Chapter 210 Mute (Thanks to Z888-88888 for the 1666 reward!!)

On the phone, there was only one word from He Chuntian - wait.

Seeing this word means that He Chuntian told me everything personally.

Yes, he is very showy. The last time he came here, he took a helicopter, which represented his status as the son-in-law of the Wa State.

However, he didn't bring troops with him last time, and no one followed him. In this case, even if he waited for the helicopter on duty to come back, how long could he wait?
Isn't he anxious?

Don’t you feel anxious after seeing a product with a purity of over 90%?

Now that you know that Meng Neng is in a vacuum state, aren't you anxious?

If Dana He was as anxious as fire, who would be waiting for this word?
No need to ask, it must be Mr. Bao who is waiting.

Only the transfer of Mr. Bao takes time. He has to deploy troops to escort him and arrange everything.

Then wait.

Under the starry sky, I sat at the door of my former thatched house, looking at the green plants on the top of the mountain in the distance that had been blown down time and time again by the wind and then stubbornly straightened up. At this moment, I put my elbows back and leaned against the trees. On the doorstep.

At that time, the wind in the Southeast Asian rainforest was very refreshing. Even in this season, it still carried a moist air. When it blew on people, it could still make you feel layers of moisture.

The last time I came here, I seemed to have forgotten to feel these things during the crisis. Now that I have time, I started to feel that this thing has a different flavor again.

"elder brother."

Burea came over late at night.

He leaned his head on the handrail of the stairs, put his hands in his pockets and said, "I forgot to ask during the day, how is Old Qiao's illness?"

"Didn't you go to Chiang Mai to see a doctor? What did the doctor say?"

I straightened up, reached into Burea's jacket pocket and took out a cigarette, lit it and responded: "Kidney failure."

"The doctor said we need to find a kidney source as soon as possible and prepare for a kidney transplant."

Bujea nodded: "I know this disease."

"you know?"

I turned to look at him. I didn't expect this guy who squatted in the mountains all day long to know this stuff.

Brea explained: "This thing is divided into acute and chronic. The acute disease will occur suddenly. Generally speaking, the doctor will directly tell you that you have reached the end of your life. In this case, it is impossible to wait for elimination." For those who are undergoing kidney transplantation, this disease will almost become terminal. If they want to live, they can only undergo dialysis."

"Chronic ones are more cruel, allowing you to watch your body gradually develop lesions. Ordinary people like us cannot afford to treat them. Even if we have time to wait for a kidney transplant, we may not be able to afford such a large sum of money for surgery. fee."

"Sincerely, there are people in their village who have suffered from this disease. Their feet are swollen like elephants in Thailand, and they have to endure the excruciating pain to come here to make money. I asked at the time, do you think this disease is quite scary, and... It’s better to just die.”

"Sincerely was the one in their village. Later, in order to relieve the pain, he injected himself with acupuncture and used a small amount of happiness as medicine to kill himself."

"At that time, the place where the needle was inserted was black. The doctor said that this was the result of the decline of kidney function and the inability to secrete toxins, causing the toxins that cause little happiness to accumulate in the body for a long time."

What he said is really what happened.

"Brother, is this chronic for Old Qiao? Otherwise, how could he have the intention to discuss business there?"

I suddenly turned my head and looked at Burea: "What do you mean?"

"Why are you always testing me when you have nothing to do!"

Burea looked over in confusion and felt aggrieved: "I didn't..."

"I've been a thief, I've been a thief, I've been a thief, I've been a thief, I've been a thief, and I've made you go back and forth again and again?"

"If you have any doubts in your mind, why don't you drive out by yourself and call Lao Qiao?" After saying that, I got up and walked into the house.

It was as if someone had grabbed my tail, and I instantly couldn't control my emotions. I became angry. Although I later saw Burea's grievance from his expression, I couldn't explain anything at this time.

I started playing on my mobile phone while lying on the bed. Although there was no signal for the mobile phone in this place and the mobile phone could not connect to the Internet, some small games on the mobile phone could still be played. For example, there was a very popular stand-alone game called "Find Your Sister".

But at this time, I had no intention of immersing myself in the game. I just wanted to have something to do when Bugea looked over.

Because I have been living in lies even though I know that lies are the highest cost, and now I have to use lies to deceive Bujea.

What's wrong with me?
Do I want more than just the word 'freedom'?
After doing this, you should be able to get your 'freedom' back, right?You should be able to leave with my mother and pregnant aunt, right?Why aren't you happy at all?

I closed my eyes and wanted to look at my heart again. I found that the place in my heart that should have been flowing like a river and that I was completely relieved after spending ten years in prison had completely changed.

It has become densely covered with thorns, and if you are not careful, you will get pricked all over your body.

I continue to move forward, wanting to hear my own voice, wanting to hear the word 'freedom' that I have always longed for, to confirm my firmness.

But when I got closer, I saw another version of myself inside that was screaming hard but still unable to make a sound.

I stared at the shape of his mouth carefully. It was not 'freedom', at least it was completely different from 'freedom'. When I thought about it carefully, after imagining all the words that could be connected in my life, I suddenly realized that, What he most likely shouted was - Meng Neng!
I opened my eyes at once.

Then he took a big breath.

It was already late at night outside the window, and when the images in the dream came back to my mind, I finally figured it out.

Isn't that person who screams hard but can't make a sound a mute?

Beep, beep, beep.

phone call.

When I heard this voice, I took the lead in looking into the thatched house and looked at the room where Lao Qiao had lived.

Boureia yawned and walked out of the house, and this guy walked in wearing a pair of underpants, his strong muscles shining in the moonlight.And when I watched him walk out of the room where Lao Qiao lived, I opened my mouth and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Bujea rubbed his eyes and responded: "Brother, it's not Lao Qiao."

After saying that, he walked over barefoot and stood outside the window and said, "Yang Rong said that the Wa State is in trouble. He said that President Bao may conduct irregular inspections after the new year to make preparations for various places."

"Don't worry, there are more than a dozen similar things coming to Menneng every year, but Dabao never comes to Mengneng."

This time, it was different.

There are irregular inspections, probably in the past few days. The so-called "getting all places ready" is confusing language. Anyway, this is how it is usually issued...

I raised my head and glanced at Burea: "Aren't you angry?"

Bujehan smiled and responded: "I'm not angry."

I didn't quite understand and asked, "I'm angry at you for no reason. Are you really not angry?"

"Old Qiao is very suspicious. He usually doesn't let his subordinates ask each other about many things. Brother, I understand that you are under a lot of pressure. You were talking in your sleep just now."

The veins on my forehead popped up, and I asked again: "What did you say?"

"Say, 'Bure'a, don't worry, I will definitely be worthy of you.'" After saying that, Bure'a was happy, very happy, and turned around and walked back to the room with laughter.

I don't dare to sleep at all!

(End of this chapter)

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