The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 225 Spending Money Like Water

On this day, I experienced the feeling of being rich for the first time, and it was also the first time in my life that I spent a total of 1000 million!

Of course, I don't mean that I got a hundred transport beads, but I started to implement my own plan.

Outside the small window, several black people were standing there. The strong muscles on their bodies and the paint on their faces made me have extravagant hopes for force. At this time, the host's voice came over...

"Everyone, this is a special operations team from Recces, South Africa. They are familiar with combat modes at all levels of land, sea and air. From the day they joined the South African special operations team, these people have always served in the same team and work together very well."

"South Africa is a country whose military expenditure can reach tens of billions of dollars. With this kind of training, we can rely on our credibility in Southeast Asia to guarantee their combat capabilities."

"The price for these five people is...$400 million a year!"

The moment I heard the price, I played with her hand, and when I looked back with a smile, I pressed the button without hesitation.

"Boss No. 13 bids 410 million."

"Is there any higher bid?"

"Boss No. 7 bids 420 million."

"Boss No. 13 bids 430 million."

"Boss No. 13 bid, 450 million! Since then, the increase has been 50 each time."

"Boss No. 13 bids 550 million!"

"Congratulations to boss No. 13!"

She looked at my face, and the auction prices were rising again and again in her ears, while I kept pressing the button with a relaxed expression.

550 million U.S. dollars. When I spent this money, my face did not change, my heart did not beat, and I focused on being wealthy.

The purpose of my doing this is not just for force, I am still paying the ticket.

The relationship between the Zhao family in Myanmar at the government level is beyond Lao Qiao's reach. If he can make good friends with the Zhao family and leverage some power through the Zhao family, even if he only gets some intimidating assistance, he can make the Wa State fall into deep trouble. Under attack.

In ancient times, this foreign policy was called "diplomacy far away and attack close", and the enemy of the enemy was a friend.

Lao Qiao will definitely be willing to spend the money.


The host spoke again.

This time the host specially brought out a tray with only a piece of paper on it, but what she said next completely attracted me.

"The situation in the Wa State is very tense at the moment. Everyone must already know about the feud between the Bao family and Meng Neng..."

"The next auction is related to the changes in the situation in the entire Wa State. This is a piece of information revealed by the Wa State government. It is difficult to judge whether it is true or false. However, whether this information is true or false, it has what it should have. value."

"The base price is $100 million."

"Please bid."

The information revealed by the Wa State?

When I was thinking about what news would be leaked from the Wa State at this time, Lao Yaoying's eldest sister looked at me and her eyes froze.

I think she was shocked by how much money I spent.

"Boss No. 7 bids 110 million."

"Boss No. 7 bids 130 million."

"Boss No. 7 bids 150 million."

"Boss No. 7 told me through our service staff that they are willing to pay the full price of US$200 million!"

"Is there any higher bid?" "Is there any higher bid?"

It seems that people from the Wa State are here today. Otherwise, how could they bite this news directly from the price of 100 million, and insist on grabbing 200 million without letting go.

In other words, this information was specially prepared by the Zhao family for our two families. This is to catch a toad and squeeze it out.

Regardless of whether my identity would be exposed, I reached out and pressed it again.

The host shouted excitedly: "Boss No. 13 bids 210 million!"

Her excitement was not over yet, so she shouted again: "Boss No. 7 has increased the price again, 220 million."


"250...The next increase will be 50..."




"Boss NO.13 paid 450 million to obtain this information from within the Wa State!!"

At this time, I looked back at her, and I guess she didn't realize how funny the expression on her face was.

Her mouth was slightly open, and the hand I held was sweating. Her whole body had completely recovered from the emotion of seeing 'Gato' being hit and killed, and she was completely absorbed in the rhythm of me throwing away money.

"Let's go."

When the host started auctioning the right of way from 'Myawaddy to Thailand' again, I held her hand and turned to leave.

When she followed me out of the small room, she asked softly: "Why are you so rich?"

And I, for the first time, was pretending to be cool, but what I said was indeed the truth: "What's the use of money?"

If you don’t have enough strength to protect your wealth, money will be a disaster;
If you have enough strength, you don’t have to worry about poverty at all, money will come to you on its own initiative;

In other words, what people should pursue is not money, but the world has completely put the cart before the horse, turning the accessory 'money' into the mainstream.

But after saying this, I felt how annoying it was to talk like this, but it didn't matter, I could still bear it in front of someone of her level.

The three of us walked out of the cabin. As soon as we walked out of the cabin door, we already saw the special operations team that had just been purchased, fully armed and waiting.

Wearing military green camouflage body armor, they stood upright next to the hull with combat bags on their backs. The German-made HK16 carbine rifle famous for killing 'Old Laden' was hung on their chests, as well as bullets scattered in every space on the body armor. The 'American defensive grenade', 'American offensive grenade' and a smoke bomb are in the pocket and waist, making him look so professional.

At the same moment I saw them, a service staff next to me was saying something in English. Old Yaoying and his aunt translated for me: "That man is telling these black people that you are their new boss."

I looked back at her: "Do you know English?"

She nodded.


After seeing me, the black man came over and saluted before he spoke. According to my aunt's translation, what he said was: "Boss, our team lacks a heavy machine gun. If you have difficulties in weapons resources, you can also You can pair it with an M249 for us;"

"It would be even more perfect if there was also a Carl-Gustav light recoilless gun."

Although I don’t understand what the Carl Gustav light recoilless gun is, I have begun to look forward to the combat effectiveness of this group of black people. However, I think they should change their body armor from camouflage green to black. , these niggas are too conspicuous during the day, but at night...hehe.

"Boss Xu, please pay before leaving the cruise ship."

The phone was returned by the service staff, and of course, the information I bought before was also there. (End of chapter)

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