The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 203 I’ve finally waited for you!

"My Mr. Xu, why did you answer the phone?"

Lao Lin was very anxious, but I replied as if I was very calm: "Let's just talk about it."

Lao Lin paused for a moment, then said: "Mr. Xu, this is the situation now. I don't know what happened two days ago. Yang Rong brought a group of people to check everyone's health."

"I also took away some past information."

"It turned out that only two days had passed before he called me to ask for information about 'Aunt Fang'."

"If I hadn't opened the park myself before, knew what it meant, and was familiar with the people on the hospital ship, so I called and asked, I wouldn't have known about Lao Qiao and you going to Thailand from the beginning to the end. This phone call almost scared me to death!"

"They said that Lao Qiao's kidney is broken and he is waiting for a transplant. They also said that there is already a matching case, and that is Aunt Fang, who was examined by Zeng Jiang."

"I'll send you a message or call you immediately, but you said you still didn't answer..."

I held the phone and listened quietly, and only responded after hearing the last sentence: "Old Lin, is the physical examination over?"

Lao Lin responded: "No!"

"Didn't you move all Mengneng's parks into 729 before? Now the 729 park is almost overcrowded. In addition to our four buildings, new buildings are still being built in the park, and those buildings in the past have also been occupied. People, the group of people in white coats are currently shuttled throughout the park, I guess it will be about the same in three or two days."

After saying these words, I took a deep breath and relieved the suppressed emotions in my chest.

If a matching kidney source appears, then this kind of large-scale physical examination should stop. After all, except for Lao Qiao, there is no other purpose that requires such urgent matching of kidney sources.However, the reason why the physical examination has not stopped is probably because Lao Qiao does not want to use Aunt Fang's kidney, which at least makes me feel a little better.


What if after all physical examinations are completed, no second kidney source appears?
"Old Lin, how is your relationship with the people on the hospital ship?"

Lao Lin replied succinctly: "It's all iron."

"Listen, from now on, as soon as the physical examination in the park is over, you will call me immediately to ask for the results. No matter what the results are, you must inform me as soon as possible."

"rest assured."

I hung up the phone and fell into deep thought.

The reason why Lao Lin told me this matter is because he has great benefits here. If Lao Qiao and I fall out because of this matter, he will definitely not care about whose hands I fall into after my fall. , but in the entire park, he is the undisputed No. 1 choice.

Even if Lao Qiao continued to ask, Lao Lin could still stare and say: "I don't know, I just know the news that the kidney source was successfully matched. Of course, I will report this news as soon as possible, and I can report it." It’s Mr. Xu’s place.”

He can pick himself clean!

They are all human beings!

I picked up the phone and dialed my home number...


When Aunt Fang's voice came over the phone, my heart completely returned to my stomach.

"Are you okay at home?"

I just asked, and Aunt Fang started chatting: "Why is everything okay? The old lady is going crazy. Where have you been?" "I have something to do, and I can't go back for the time being."

"Then the old lady is here..."

"You take care of me first."

I can't tell the truth to Aunt Fang, she is still pregnant. All I can do now is look forward to the second kidney source in the park!

"Then when are you coming back?"

I was on the phone when I saw a nurse walking past the door pushing a medicine cart!
"We'll talk later."

I hung up the phone, and the next second, I immediately pulled out my gun and hid behind the wall of the toilet.

There was only one patient, Lao Qiao, in the VIP ward on this entire floor. After arriving, we even made sure to check where the nurse was going with the medicine cart.
Where can she go? !
You can't just push these bottles and jars home and eat them, right?

I waited quietly under the setting sun and the red clouds filled the sky. I even heard the sound of the doors of several other rooms being pushed...

Then there were footsteps. It was obvious that someone entered the VIP ward where there were no patients to explore the situation.

In other words, the people who came only knew the news that Lao Qiao was discharged from the hospital, but did not know which room he lived in... Then he was not Lao Qiao!

Yes, my first thought at the beginning was whether this person was sent by Old Joe to get rid of me!

Because I am dead, he will have no worries if he uses Aunt Fang's kidney again, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Who will send the people? Do you still have to guess?
On the surface, Lao Qiao, who was always on good terms with Da Bao, was forced to cut out all the wings with his own hands, and got rid of Xigu with my hands. As long as the news of his arrival in Thailand could never spread, no matter Da Bao, Either He Chuntian or He Chuntian can't let Old Qiao come back alive. This is an excellent opportunity for them to take back power without spending a single soldier!

In the past, although we were brothers in the same trench, it was necessary to divide the world after victory. However, among the figures in history who can dominate the world, there is only one person who can release his military power over a cup of wine. Looking at the history books, there is only one person. The hero has a good death. Yes, how many more days are there?

What's more, Lao Qiao is still a border official who doesn't listen easily!

In this case, letting him die in Thailand will always be beneficial to Da Bao without any harm. This is a determination that must be made even if we break up.

The news of finding a kidney source was so big that even Lao Lin got the news. How could Boss Da Bao not know about it?
I suddenly remembered that dream, that dream of shooting someone with a gun in a bar...

The footsteps were approaching.

I also heard the sound of the medicine truck knocking open the door. The next second, the sound of rolling wheels came from the toilet at the door. Then, the man didn’t take another step into the house and stuck out the muzzle of his gun along the corner of the wall. , suddenly spitting out fire!
He was scanning blindly, and in this case no one in the room had a chance to fight back!
This gun fired extremely fast, and the muzzle was just a sweep. The place where I was sitting and the entire room were all shot. Then the man kicked the medicine cart and appeared in the corner. Without looking, he opened fire again on the hospital bed!
Sixty-seven rounds of bullets landed on the hospital bed, crumbling the cotton wool of the quilt. After the white bed was covered with bullet holes blackened by gunpowder, I watched helplessly as the Uzi fired all the bullets. .

Click!With a sound, the muzzle of the gun completely lost its flame.

And I was standing behind the wall with my gun pointed straight at the killer's head.

Without any unnecessary movement, I quickly pulled the trigger.

When the bullet penetrated the man's head and came out on the other side of the head, a large amount of blood was sprayed on the entire wall - poof!

The body fell to the ground! (End of chapter)

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