should I call two drivers?"

After Lao Qiao nodded, I called Tu Guang and Cheng Zhen.

Zhen Zhen can't drive, but after meeting Nawu, he obviously showed a closeness, the kind of closeness between a little brother and an admired big brother. Only then did I understand why Lao Qiao turned a blind eye to my raising a dead soldier.

He is still the same old Qiao, even though he is ill, he still controls every step of my life.

Our group arrived downstairs, Xiaoguang was responsible for driving, I sat in the passenger seat, Zhencheng and Nawu got into the back seat of the SUV, and the five of us drove out without notifying anyone. Meng Neng, rushed all the way to the border.

And this car obviously has nothing to do with the Old Falcon.

The car he bought was all in Chinese from beginning to end, but this car was not. The characters on this car were the kind I didn’t recognize, and they didn’t look like Burmese.

Lao Qiao, this old fox, really always wants to have a backup plan in everything he does.

As for the Tesla at home...

I threw the car keys to Aunt Fang. What I said at the time was: "Who is a nice man who drives a tram?"

To be honest, my feelings about trams at that time were like the old electric scooters I saw on the streets in China. I always felt that this thing was a toy to fool children.

"Little dumb."

At this moment, Lao Qiao, who was sitting in the back seat, spoke: "Thailand, are there any acquaintances?"

I shook my head: "No."

"I remember that you passed through Thailand before coming here, right?" Lao Qiao asked.

"Yes, I did come from Thailand, but I fainted as soon as I got on the bus. When I opened my eyes, I was already in Menneng."

Lao Qiao nodded, stopped talking, and looked at me with a smile.

When I was wondering what he was laughing at, Xiao Guang, who was driving next to me, opened his mouth and said, "We're here."

arrive? !
I looked in front of me in surprise. It was a river, and there were fishing boats parked on the river bank that came specifically to pick us up. To go from northern Myanmar to Thailand, we only need a car and a boat, that's all!

Now, I understand why Lao Qiao looked at me like this. If I could have taken the path allowed by Lao Qiao when I was deceived, maybe I should have appeared in 2 in Building 616 of the park when I woke up. Too close.

I got out of the car first and opened the door, but Nawu didn't let anyone touch Lao Qiao at all. He sat on the side of the car and carried Lao Qiao out. Along the way, Nawu's eyes never left me, and he was careful not to rush me when he followed. It was as if Lao Qiao was taking action.

Nawu carried Old Joe on his back to the boat and put him in the dock, while I got my passport again after a year in this wretched place!

that feeling...

Jiang Long?

It’s fucking fake!Carrying my passport, I sat on the bow of the boat, but Lao Qiao's eyes kept scanning my face. Finally, he got tired of looking at me and asked, "Why are you always staring at me?"

"I want to see if you are ruthless enough." After Lao Qiao said this without any reason, I looked behind me in confusion...

At that time, there was only this one boat on the river. I had a gun in my waist. On the boat was a very sick old Qiao, a Nawu who could be taken down with one shot, and another one I wouldn’t know what to do with. Sincerity, and the little light that will definitely turn towards me.

As long as I'm ruthless enough and can give up my mother and my unborn child, I can be completely saved by just pulling out my snatching finger.

Lao Qiao actually thought I was this kind of person...


He was preventing me from becoming this kind of person.

I silently lifted up my clothes, and just as I was about to touch my waist, I felt a chill on my neck before I even lowered my head.

Nawu was so fast that I didn't even know when he moved. There was no sound under this kid's feet. When I found out, a knife was stuck in my neck.

At this time, as long as I showed the slightest abnormality, I might become one of the countless corpses in this river. At that time, I cursed: "Are you sick?"

Then, without stopping, I pulled out the gun and threw it to the boatman. I also said to Xiaoguang: "You guys are all here, we don't even have a reasonable excuse for people to find out when we cross the border."

After saying that, Nawu slowly put the knife back.

Only then did I see clearly that this guy had put the knife into his sleeve, which was the fastest place to pull it out.

We all left the guys on the boat. When I looked at Lao Qiao, Lao Qiao had no intention of moving at all.

I said: "Old man, you can't be stubborn at this time."

Lao Qiao opened his mouth and scolded: "I am a grandson of your grandma, and I came out from under the quilt."

I forgot about this...

But then I thought about it, a big official from the Wa State who had no idea how much money he had was sleeping on a camp bed... You don't even know what he wanted so much money for!

We floated along the river to the Thai-Myanmar port. When we landed, the people at the checkpoint didn't even look at our passports. They just opened each passport, took out the US dollars inside, and let us go completely.Only now did I understand why there were so many gangs in Thailand and it was so chaotic. No matter what the hell you committed, you could just find a passport and stuff some money in it and run away to Myanmar. Who would still care about you?
After coming out of the port, Nawu still carried Lao Qiao on his back, and a few of us surrounded them. Before we could ask what to do next, a Coaster had already driven up the highway.

My little mouth even tried to persuade Lao Qiao to come to Chiang Mai for medical treatment, but he casually said, "Let me think about it" and even arranged a car!

When our group got into the car, a driver with a Thai accent said in broken Chinese: "The guys are all in the closet. Chiang Mai is not very safe recently. You should keep a low profile."

Xiaoguang opened a cabinet door in Coaster's car. Four Glocks were neatly placed inside, and eight magazines were laid out in two rows...

It doesn't look like he's coming to see a doctor at all. It looks like the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers came across the sea to commit crimes.

Nawu settled Lao Qiao and said to the driver: "Go to the hospital."

This Coaster started steadily on the road. As a result, this journey took longer than the time we crossed the border of Thailand and Myanmar. I was so stunned that I fell asleep.

I had a dream, a very bad dream. When I woke up, I had forgotten the specific situation in the dream. I only remembered that for some reason I kept shooting in one direction with a gun, and there were bullet holes all around me. The wooden planks and flying sawdust seemed to be a bar counter. The environment at that time was a bit like a bar...

After I woke up, I was still wondering, wasn't this the person who came to take Lao Qiao to see a doctor?Why go to the bar when you have nothing to do? ! (End of chapter)

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