Chapter 204 The kid is tough! (Thank you readers for another 500 tip!!)

This time I pulled the trigger, and there was no more burden in my heart. At the same time, I didn’t even mind the blood. I took the Uzi from the corpse. After removing the magazine, I found a new one from the corpse. After installing the magazine, he poked his head out of the deserted corridor.

Why didn't you leave immediately?

Because I'm afraid there's more than one killer, and I don't believe anyone would be stupid enough to send just one person to kill Lao Qiao.

And within ten seconds of my shooting, there was no scream from the entire corridor. This is very telling, indicating that there are no nurses or security guards alive on the entire floor.

This is a hospital or a VIP ward. Is this common sense?
I walked out of the room, holding the Uzi in one hand in the corridor, and putting the Glock back on my waist with the other hand. I took out my mobile phone and dialed Lao Qiao's phone number. I waited until I heard the voice: "Hello?" Keep moving forward.

"Old Qiao, listen to me..."

"What you expected has happened. Someone came to kill you just now, which made me collapse."

"There are cameras all over the corridors of the hospital. I must have missed it, so I will be chased by a large number of police and may be chased by the remaining people. Please change places quickly. Do you understand?"

I moved forward carefully step by step, leaning sideways so I could see forward and backward.

"I'll have someone pick you up."

Lao Qiao's words put me in a trance. For a moment, I actually felt...

"What are you picking me up for?"

"I don't even know where I'm going. Even if you tell me the pick-up address, I may not be able to get there smoothly in this strange city!"

"Besides, if I fall into the hands of these people, I will definitely not be able to handle it, so you should quickly change places now until I return to Meneng!"


When I passed the door of a ward, a hand stretched out from the ward. This guy grabbed my arm that was talking on the phone. I was so startled that I almost made my eyes pop out.

The moment he dragged me into the ward, the Uzi I had been holding made me pull the trigger. The same second my body turned towards my opponent, the muzzle of the gun spit out tongues of fire - Buzz! !
That guy's body was directly pierced by several bullets. The hospital bed and curtains behind him were full of holes from the bullets that penetrated his body, and they were shaking crazily under my naked eyes.

Poo tom!

When I saw the body fall, I could see clearly the appearance of the person in front of me. He was actually a security guard wearing a security uniform. No wonder he had anticipated that his first action after I passed by was not to shoot, but to reach out to catch me. , this guy isn’t trying to subdue me, is he?
How much the fuck do you make in a month?

People are shooting here and yet they are so desperate!

The security guard held a pistol in his other hand. It was obvious that he simply didn't react as quickly as I did. When he grabbed me into the room, he didn't have time to raise the muzzle of the gun before he was shot dead by the Uzi who squeezed the trigger. .

"Hello? Hello!"

The voice on the phone made me calm down, and when I raised the phone to my ear again: "I'm fine."

"If I can run out, I will call you again. If I can't get out, no matter whose voice comes on the phone, as long as it's not me, Lao Qiao, kill everyone who knows about this for me. !”

I hung up the phone and looked towards the deserted corridor again. When I walked out, I saw the consultation desk before I even took two steps out.There was no one there, but the mottled bloodstains on the ground led to the nurse's station behind the consultation desk. Needless to say, there must be a mess there.

There are four rooms left.

These four rooms were the last steps I took to the stairwell. They were staggered and arranged in a staggered manner. This arrangement not only protected the privacy of the patients in the VIP ward, but also prevented me from being attacked from both sides.

The first one!
I poked out the muzzle and half of my eyes to look into the room. After finding that the room was completely empty, I quickly turned around and crossed the doorway, heading straight for the door of the second ward. But just when I turned around, I unexpectedly I saw hair stubble falling on the glass leading to the stairwell door.

I can't be mistaken, he must be observing me!
And he obviously didn't realize that I had seen all this, so what was he waiting for?
At this time, I happened to pass by the elevator on this floor. There are four elevators in total. One of them has been stopping at this floor, and the other three are all going up. This means that someone is rushing to this floor, because this is the top floor.

I sneered and faced the door of the hospital stairwell, pointed my Uzi at the wooden door in front of me, and squeezed the trigger to death - Buzz!

The person who made this attack plan must have combat experience. His idea should be that when the attacker escapes, he will press the elevator. When the elevator door opens, a gun will be poked out, and there will be a gun in front of the back door. The guy will choose to fire from both sides while flanking.

This is probably why the guy hiding at the door didn't fire, but kept observing.

When the Uzi's muzzle burst into flames, countless eggshells scattered at my feet. The bullets turned into countless powerful flames and passed through the wooden door. The guy squatting behind the wooden door fell to the ground instantly!

When the Uzi bullets were empty, I immediately dropped the gun in my hand, picked up my clothes and pulled out the Glock, and fired at the elevator door again - bang!Bang bang!Bang bang!

This is a hospital, a place where people come and go. How could the elevator door get stuck on the top floor and not move?
I don't believe there's no one here, even if there's no one, I still have to take a few shots first! !
For today's battle, I have to thank Burea for imparting battlefield common sense. Although this kid usually behaves with little care, if you just put a gun in his arms, this guy will be a master.

He can analyze the battlefield environment as quickly as possible, find the best ambush position in the vast mountains as soon as possible, and make the most accurate judgment based on everything in the jungle. In his words: "When you If you find anything wrong, your first reaction should definitely not be to check, but to open fire!"

The elevator door was penetrated by bullets not just on one side, but on both sides, because I couldn't tell which side the people in the elevator were hiding on.

It wasn't until I saw a light source coming out of the bullet hole penetrated by the bullet, and there was a guy in a black suit falling down with another Uzi in the bullet hole, that I sighed.

This journey was so thrilling. If I hadn’t developed my fast-paced reflexes in 729 and practiced shooting with Boureat, I would have died today. That security guard alone might have killed me.

But until I quickly rushed out of the elevator and ran down the stairs, I was still wondering...

The people who came to assassinate Lao Qiao today were obviously not of high quality. They didn't look like people who had come off the battlefield at all. They looked a bit like people who had never been on the battlefield at all and were just gangsters who wandered the streets on weekdays.

Only this kind of person would squat at the door and ambush, and only this kind of person would think that the elevator door can stop bullets. This is obviously because he has watched too many movies!
In other words, the person who made the plan must have a brain and money, otherwise he would not be worthy of a weapon like the Uzi, and this is in Chiang Mai;
However, his power cannot extend to Thailand, otherwise it would be impossible to use this kind of manpower to touch Lao Qiao. This kind of person who can't even defeat me, wouldn't it be nonsense to touch Lao Qiao?
I don’t feel like Mr. Big Bag...

A bit like He Chuntian.


I did not go downstairs directly, but stopped on the three floors below the top floor, pushed open the stairwell door and entered the floor...

This group of devils with guns are easy to dispatch, but the policemen who are rushing upstairs are difficult to deal with.

 Thanks to 'reader 1707691210324893696' brother for another 500 reward!

(End of this chapter)

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