BDMS Hospital in Chiang Mai is the top private hospital.It can provide world-class medical treatment and care, and has the most advanced equipment in the world...

However, it cannot bring people hope.

When we arrived at the hospital, after the doctor’s diagnosis and numerous instrument tests, we finally came up with an almost despairing result—kidney failure.

I couldn't understand Thai. Even if the doctor changed to English and said it again, I still couldn't understand it.

In the end, the doctor at the hospital had to find a local tour guide who could speak Chinese based on our faces, and he explained the condition clearly. At that moment, my almost dull eyes made me feel extremely numb.

The doctor also asked some other questions, such as: "Has the patient had a fever recently?"

This reminded me of Lao Qiao's cold before, and I told someone: "Yes, it seems to be a cold." Later, the doctor's reply was: "It may not be a cold, it is probably a fever caused by kidney failure."

The doctor also said: "In this case, any treatment method can only maintain the status quo. Based on the patient's age, this condition is almost equivalent to an incurable disease, unless..."

The moment I walked out of the doctor's office, all I could think about was what to do. Once Lao Qiao died, the entire Menneng would fall into disintegrating chaos, and once this chaos occurred, the person who would be most implicated would be me!
At that second, my feet stopped as I walked to the door of the ward. When I pushed open the door of the VIP ward and walked into the room, Xiao Guang took the lead and said hello: "Brother."

Sincerely looked back at me and called: "Boss."

Nawu didn't say anything, and Lao Qiao asked without taking it seriously: "What did the doctor say?"

After I asked this question, everyone's eyes were focused on me.

"The doctor said..." I pondered for a moment: "The fever you had before was probably not caused by a cold, but by kidney failure."

"After such a long period of examination, the hospital's experts also conducted consultations and finally determined the condition. The diagnosis was - renal failure..."

Anyone who encounters this kind of terminal illness will have a big head or two, and may even cry, urinate, and howl. But when Lao Qiao came here, he raised his head and smiled.

Then he responded to me: "So it's okay?"


Your family calls kidney failure okay!

I was looking at Lao Qiao in confusion. I was about to say something, but then I thought about it and replied: "Indeed, nothing happened."

I seem to have forgotten what Lao Qiao does!

I seem to have forgotten what I do!

The only solution for kidney failure in this world is kidney transplantation, and kidney transplantation is nothing for warlords like them.

It's nothing more than finding a few more park configurations and spending some money.

For them, a kidney transplant is just like an old man going to a dentist's office to have his porcelain teeth replaced.

"Then why are you crying so hard?"

Lao Qiao actually still had the heart to tease.

I could only explain: "Old man, why do you keep forgetting how old you are?"

"This is a kidney transplant. How big of an operation is it?"

"What if something happens on the operating table..."

Lao Qiao quickly waved his hand: "Aren't you all here in Chiang Mai?"

"It's not like I can change it now. What do you have to worry about?"

"Even if something happens, I still live and die." Lao Qiao glanced at me and said this.

He is quite open-minded.

"Hey, Yang Rong?"

After Lao Qiao called Menneng, he said to the phone: "Arrange for someone to match me with a transplant. The little mute said that my kidney is not working anymore and I may need a kidney transplant."

For a kidney transplant in a regular hospital, you have to schedule, that is, wait for a kidney source. Once a suitable kidney source is available, you still need to queue up.The selection of kidney sources in regular hospitals is even more cumbersome and troublesome. You have to check whether the donor is a voluntary donation, whether the donated kidney source matches the patient... and whether there is any violation of law...

For Lao Qiao, such a complicated process is just a phone call away!
And when he made such an important call, he didn't go through me, but asked Yang Rong to handle it.

"The three of you make arrangements to see who will keep watch tonight."

After the phone call was completed, I heard Lao Qiao say this.

But this sentence is unclear. Who means keeping vigil?
Do you want to leave only one person behind?
What about the others?
Xiaoguang spoke first: "I'll do it."

Lao Qiao said nothing and looked at me.

All I could say at this point was: "I'll do it."

The next second, Xiaoguang thoughtfully handed over his dick in the ward and said smoothly: "Brother, multiple insurances."

Why do I become more and more confused the more I listen?
As soon as he finished speaking, Nawu on the other side had already helped Lao Qiao up. Lao Qiao lay on Nawu's back and said: "Let's go." At this second, I realized that as a warlord, his What a terrible calculation.

Lao Qiao was afraid that someone would trick him, so he didn't plan to stay in the hospital at all. The main reason for opening this ward was to see if anyone knew about the news of his departure from Menneng and spread the news.

And I have become the bait for fishing. As long as someone comes tonight, no matter what the result of that person is, no matter what the result of mine is, everyone who knows the news will die!
Lao Qiao left, and Nawu, Chengcheng, and Xiaoguang followed him. I was the only one left in the empty VIP ward.


The cell phone rang at this moment. I took it out and took a look. It was a message from Aunt Fang: "What's the matter with you? Did you miss me as a New Year's greeting?"

"How long has it been? If I don't come back, the old lady will explode!"

"By the way, today I made your favorite pickled cabbage stuffed dumplings at home."

I left my phone on the bed. It felt like someone was controlling me, as if someone had put a rope around my neck.

And once I choose to untie this rope, there will be an abyss covered with thorns at my feet!

Putting away the gun Xiaoguang gave me, I sat in the ward and lit a cigarette for myself. The hospital's rule against smoking was no longer important in my eyes. I just wanted to know how I should live in the next few days. .

Yes, my previous thought was that as long as I survived;
Things have changed now. Now I think about how I should live!
Should I continue to be guarded and live like this, or should I take a new path that I can choose?

I seem to be a little overwhelmed by the praise of Old Falcon and the others, or in other words, after Old Qiao, the tiger, became ill, he lost his sense of fear. Things that I didn't even dare to think about before actually emerged little by little in the depths of my mind. , began to take on its initial appearance.

At this moment, the message notification tone came from the phone again.


It was a message from a completely unfamiliar number. I didn’t recognize the number, but from the content, I could still tell who it was at a glance.

"Isn't Lao Qiao ready to ship the goods yet?"

Congratulations Chuntian! (End of chapter)

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