The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 233 How did the real conflict arise?

Chapter 233 How did the real conflict arise?

"In Mr. Bai's office."

The manager's face didn't change at all, but after he said: "I'll take you there." When he led us up to the second floor and followed each 'VIP' box into the interior of the entire casino, I was standing on the white floor tiles. On the bed, I saw a trail of blood.

Don't ask, Yutou must have been beaten, probably quite severely.

When, when, when.

The manager knocked on the office door, and an impatient voice came out: "No time."

At this moment, I pushed the manager away, reached out and pressed the door handle, and the door opened with a click.

Then I took a step and walked in. At that time, the man named Bai was leaning back on the boss's chair. A small head with long hair was rising and falling in his crotch.

And I deliberately pulled out the chair in front of me, slammed it on the ground, and sat down: "Mr. Bai doesn't have time, so I'll work on you first. I have time, and I'll wait for you."

The man named Bai suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, a smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

He was really ugly, but the expression on his face was like he was waiting for this moment to come.

That's right, people are trying to catch you, and as long as you come to the door, you are a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Mr. Xu." He looked at me thoughtfully and shouted out loud on purpose.

I stretched out my hand to interrupt all his unsaid words, and glanced behind the desk: "You go ahead, I'm not in a hurry..."

"But Mr. Bai, the guy style seems a bit short..."

"Hey, I heard that this thing can be lengthened. How about I ask the doctor on the hospital ship?"

I said the most hurtful words in the world with a kind face. Bai Bai couldn't stand still due to distraction, so he simply grabbed the girl's head and stood up: "Do you like watching?"

"Then let me play a part for you?"

He is arrogant, domineering, and doesn't even lift his pants. He feels shameless and invincible.

But he doesn’t know who I am. I’ve seen too many such bastards.

"I've been here in Meng Nei for so long. I've seen dragons and tigers, but I've never seen a big man dance. Is Mr. Bai going to dance for us?"

"Old Falcon, why don't you hurry up and take a picture of it for Mr. Bai, and take it back to entertain you when you are doing things for yourself in the future."

At this moment, the man surnamed Bai showed a murderous look and stared at me as if he wanted to pierce me with his eyes. Finally, he shouted at the girl next to him: "Get out!"

Only then did she slowly lift up her pants as she left.

Everyone knew who he was scolding.

"Mr. Xu, are you here about the fish head?"

He thought I had to sigh a little, but I didn't feel anxious at all and replied: "No, I went to the wrong house to visit your father-in-law's grave."

Isn't this nonsense?

A person like me, who comes from a blue background, doesn't even appear in my younger brother's game, how can I just come here to make money?

What's the saying?If you want to stop drinking, look at intoxicants with a sober eye.

What I didn't expect was that the man named Bai was beyond my expectation. He picked up his pants, took out a folder with a thick stack of contracts, and dropped the folder directly on me. He said in front of him: "This is Yutou's loan contract, and it has his fingerprints on it."

He was not irritated by me!
My habit of dealing with people like this is to anger them first and then manipulate them at will, but this one with the surname Bai gave me a surprise.

"My Junket Operator didn't bring the person in;" "It wasn't my Junket Operator who lent him money."

"After Yutou himself lost everything, he knocked on the door of my office, borrowed money three times for five million, three million, and two million, and lost everything in VIP. "

"Mr. Xu, you can't blame me."

I nodded and pushed the contract back: "I accept the account. Let me take it away first."

"That won't work."

The man surnamed Bai refused directly: "There is no such rule."

I looked back at the old falcon and said with a smile: "He told me the rules."

Then he stood up, turned around slowly, and pressed his hands on the tabletop of the desk: "Then do you fucking know who made the rules for Meng Neng?!"

The man surnamed Bai smiled very happily: "I know, Mr. Xu, you made the decision, so I have to abide by the rules even more."

On the scene, he looked soft, but in fact it was exactly the opposite!
There is nothing wrong with what you do, both overtly and covertly. If you continue to get angry, you will be unreasonable. This lawsuit will be brought to Lao Qiao's office. People named Bai can also use words to disgust you, but Lao Qiao still can't help. .

"Then tell me what you want to do."

I can only retreat temporarily. Although the Bai family is far away from Meng Neng, in this stormy time, I can't give Meng Neng an enemy.

"Mr. Xu, you can't say that, I just want to get the money according to the rules."

"The place belongs to Lao Qiao. He even scolded me so much today. Didn't you listen?"

"If I let you take him away for the sake of friendship, Lao Qiao won't be able to kill me with a gun tomorrow?"

"Besides..." He raised his eyelids, looked at me and said, "We don't have any friendship."

I started to smile at him, melting all facial expressions into a smile. At this time, I could feel my fighting spirit reaching its peak.

I felt the uncontrollable impulse that an ordinary person would have when faced with the ridicule of a noble man. That impulse was not only dissatisfaction with the authorities, but also the unyielding desire to break through fate.

"Mr. Xu, please don't be so happy with me, I'm afraid."

"People say you are an 'old cunt', and I'm afraid you'll prank me."

This is a declaration of war. Every sentence converted into words is a confession, but when added into the tone, it becomes a 'declaration of war'.

The game is that if you take these words anywhere, you will ignore them, but if you say them in front of you, you will be the only one who feels uncomfortable!

"Mr. Bai." My tone also softened.

When the man surnamed Bai didn't open his mouth or shut up and said, "Fuck you, fuck you," he followed suit and retorted: "Don't give me the fish head back."

"From the moment I leave your office, if you don't send me the fish head back, I won't want you anymore."

As soon as I stood up, the man surnamed Bai immediately cupped his fists and handed over his hands. He didn't care what I said and responded: "Thank you, Mr. Xu, for understanding. Everyone is working under Lao Qiao to make ends meet. When I have time, I will definitely set up a table." Gentle Xu and your brothers."

After saying this, I had already walked to the door. When I opened the door, I turned around and said, "I will definitely be there, and I will definitely give you face."

"No delivery."

I opened the door and walked out.

When the old hawk also came out of the house, I saw his lowered head. I am afraid that at this time he finally realized that he was not unjust, because what I endured was far more uncomfortable than his mouth. More than twice as much!

(End of this chapter)

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