I didn't take it seriously.

I picked up the testing equipment and was about to walk out of the hospital, but Tu Guang stood in front of me with his gun raised.

Under the sun, the mist in the mountain forest slowly dispersed. At that moment, the surrounding mountains were all exposed to the sun. Green soldiers stood in every gap between the mountains and forests, with great momentum.


I carried the testing equipment and looked at Tu Guang in front of me: "I will give you this chance. In a moment, I will walk in front of you. You have two choices, either shoot or get out. If you are still like now If you both stand in front of me, then we two brothers will have nothing to say, do you understand?"

After I finished speaking, I knocked Tu Guang's shoulder away at gunpoint, and walked towards the Ford outside the village gate without looking back.

"Mr. Bao, I brought the things."

The privacy window was lowered, and a dark face appeared in the car. He sat in the back seat of the car, put his elbow on the window, turned to look at me and asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

Holding the testing equipment in hand, I answered, "I was afraid before."

"But it didn't seem to be of any use. The more afraid you were, the more people thought it would be able to deal with you. Then I wasn't afraid anymore."

I lifted the device up.

Mr. Dabao looked at the words that had not disappeared on the device and smiled.

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Mr. Dabao finished reading the data on the testing equipment and looked at me again along the car window.

"Not afraid."

Here is my answer.

"It's not unfair for Old Qiao to die in your hands."

Da Bao always moved his shoulders, and I immediately threw the testing equipment into the grass beside me and reached out to open the car door.

Dabao was always surprised by my exquisite appearance. Even though the car door had been opened, he still sat there and looked at me.

Only then did I answer the previous sentence: "Old Qiao is wronged."

"Tell me about it." Mr. Da Bao seemed to be very interested in what I said.

I continued: "Old Qiao's health is failing. We secretly left Menneng to go to Chiang Mai for treatment. The doctor diagnosed him as renal failure and required a kidney transplant."

"It turned out to be a match for my woman."

Dabao always looked at me, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"My woman is pregnant."

He suddenly took a breath and looked towards the sky.

"If I don't kill Lao Qiao, I, my woman, my unborn child, and my mother will all die."

"You are different, Mr. Da Bao. You just want me to die. There is no need to touch my family."

Mr. Big Bao stared at me again, looked at me in confusion and asked, "What did you say?"

I licked my lips slightly: "None of my contribution to Da Bao can be put on the table, whether it is goods with a purity of more than 90%, nor production methods, sales, and transportation routes; none of them can be put on the table;"

"Including the biggest credit, killing Lao Qiao."

"If Mr. Bao promoted me because of this matter, the people below can't keep their mouths shut. In their eyes, I just killed Lao Qiao, who conquered the world for you. This is clearly a crime, not a merit."

"But if you kill me, Da Bao will always be able to gain a reputation."

"This is called avenging brothers, upholding justice for the Wa State, punishing evil, and maintaining public order in Meng Neng."

"So I'm dead."

"Then what am I afraid of?"

Up to this point, Mr. Big Bao had not said a word. I guessed that I seemed to have told the entire meeting that he had summoned heads of parties from all parties to discuss in his office after learning about the incident.

Finally, Boss Dabao spoke, but only half a sentence: "What the hell..."

"Then you still haven't run away?" Mr. Big Bao asked, seemingly incomprehensible.I responded respectfully: "I can run, but how can my wife and my mother run away? If I stay, my wife, my mother, and the unborn child will have a chance to live."

"Mr. Bao, I only have one request. Before I die, you let my family members return to China."

"no problem."

He agreed very happily, and even extended his hand to me when he got out of the car.

I supported my fat bag and got out of the car...

Immediately, he turned around and asked, "How did you know I was coming?"

I pointed at the green-skinned soldiers all over the mountains and plains, and then said, "He Chuntian is not worthy."

"Now I understand why He Shen is favored."

I quickly shook my head: "I am just Li Lianying at best."

Dabao never heard that I was cursing.

He strode towards the village. Just as I thought, he was a man who wanted stability. Every step he took was very steady, and there was not even a hint of impatience in his steps.

And when he entered the village, the soldiers at the village gate unknowingly loosened their grip on the handle of the gun, and twisted their chins to follow Mr. Da Bao's advancing figure.

"All of you, come out."

After Mr. Bao entered the courtyard, he raised his finger towards the colored steel room, and He Chuntian quickly shouted something inside.

From the colorful steel room, several people in white coats came out and stood in a row in front of Mr. Bao.

He Chuntian made a superfluous move and brought a stool from the side, causing Mr. Big Bao to glare at him fiercely.

This is the time when Da Bao always wants to lecture you. What are you trying to do?
Mr. Big Bao stood there and asked the people in white coats amiably: "Did you do all this?"

None of those people dared to open their mouths.

After being stunned for ten seconds, I explained: "Mr. Bao, this batch of goods was developed by a chemical 'cook' from China. The process of making it was photographed by Lao Qiao. They were completely Follow the example of a gourd and draw a scoop."

I know the timing of opening my mouth just right. If it's too early, I'll be embarrassed. If it's too late, I'll always be embarrassed.

Dabao always wonders how I know this matter so clearly: "Where's the video?"

"It's being kept by Old Qiao. I guess it's in his villa in Menneng. When the big bag arrives in Menneng, I should be able to find something if I search the villa."

"You have to search carefully."

Boss Dabao asked He Chuntian, "Can it be done?"

He Chuntian immediately responded: "Yes!"


He Chuntian turned around and was about to leave, but I immediately stopped and then looked at Mr. Bao calmly.

Mr. Big Bao seemed to suddenly react: "Don't go, I'll go there myself."

He Chuntian gave me a hard look.

But Mr. Big Bao cursed in disgust: "I saved my life, what's that look in your eyes?"

"If you find this thing and anything happens to it in the future, I will be the first to kill you!"

Lao Qiao didn't let anyone touch this thing, and Boss Dabao naturally didn't let anyone touch it either. He just sent out the errands out of habit without thinking clearly.My call to stop was to give Boss Da Bao more time to think about it...

Can't say that.

Mr. Big Bao would never say that this thing was something that his own father and even his son would not trust. He changed the topic and found a grand reason to put it directly on He Chuntian's head. It sounded so pleasant to the ear.

Because he was talking about the future.

At the same second, Dabao stood in the courtyard like an emperor and looked at all the green-skinned soldiers in the village. He shouted with great momentum: "United Wa State Army, [-]st Battalion, disarm!"

These words were like an imperial edict, causing greenskin soldiers all over the mountains and plains to rush down the hillside, while Lao Qiao's most elite battalion had completely lost any consciousness of resistance. (End of chapter)

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