The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 211 Who are you waiting for?

In the early morning, when the sun shines, a layer of white mist rises in the rain forest. It is formed by last night's dew as the temperature rises. It looks very beautiful, but if you want to walk in at this time, it will be extremely uncomfortable.

I'm smoking.

Because there is nothing else to do.

But when I saw Tu Guang, who had gotten up early, walking out of the house, the first thing that caught my eye was the huge dark circles under his eyes.

"Didn't sleep well?"

I asked this question.

This time Tu Guangguang was smarter and didn't get stubborn with me. He covered his neck and said back: "The bed is too hard."

Next, the one who got up was the sincerity who dared to turn his back and pee as long as he saw the wall, no matter whether anyone was watching or not.

While I was sincerely peeing, I said to Tu Guang: "Meng Neng called me last night, saying that it was Wen'er who had just come from the Wa State, and Dabao would probably inspect various places after the new year to prepare everyone. "

Tu Guang looked at me in disbelief: "Brother, things have come to this, why are you still thinking about Meng Neng?"

"Me?" I looked at Tu Guang.

Tu Guang lowered his voice and said in my ear: "Brother, you just have to write your thoughts on your face."

"Fuck off."

I smiled and cursed at Tu Guang, and said, "No matter whose turn it is for Meng Neng at this stage, it won't be my turn."

As we were talking, suddenly there was a strange sound in the surrounding mountains and forests, as if there was a "whispering" sound coming from all the surrounding trees.

I looked up and thought about the mountains around me. Burea was like a frightened bird at this moment. He quickly walked out of the room and shouted outside the courtyard: "First Battalion, be alert!!"

At that moment, the originally loose village completely changed.

Everyone entered their assigned positions and faced the mountain with their guns in hand.

The heavy machine guns in the village raised their muzzles one after another!

Burea also became a real soldier. He stood in the courtyard and kept giving orders. He no longer had that innocence.

"problem occurs."

Bourgea looked at me and said: "It is estimated that all our sentries have been touched."

I turned to look at Bougea. After he glanced at me, he reached into his pocket and took a handful. He handed me the key to a pickup truck and said four Arabic numerals: "0726."

That was the license plate number of a pickup truck parked outside the compound.

The next second, the roar of a car resounded throughout the valley. From the sound of the car, it sounded like an American model. The agitation of the nouveau riche did not have the slightest bit of mechanical beauty of the German cars. It was like the roar of a red-necked car.

It's Ford.

A Ford car drove over from far away. The moment it stopped at the entrance of the village, the green soldiers in the back of the car jumped out one after another. They wore the same military uniforms as the green soldiers in the village. The difference was that the green soldiers on their arms were There is an extra armband, which seems to symbolize his identity as a guard.

Congratulations Chuntian!
He Chuntian, who was in the driver's seat, opened the door and got out of the car. When he walked in with the officer in the passenger seat, he always walked in front, while the officer behind him deliberately lagged behind, as if to prove the asymmetry of their identities. .

He just walked over without fear of threats at gunpoint, and the elite soldiers behind him didn't take this scene seriously at all.

But I didn't keep my eyes on them at all, and looked expectantly at the road they came from.

"Little dumb!"

He Chuntian was wearing an expensive suit and laughed loudly. He was holding a Wenwan bracelet in his hand and kept twisting it. He came to my side and patted my shoulder twice with his not very strong hand.

"why you?"

I looked at him in surprise.

He Chuntian asked knowingly: "Otherwise, who are you waiting for?"

Bujea looked at him: "Are all your people outside?"

He Chuntian put the thumb and index finger of his other hand in his mouth, and then, a crisp whistle sounded throughout the valley!In an instant, countless green soldiers with guns appeared on the mountains around the village. We were surrounded, completely surrounded! !


Burea put the gun directly on He Chuntian's head and said fiercely: "Don't move."

He Chuntian ignored him: "Where is the goods?" He looked at me.

At that moment, Brzea, who was standing next to me, looked over in disbelief, then quickly took a step back, used his other hand to reach behind his waist and took out his gun. This was the first time I saw him. The gun on my body was also aimed at me.

"what happened?"

I looked at He Chuntian and responded: "You can't control Meng Neng."

He Chuntian asked me: "Then you still call me?"

In the peripheral vision, Zhenzhen bent over and touched the base of the back wall of the room. He raised his arm towards Burea, who was holding a gun in both hands, and then locked the opponent's throat with his arm. He held the back of his head with his other hand and held it with both hands. Not even five seconds after the buckle, Bujea's eyelids rolled up and he fell down while shaking.

At the same time, Tu Guang went over and snatched the gun from Burea's hand, and Zhencheng also let go of his hand at this time.

He went into shock.

Brea lay motionless on the ground.

The gun in Tu Guang's hand was pressed against my head in the blink of an eye.

"do not move!"

I said this, pointing at Zhenli with my index finger, because I saw him reaching for his lower back. This guy was already planning to fight.

But I was completely relieved.

The big package always comes.

The designation has come.

Otherwise, there would be no formations of green-skin soldiers all over the mountains and fields.

It’s just that I don’t know where he is hiding and how he is watching our communication.

"What about the goods?"

When He Chuntian asked me the second question, I still didn't speak.

I'm thinking about how big packets always work when the signal is completely blocked...

I looked at the Ford car at the door.

"I asked you where the goods are!"

He Chuntian became angry under my neglect, but I was not afraid of danger in this environment.

I walked to the color steel room and knocked on the door outside the color steel room a few times like Boureat. When the man in a white coat opened the door and showed his head to watch tremblingly, I said: "Bring it with you." Get the equipment and goods out and test them again.”

When the person in the color steel room came out with the testing equipment, he looked up at the nearby mountains. The green soldiers all over the mountains and plains made his feet unsteady. The equipment in his hand almost fell to the ground, and he shook for a moment. , stood up reluctantly, and then placed these things on the stone table in the courtyard.

Next, no one paid attention to me.

He Chuntian's eyes were fixed on the white coat. After testing the purity of 90.36% again through the same testing procedure as before...

Just as he was about to reach out and touch the detection equipment, I pulled out the gun right next to him, and bang!
The muzzle of the gun roared, and the bullets hit the table and scattered stone fragments.

"I told you, don't move!" At this time, I was completely different from Tu Guang who was aiming his gun at my head!
He Chuntian's hand stopped in the air, and he felt the fear that he might die under my gun at any time, because my gun never threatens others' heads!
He Chuntian slowly turned his head and looked at me: "Do you know how irrational you are now?"


All the surrounding green soldiers with armbands raised their guns, and at that second they simultaneously released the safety. (End of chapter)

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