Chapter 205 scared me to death!
Squatting down, keeping his body low, he raised his hands and shouted at the same second as he entered the floor: "There's a shooting upstairs!"


After I entered the floor with empty hands, I started yelling and rolling around on my hands and feet.

Because I know one thing, that is, when you appear in this world as a weak person, as long as you are among the crowd, someone will definitely save you as a strong person.

So, I saw a man in a white coat rushing out from the consultation desk. He pulled me by the shoulders and dragged me into the nurse's station.

At that second, there were all people in front of me, including nurses wearing nurse uniforms, doctors wearing white coats, patients wearing hospital gowns, and family members wearing regular clothes like me.

However, all of them were looking at me with horrified eyes, and I, leaning against the wall, looked at everyone and took a big breath, trying my best to make my chest rise and fall with every breath, and then I made these people's His eyes slowly moved away.

I shared their nervousness of fitting into the environment and being treated as one of the same kind.

This floor is the examination floor of the inpatient department of the hospital. All blood tests, MRI, and color ultrasound examinations must be done here. When Lao Qiao first entered the hospital, we used a wheelchair to push him here. It is precisely because of this treatment that the swelling in Lao Qiao's legs gradually reduced.

"What's going on upstairs?"

The doctor who dragged me here asked me.

Only then did I see clearly that although the doctor was wearing a white coat, she was actually a woman. No wonder she struggled so hard to pull me.

I looked at her with wide eyes, unable to understand any of the Thai words in this woman's mouth and unable to answer.

Then she asked again in English.

At this time, a young man in regular clothes translated for the doctor.

I quickly explained with gestures: "I am a Chinese traveling to Chiang Mai. After my friend was hospitalized... After my friend from the same tour group was hospitalized, he asked me to deliver something from the hotel, but I remembered the wrong floor. , went to the top floor, and heard gunshots the second the elevator door opened..."

"I watched a man die in front of me and blocked the elevator door, and then I ran down the stairwell with all my strength!"

For a smart person, the lies he tells will be extremely detailed. Even if the lie is just a temporary one, it can increase the authenticity through this method.

But if you ask me to tell this lie again, I might become awkward. Moreover, after I tell the lie, I will keep looking at the doctor in front of me to confirm the expression on his face before going to see other people.

The man who spoke Chinese looked disgusted: "I'm asking you what happened upstairs!"

I said very excitedly: "How the hell did I know? After I saw the dead person, I was so frightened that my hair was all covered with hair. I had no time to find out what happened."

The emotion matched the scene, but the real reason for my emotion was undeniable!
One person's doubts set off a chain reaction that I had to completely suppress with emotion.

The added phrase "I was so scared that my hair was all covered with melon seeds" is slightly humorous. This kind of situation usually only happens in movies. Otherwise, when a normal person describes this kind of scene, he will only use the palest language in fear. Say everything.

And I wasn't as scared as I acted at all.

The group of non-professionals in front of me would certainly not be able to tell if there was anything wrong with my expressions and words. What I needed was to blend in with the crowd.

At this time, I heard the sound of the elevator, and then I saw a group of policemen dressed in black walking in with guns.

Only then did I hear the doctor shout: "Officer!"

A Thai policeman came over, and the others were checking each room. When he saw the doctor, he did not have any suspicion. After all, there were so many people in the room.

"Doctor, are you all okay?" the policeman asked in a very ordinary way. When he saw the doctor nodding, he heard the other party say: "The gunshots were not heard from our floor. By the way, we have a man here." People who see the live environment.”

He pointed at me.

The policeman came towards me: "Don't be nervous, tell me what happened?"

This time my answer was much more concise: "Officer, the gunfire was on the top floor. I took the elevator to the wrong floor, but as soon as the elevator door opened, there was a body stuck at the elevator door. This made me unable to get up or get off." Not going."

"Then I heard the gunshot and saw the blood from the body flowing into the elevator."

"I was scared. When the gunfire stopped, I rushed into the elevator and ran all the way down!"

The policeman suddenly looked at me and asked, "Then why don't you run to the first floor?"

I answered seriously: "I'm scared, I heard footsteps in the stairwell."

The policeman smiled, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, that's one of our people." After saying that, he glanced at the family member of the patient who helped translate, and clasped his hands to express his gratitude.


The officer said to the policeman beside him: "Take this gentleman and everyone else downstairs to take notes, and use the stairwell!"

A very young police officer rushed down with a gun and grabbed my wrist. Then he turned to everyone and said, "Everyone, follow me."

When we walked to the corridor, the police officer shouted to the patients who had been cleared out on the entire floor: "Everyone follow me downstairs and accept unified management. Hurry!"

The police officers took us all the way down the stairs. In my judgment, the reason why these police officers arrived so quickly must be because the police officers stationed in this hospital chose to go to the hospital as soon as the gunfire rang out. The reason for requesting additional personnel is that in this case, they will be the first to evacuate patients and medical staff, and are unlikely to check the monitoring first.

Therefore, this is the best time to mislead others.

At this moment, I also completely understood the reason why bad people are mentally stronger than good people. This is tempered by the emergencies that may be encountered at every moment.

When I got downstairs, I saw a large number of Thai special police officers surrounding the entire building. A man who looked like a commander was looking at the architectural drawings of the building.

"Sir, there is a family member of a patient who has experienced an emergency at the scene who can briefly describe the scene to you!"

So, with the help of the Thai policeman and the translator, I once again described the situation inside in front of an off-road vehicle.

At the same time, I heard a voice coming from the intercom: "Sir, a body was found in the stairwell on the top floor..."

At this second, I saw the family member of the patient who knew Chinese lighting a cigarette for himself. I leaned over and said, "Brother, can you give me one?"

The man said nothing and handed over the cigarette case.

The two of us lit cigarettes in the crowd of patients and medical staff...

"Smoking outside, you can't see the patients here!" A nurse scolded both of us very harshly.

I looked at the translator next to me, and the patient's family member said, "Smoking is not allowed in the hospital."

I quickly responded: "Then let's smoke outside. I just happened to buy a box."

Just like that, I strode out of the hospital gate without anyone stopping me along the way. While the translator was smoking at the door, I walked slowly to the supermarket nearby and plunged into the small supermarket along the entrance. After entering the alley completely, I took off my legs and ran all the way. At that moment, the rabbits were all my grandsons!
(End of this chapter)

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