The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 222 What does Jin Yiwei do?

Chapter 222 What does Jin Yiwei do?

Lao Qiao's intention was very clear, he was going to start flexing his muscles.

He also took into account the current situation of the Wa State. The current situation of the Wa State is that if Master Bao does not come to fight Meng Neng, he will be cowardly; but if he comes to fight, he must be unfilial.

In this environment, he had to shout the slogan "Welcome the Second Saint to Return to the DPRK". Only in this way can he fully prove the legitimacy of his takeover of the Wa State.

But who wants to come to Fengbo Pavilion at this time?

If he loses, he is a sinner for the ages. If he wins the twelve gold medals, Yue Fei is a hero. The question is, who is willing to die and come back as a hero at this time?
This is not a battlefield where the national war of resistance is glorified. This is Southeast Asia where everyone is living for their own selfish interests!

Is there any need to think about the atmosphere inside the Wa State?
It was designated that as soon as the meeting was held, everyone was in a state of excitement; as soon as the troops were announced, they started to pull the strings. Either the supplies were not enough today, or the weapons were aging tomorrow, whatever it was, they would delay it as long as possible.

Otherwise, Dabao could sneak into Meng Neng with his men and horses in three days and catch the village by surprise. How come he still couldn't hear any movement at this time?
At this time, let Lao Qiao and Master Bao fight. Is he stupid?Wouldn't that force a group of people who want to retreat to risk their lives with you?

Wouldn't it be better if he stood on the outside and shouted "I'm your mother", waiting for you to fall apart one by one in the meeting?

If I were Lao Qiao, I would even set up ambushes on the only way to go through the Wa State. If I really encounter someone who dares to set foot in Meng Neng with the slogan of "Welcome His Majesty's relatives and return to the court", he will be a big mouth. , give him a swollen mouth first.

Therefore, I concluded that Lao Qiao couldn't fight, so I bet [-] bucks with Lao Yaoying, and he even kicked me.

"Old Joe."

The office door was pushed open again. After pushing it open, Banbra knocked on the door.

Behind him are Saisuo from the security camp and Gato from the Judicial Committee.

This is my first time meeting Gato. In the past, when I went to the Judicial Committee, no matter whether I was doing business or visiting Lao Qiao, I hardly communicated with the top leaders.

"You're here just in time, everyone is seated."

When everyone sat down on the sofa, and I was about to sit down, Lao Qiao actually gave me a gouging look...

What do you mean?
Is there no room for me in the house?

When I saw that there was nothing behind Lao Qiao, I suddenly understood what this petty Lao Qiao was thinking, and immediately stood up and stood behind him.

He needs someone to help him. The people here today are all people who can manage internal affairs in Meng. If something goes wrong in the conversation, shouldn't there be someone around him to talk to?I was still rushing into this group of people like a tiger.

"The situation in Menneng is very unclear now. Since you are all here, let's talk about what we should do in the future."

In the past, I was supposed to represent the Jianghu forces in Menneng, Sesuo represented the military strength in Menneng County, Banbula represented the police force, and Gato of the Judicial Committee was considered the head of the civil service; now my status has changed, I am already the commander of the Jinyiwei. , then I can only stand behind the emperor and listen to whatever he says. Therefore, there is really no place for me to sit in this situation.

Otherwise, wouldn't Old Qiao be alone in the conference room?

"Mr. Qiao, please give your orders."

Gato is more cunning than I thought. It may be that he has played tricks with Old Qiao before but the results were not good, so the old guy was frightened.

Sesuo was very excited and opened his mouth like a warrior: "All members of our security camp are on standby!"

I could see the fire burning in his eyes.

Obviously this is a very critical moment. If Lao Qiao has been lying in his nest, Sesuo will be a security battalion commander until his death. He cannot be promoted. As long as Bujea and Yang Rong are on his head, He won't be able to ascend.

But who doesn’t want to be a prince or a general?
Now that Lao Qiao doesn't need you to put on the yellow robe for him, he puts on the yellow robe himself. How does Sesuo De feel?
It was only then that I saw Gato's attitude clearly. Although he and Sesobi made remarks saying they were following orders, their actual expressions were that they didn't want the war to come. At that moment, I was borrowing the position behind Lao Qiao. , I saw the perspective of a superior person looking at all living beings.

It turns out that when the superiors look at the attitudes of their subordinates, they are not looking at what you have shown, but rather comparing you with the attitude they like best. Don’t really think that you are just pretending to be the same. It's done.

Banbula said a lot of nonsense at such a critical moment: "Mr. Qiao, the police department has always maintained law and order and social stability. Whether you are here or not, this is our responsibility. I will cancel everything immediately when I go back. People’s vacations and 24-hour rotation ensure that Meng Neng will not have any accidents and will not be disturbed by anyone.”

He seemed to have just mentioned his responsibility, but the words "It doesn't matter whether you are here or not" made it clear that he was the main battle.

When he compared it, Gato fell in love with it.Yes, Lao Qiao was the only one who spoke in Meng Neng, but before such a big event, he still used the nature of the chat to test the minds of his subordinates.

Because this is not a boxing match, you get in the ring and start fighting.

This is a war. If a war breaks out, even one minute's delay in logistical supplies may result in the annihilation of the entire army.

Gato didn't seem to understand Lao Qiao's true thoughts. He lowered his head and kept thinking. We don't know what he was thinking, so he didn't express his loyalty quickly.

Lao Qiao really doesn't want to fight now, but what he needs is a group of people who are "screaming" and ready to fight. As long as you are this kind of person, if you want an official, he will give you an official, and if you want money, he will give you money.

It wasn't until the entire office turned their attention to him that Gato frowned and asked, "In terms of public opinion..."

I rolled my eyes and rolled my eyes!

The big bags are always withheld, so why talk about public opinion?
Do you really think Lao Qiao is a young commander?You've deducted the principal and plan to send it back?
What are you talking about with your mother at this time? One more thing, do you believe that Old Qiao pulled out a knife and chopped off the corner of the table? Tell you that anyone who dares to mess with our military morale will be treated like this table?

I can see that Gato is indeed suitable to be a civil servant. He has the spirit of a scholar who is afraid of wolves before and after. In fact, he is also thinking about Lao Qiao. The problem is that this consideration is superfluous. In Myanmar, In this world, there has never been an issue of so-called 'legitimacy'.

Lao Qiao changed the topic directly: "How are the handling of those surrendered troops?"

He looked at Sesuo with a smile.

Sesuo immediately replied: "It has been completely broken up. They have all been organized into the First Battalion, the Security Battalion and the 729th Military Region... All the main officers have been picked out and sent to the jade mine. The others can't cause any trouble."

No wonder Burea and Yang Rong did not attend such an important meeting.

But I'm worried, what time has it been? Why don't you, Old Qiao, have an attitude with the civil servants? Why are you talking about surrendering soldiers?
With Burea and Yang Rong here, what kind of trouble can those disarmed and surrendered troops stir up!
But this is where I am not as good as Lao Qiao. He does things vigorously and resolutely, and a group of drug lords collapse immediately. However, there are also times of urgency and slowness. In the next 10 minutes, he actually started to talk nonsense.

It's like he never talked about it at all.

It ended with: "Little mute, why am I a little hungry?"

The group of people in the room were all human beings. Sesuo was the first to stand up and said, "Mr. Qiao, I have something to do here, so I won't eat with you. If you need anything, call me anytime."

As soon as he took the lead, no one was embarrassed to stay in the room any longer, so they all said hello and left.

When only Lao Qiao, me, and Lao Yaoying were left in the room, Lao Qiao turned back and glanced at me: "Little mute, I recently learned a new skill of pinching and calculating. Do you believe it?"

Is this old man out of his mind?

I can't even understand what he said.

Lao Qiao didn't wait for my answer, and then said: "I see that the Gato Yintang is dark, and it is possible that there will be a car accident recently."

Where is it!

Just as I was about to open my mouth, the word 'I don't believe it' came to my lips. The old kite opened the door and walked out without even saying hello.

At that moment, I was completely stunned! !

Lao Qiao doesn't want to gossip, and he doesn't have any fucking ability to deal with things. He wants to kill people.

Old Qiao will not draw his knife and chop the corner of the table, but as long as you don't give a satisfactory answer to the questions he raises, you will die.

car accident...

Old Harrier is in charge of cars...

If I hadn't come this morning, I'm afraid the news I would have received would have been a meaningless sentence - Kill Gato!
At that time, I will probably have to figure out who Gato is... It turns out that Jin Yiwei is doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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