The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 224 There are always people who are not suitable for Southeast Asia

Chapter 224 There are always people who are not suitable for Southeast Asia

She squatted next to me like a kitten as the yacht docked.

When I'm fishing, I just put a fishing rod on the yacht and feel the sunshine and the sea breeze. It doesn't matter whether there are actually fish biting the hook.

But this woman is no longer willing to leave my side.

From the time Cheng Zhen drove the car out of Meng Neng and arrived at the river, until we got off the car and got on the boat, and then from the boat down the river into the sea, from the fishing boat to the yacht, she was like a follower, never leaving.

It seems like the world is dangerous everywhere except around me.

This led to Yutou's original plan to bring two of his men on board the yacht to help steer the boat. By the way, he told me about things in the water, but everything went to waste. He could only let the two men squat in the fishing boat next to him. He and Zhenli Also nestled into the cabin.

"Do you still think it's good to go abroad?"

I teased her on purpose.

She really heard it and turned her head angrily.

In the past, I was quite annoyed when women appeared, and I felt that these things were always being used, but when I saw this scene with this woman, it was quite interesting.

"I, I, I... then I..."

She still wanted to say something stubbornly, but she only started to say the beginning and swallowed the rest.

I looked at her and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

“How do I know this is true in Southeast Asia?”

She sat down on the board of the boat, crossed her legs, and let the sea breeze stir her hair and the skirt with floral flowers around her knees.

"What do you think it is?"

I turned my head, sat on the chair, and started chatting with her like a superior.

"I originally thought that this place was just like Vietnam, like Ho Chi Minh. There are small shops on the streets where you can experience hair washing and massage for a small amount of money."

“Or maybe it’s like Bangkok or Pattaya, where the streets are full of tourists wearing flip flops and the streets are brightly lit;”

"At most, it's just a little behind, and the streets are a little dirty..."


I didn't remind her, because a dirty and messy place is definitely not only dark and damp, but also the creatures that come into being, like rats and maggots, creatures that are abandoned by the people who occupy this world.

They also have to live. Since they can't escape the poisonous hands when they live in the sun, they can only live in dark corners and places that are not noticed.

At this time, we, who come from heaven, look at them like fish in a fish pond. Who doesn’t like fried fish?But what do people think of us?
What do those Chinese people who came to this place first and whose hearts have been polluted think of us?

There are only two words - fat sheep.

"Take you to see what Bangkok, Pattaya, and Ho Chi Minh look like in your eyes?"

When I said this, a boat appeared in front of me, a very luxurious cruise ship floating on the sea.

I've been to that place, and it was scary.

"Fish head!"

I turned around and shouted into the cabin, then pointed to the cruise ship in the distance.

Yutou only glanced at it, then immediately stuck his head out and asked, "Mr. Xu, would it be too dangerous to go too far?"

I smiled at him: "Do you think anyone here dares to touch the Zhao family's boat?"

Zhao family?

The fish head immediately retracted its head, and without waiting for me to reel in the fishing line, it sailed towards the cruise ship in the distance.

Zhao family.

Based on my superficial knowledge, I know that there are three awesome Zhao families, one is in the Northeast, one is in the history books, and the other is in Southeast Asia.

In the future, their father had a particularly famous interview. The old man looked at the camera, his eyelids twitching as if his face was paralyzed, and he could not hide his former evil and said: "They all thought I was a devil, but in fact I am Good silver!”

A mouthful of Northeastern flavor.I believed it, really, I believed he was extraordinary.

When the yacht drove towards the cruise ship in the distance, a motorboat rushed down from the cruise ship before it could reach the place. It followed you beside the yacht. When you got really close, the man on the motorboat asked: "Boss" , do you want to get on the ship?"

I sat on the deck and responded: "I don't have a reservation. Is it convenient?"

The man riding the motorboat laughed loudly, looked at my face and said, "Meng Neng Boss Xu can come at any time."

Am I a celebrity?

It’s even more impossible to go back this time…

I smiled, without the melancholy I felt before. It seemed that I no longer took this issue seriously.

When the hull of the boat approached, I pedaled the boat with sincerity and my sister-in-law Lao Yaoying. As the two boats kept rocking on the water, I took out the gun in my waist, the mobile phone in my pocket, and the cigarette case in accordance with the rules, and experienced it again. After a body search, he walked into the cabin as before.

"Where is this?" she asked in the dark cabin.

“Auction Houses in Southeast Asia.”

The person in charge of the reception brought a tray with two number plates on it, one with 13 and the other with 12.

In the past, I would definitely choose 12 very superstitiously. This time, I pointed to 13 without hesitation.

The receptionist didn't say any nonsense, he just said: "Boss, please come with me."

Then he turned around and walked over.

When he pushed open the door of a room, what I saw was still that tiny room. There were two sofas and a lamp in the room, and in front of me was a glass block blocked by curtains.

"sit down."

When the curtains opened in front of them, an auction was going on in the venue outside the glass...

A pregnant woman was lying flat on a table covered in blue silk, with no cover except for the 'transfer beads' on her wrists.

"...Boss No. 7 bids 13, is there any higher bid?"

"This is a rare transport bead. We spent a lot of effort to transport it from Vietnam. It is said that there are two of them here!"

The host patted the woman's belly.

She sat next to me and turned to look at me.

I smiled and pointed my finger out the window: "Vietnam."

But this woman didn’t understand what I said at all: “Why are the luck beads displayed in this way?”

"And it's so far away. I can't even see what the luck bead on that woman's hand looks like."

Sincerely interjected: "What she sells is not beads at all."

Perhaps she remembered the gesture of the female host. For a moment, her pupils were dilated and she looked at me.

I didn't even look back: "It's what you think."

"However, it may be different from what you think. Here, you have to wait until the man is done before inducing labor."

She threw up.

Under the irrepressible physiological reaction.

But back then, I didn't even dare to vomit. I stood on my head with goosebumps all over my body and sat in this room waiting for the big boss to finish.

This is Southeast Asia, the real Southeast Asia.

"Congratulations to Boss No. 10, who finally won the auction for 24!"

While we were chatting for a few words, the auction house had already sold out, and she looked pale.

Obviously, she is not a good fit for Southeast Asia.

(End of this chapter)

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