Why do we always have enemies?

Why do people always take action for no reason when we clearly show no hostility?

Is it really caused by kindness?

When I returned to Xiaoxiao's house, I sat on the sofa alone and lit a cigarette. When she was already asleep, I didn't bother her anymore and just thought about it all night.

I think the reason why enemies appear around me now has nothing to do with kindness. After all, I am already evil enough...

What is the reason?

What is the reason why I am so evil? Or is there someone who wants to go against me?

I didn't understand, so when it was daylight, I got up and left Xiaoxiao's house, drove straight to Lao Qiao's villa and sped away.I want to find someone to ask. This person must not be Lao Qiao. He can't give you any normal answer except "kill".

"Because they're afraid of you."

Dabao was eating breakfast in the villa, but the porridge and pickles had a different taste in his mouth. The porridge was pulled into his mouth, and the pickles made a crunching sound. Although he was busy, he didn't delay in answering my questions.

He said because they were afraid of me.

But I still couldn't understand it, so I looked over attentively.

Under my gaze, Dabao put down the dishes and chopsticks that he was still unfinished with, and replied seriously: "This kind of unfounded hostility must be generated between people of the same level. You can't be the green-skinned soldier at the door." After looking at you, it feels like he is glaring at you, even if he is."

"The source of this hostility is, firstly, that you have the ability to destroy each other and have threatened each other's status; secondly, there is a natural instinct of 'disobedience' hidden in your character."

"One characteristic of this kind of person is that when someone says someone is particularly powerful in front of him, his reaction is not 'Really' or 'That's awesome'. His reaction is always to curl his lips, cross his legs and turn his head. Say the word 'shou'."

I seem to see the person that Da Bao always talks about, but I always feel that it has nothing to do with me.

Mr. Da Bao continued: "This kind of people are also divided into two types. One is dominant and has a flamboyant personality. You can see this person's character through his face. However, people can hold their own, no matter how hard they are. If a big threat comes, at least we can ensure we don’t lose;”

"The second type is recessive. This kind of people often become famous very late. They choose to shut up about everything. They will never take action when they are not fully sure. They are looking for opportunities with absolute advantage in forbearance. If you take action, you will lose your life."

"You, the second type."

"So after you emerge at this age, you will feel uncomfortable in the hostility of others, because you haven't fully experienced the feeling of hiding it and hitting the point directly."

"At this time, you are placed in such a conspicuous position. Then, smarter people will keep an eye on you, whether they are tentatively attacking you, or they feel the threat and choose to strike first, just It’s all an instinctive reaction.”

Dabao always talked eloquently and pointed out the window after he finished speaking.

"Go out for a walk. As I get older, my body feels uncomfortable if I don't move."

I shook my head: "No."

Boss Da Bao asked again: "Where is the courtyard?"

I shook my head again: "No way."

"You're such a boring person."

He's getting a little angry.

I opened my mouth again and asked: "Is there anyone in a high position who can't face such endless challenges?"

Dabao always glanced at me and asked, "Do you want to get over it once and for all?"

"Well." I replied.

Mr. Big Bao said casually: "Be my son, and I guarantee that no one in the Wa State will dare to challenge you again."

I smiled from ear to ear, but he didn't give up the struggle yet.

"You must have said this to more than 1 people, right?" I also pointed to the green soldiers outside the door.

"No, am I that kind of person?"

After a while, Boss Da Bao added: "They don't dare to enter the house, and no one talks to me." After saying that, we both burst into laughter for no reason, as if we were no longer enemies at this moment.

Beep, beep, beep.

When the laughter reached its highest pitch, the cell phone in my pocket rang. This time, I didn't even look at the number and answered the call directly: "Hello?"

There was no self-introduction on the phone, and he said directly: "Yang Rong told me that a group of people broke through our blockade."

It's Lao Qiao.

"Is it possible to enter Mengmeng?"


I tried my best to calm myself down, but my lips still trembled and I cursed: "Is Yang Rong such a waste?"

"Little mute, Yang Rong is in charge of the army. Do you expect him to send his army into the mountains and catch a few monkeys all over the mountains and plains?"

"What do you think?"

I held the phone and said nothing.

But Lao Qiao's temper got worse and he asked: "Do you have any countermeasures? Just say something!"

At this time, I said to the phone: "I plan to take Bao Bao outside for a walk."

After a while, Lao Qiao's thoughtful voice finally came over: "Go ahead."

"By the way, tell Saisuo to block all the traffic arteries in and out of Menneng."

"You don't need to tell me."

Then, I glanced at Mr. Bao and said, "Let's go, Mr. Bao."

Mr. Bao responded with a smile: "Do you think my people are that stupid?"

"Well who knows, I have to try."

"Okay...by the way, do you have any bulletproof vests?"

"Find me one. I don't want to be hit by a stray bullet when you guys start fighting."


I stood up and walked to the door, shouting to the Greenskins on the third and third floors: "Who knows English?"

When an officer looked over at me, I realized the lack of knowledge in this land.

These people responsible for taking care of Mr. Bao are probably Lao Qiao’s personal guards, but only one of them can speak English!
"Make this call and then..."

After arranging these things, I dialed another phone number: "Hello, Lao Yao, I'm Xu Ruifeng."

"Transfer the reporter who stabbed Lou Zi last time and ask him to bring equipment. In addition, find me a body armor, and..."

After everything was arranged, Mr. Big Bao finally said sarcastically: "How long has it been since then, and you still have the idea of ​​'coercing the emperor to order the princes'?"

I responded with a smile: "Let me take some photos of the close relationship between the Commander-in-Chief of the Wa State Army and the Meng Neng people?"

After saying this, we both fell into silence at the same time, each looking at the other thoughtfully, making desperate calculations.

At that time, I saw a drop of sweat on Mr. Bao’s forehead, which was exactly the same as what I was thinking.

The interview vehicle arrived at that time, and another vehicle delivered body armor.

"Mr. Bao, shall we go?" (End of Chapter)

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