The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 221 That doesn’t mean anything!

I remember that even when I was having the worst time, I didn’t take this stuff seriously in the park. So why am I still upset after Aunt Fang clicked on it today?
Aunt Fang really didn't say much else. She took a shower, put on her pajamas, and lay next to me. She leaned on the bed and kept scrolling through her phone as if nothing happened.

This night...

I was as scared as a thief of what she would do. I was thinking of one set of excuses after another, and I was so stunned that I almost fell asleep.

It wasn't until I opened my eyes again in the morning that I tiptoed away from Aunt Fang like a cat. At that time, I heard a laugh, "Puff. The bed is beautiful.

It turns out that this is the energy exuded by the identity of the main palace...

I am leaving.

Gently closing the door, it was as if I owed Aunt Fang another debt in the account book.

In the early morning, as soon as I walked out of the house, the 57 that I almost forgot where I threw it was parked in front of my house. I just ran towards the car and walked over. The old hawk leaned out of the car and opened the door.

"Mr. Xu."

Good guy, Old Harrier's face was stained, three paw prints were clearly visible under his eyes, and the newly formed blood scabs were hanging there.

I looked at his face and scolded him: "What's the matter with you?"

"Don't I just ask you to find someone to send you some clothes? What do you mean?"

"Did you know that that girl asked me to nail her to the wall yesterday?"

The old kite's face was almost distorted. He turned around and held up the hand that I had chopped off: "Mr. Xu, why don't you act so obediently if you don't get such a bargain?"

"You call me here, and my aunt and sister are here. What do you want to do?"

"Look at this scratch for me!"

I felt embarrassed and laughed, leaning on the passenger seat and tilting my head with a smile.

The old falcon sighed and said: "After the person has gone, I will react."

"My eldest sister-in-law is not a famous beauty in Meng Neng. Besides, you two have never been in contact with each other. When we were chatting, I told her that she was opening a clothing store in Meng Neng. At that time, it was because you said you two There was a woman in the park who used to run a clothing store, so we started chatting, how could you possibly mean that."

"But... I was already on the verge of getting fucked. I'm going to call again to explain the situation. Maybe you two will be in bed when I answer the phone. What else could I say?"

"The mute should eat Coptis chinensis."

"I came to pick you up this early in the morning and even scolded you..."

The old harrier felt aggrieved. After lighting a cigarette for himself, he handed the cigarette case to me and asked, "Where are we going?"

I look at him...

"Are you here to inquire about information?"

The old falcon shook his head: "No need to explore."

"After the night before yesterday, if you can give me that phone call, that's news."

The old falcon is still smarter than the average person. What happened yesterday may have been caused by the pressure of the environment, which caused his brain to fail.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, what should we do with Tu Gang?"

I had completely forgotten about this person.

"Where are the others?"

The old harrier said as if he had no idea: "I heard that after Zhenzhen was slaughtered yesterday, others asked me to suppress it."

"Did you hold someone down?"

"Well, right at the 'Night Show', I told him, 'Mr. Xu asked us to go out and do some errands.' He had nothing in his mind, so he just opened the door and walked out, so I took the gun and put it on him. He's tied up in Yexiu's warehouse."

I thought about it for a moment: "Hand the person over to the Judicial Committee. Let's go to the security camp now."


After he simply agreed, he drove out of the villa area. At that time, I happened to see the charging pile that had been erected in front of our house, and the Tesla that I thought only women could drive.

"Have you ever thought about the future?" I asked formally in the car.

The old harrier slowly turned his head while driving the car. After only glancing at me, he turned his head back and looked at the street.

In his eyes, there is no need to think about my future. This sentence must be about Meng Neng's future.

He didn't look at me, turned the steering wheel slowly, and replied: "I thought about it yesterday when I had nothing to do."

"Tell me."

"I estimate that the Wa State has become a quarrel now."

"Master Bao is persuading the Wa generals to raise troops. He can only do this..."

"The others are telling him how cruel 'Old Qiao' is. If he rashly raises an army, Da Bao will most likely lose his life."

"It's not so much that these people don't want to send troops to rescue Mr. Bao, it's better to say that they just don't want to be the first to join Mr. Bao in throwing their troops into the battlefield, and they all want to preserve their strength until the war that is about to start. "

I interrupted him at this time: "Battlefield?"

The old hawk nodded.

"How can there be a discussion in this world without fighting?"

"If Master Bao doesn't lead troops to attack Menneng City, I guess Lao Qiao won't even pay attention to him."

But I put my hands on the back of my head and responded: "How can it be possible to fight..."

The old harrier was completely dissatisfied with my judgment and immediately said: "Bet ten."



At that second, the car drove into the security camp. The green soldiers in the security camp were carrying buckets and looking at three majestic armored vehicles. These things are a big killer in the jungle!
When we parked the car, the courtyard had lost the bustle of yesterday, but the slaughtered bodies were still lying in the courtyard.

"what happened?!"

After I got out of the car, I grabbed an greenskin soldier and pointed at the body and asked.

The green-skinned soldier was obviously stunned and explained: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Qiao won't let you move. He said that everyone who comes in and out will look"

I let go of my hand and walked towards the security camp office building.

Fourth floor.

Sesuo's office has been completely occupied. Lao Qiao was sitting on his desk in the office making a phone call: "No problem, money is not a problem. As long as you have the goods, it doesn't matter how you do it. It will be delivered to Mengneng in the same second. I’ll send the money…”

As soon as I entered the room, Lao Qiao stretched out an index finger and pressed it on his lips. Then he quickly moved away and continued talking to the phone: "You don't need to tell me the model number..."

"This is Myanmar, and what I need is weapons that are durable and powerful enough."

"By the way, I heard that there is another thing that installs a flamethrower on an armored vehicle? I want that too. I want ten of those armored vehicles."

The old harrier turned his head and glanced at me, with a smug smile on his face.

After a while, Lao Qiao finally hung up the phone.

After the call was made, Lao Qiao pointed at me and said, "Let your people prepare, we will ship the goods at any time."

The old harrier opened his mouth in disbelief and asked: "Isn't there going to be a war?"

Lao Qiao asked: "Who told you that there was going to be a war?"

The old harrier pointed at the phone: "What is this?"

"I'm telling the entire Wa State that I'm going to fight."

"Doesn't that mean something?"

I patted his shoulder: "That's not what you meant." (End of Chapter)

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