The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 239: That smear in the dark night

Among those black people, the only one with a brain was Dahei.

Because after this battle, he hired a teacher himself and started learning Chinese. Yes, he did not learn Burmese, but learned Chinese.

A year later, when he was able to communicate with me in a language I could understand, he re-described the battle. He said it with a smile, and I listened with a smile, but no one knew the end of the story. At that moment, I was covered in cold sweat.


In the old brick factory, the few black people did not disappear. They hid behind the brick kiln and did not show their faces at all.

Especially the gunshot.

Dahei's familiarity with the battlefield far exceeded my knowledge. He heard the sound that was different from other gunshots, and determined that the gunshot came from a sniper rifle, so he asked his men to They all stopped and hid behind the brick kiln.


This is what Dahei said in the dark night.

At that time, these five black men were wearing black LWH tactical helmets. After changing the color, they changed the helmet to black; the helmet was also equipped with AN/PVS14 night vision goggles. I thought this was a simple night vision goggle. Yi, Dahei told me afterwards that when a black man acts in the dark, his biggest flaw is his eyes.

He is a practical person.

It's a pity that I don't understand military affairs, otherwise I would have to equip them with thermal imaging, which would be more effective with half the effort.

Da da da da da!

When the gunfire in the building started, Dahei pointed a finger at the people under his hands, and then said in a language that only Africans can understand: "There is one on the second floor, near the edge of the stairs. There is probably a staircase there." corner."

Da da da!
Dahei gestured with his second finger: "One on the third floor. It should be located at the central window of the stairs. The location cannot be determined."

The next second, Dahei looked up at the roof of the building and stretched out his third finger: "There is a sniper on the top of the building."

Erhei, who was squatting next to him, pulled out the smoke bomb from his waist...

Dahei quickly pressed his hand down, stared and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Erhei responded: "It's not that..."

Dahei didn't answer. He whistled to remind the green soldiers behind the brick kiln next to him, and then made a forward gesture.

Just when the green-skinned soldier from that team shouted in Burmese: "Charge!"

After that, Dahei's butt changed direction...

da da da da da...

An AK leaked out of the window on the second floor, but when you look up from the stairs, you can't see anyone at all, but you can see the tongue of flames spitting out from the muzzle of the gun.

The first green-skinned soldier to rush out was shot through the chest. The other green-skinned soldiers quickly got into the brick kiln to escape the disaster, but they were completely unable to get out under the protection of the AK.

At this moment, Dahei led four black men to the outer wall of the first floor of the office building from another direction. He saved a smoke bomb with the life of the green soldier.

However, he did not continue to save, but took off the American defensive grenade from his waist, unplugged the safety, smashed the window glass with the grenade and threw it in.

He didn't hear any gunshots coming from the first floor, but that didn't stop Dahei from throwing the grenade in at all.

When the explosion came out, the whole building was shaking, but Dahei, who was hiding outside the stairs, didn't care at all. As soon as the explosion ended, he opened the window along the shattered glass, turned over and jumped in.

The whole room was dark and even the walls were blown away. Dahei aimed at the door in a crouching position. Behind him were other people who jumped in behind him. These people rushed to the door without paying attention to Dahei. Both sides were blocked, and none of them missed their position until the thinnest among them ran over...

He squatted at the door, squatting as low as possible in a position where he could not be easily hit. Then the black man at the door grabbed the back of the small man's bulletproof vest. At the same moment that he was looking out with a gun, he crouched Pull it back!After just this glance, the little man stood up and said, "The corridor is safe."

Only then did Dahei move. He rushed out of the door without hesitation, stuck in the corner outside the door and continued to guard with a gun, letting the people inside the house come out and move forward alternately.

Their tacit understanding and mutual familiarity had reached their peak. When they took a few steps forward and reached the stairs, Dahei looked up from the corner of the stairs.

He was bad enough, and with the foreknowledge of an explosion, he reached out and picked up a stone that flew out of the house, followed the gap in the stairwell, and threw it towards the corner of the stairs that he could not see.


The sound of stones hitting the wall came over, and then the sound of footsteps sounded in the corridor on the second floor. Finally, after a flying dive, he landed heavily with a 'boom'. At this time, the corner of Dahei's mouth raised an arc, and in the dark night His extremely white teeth were exposed.

The next second, Erhei rushed past Dahei, got stuck behind the corner wall of the stairs, took a deep breath, turned around and put the muzzle of the gun out, without even looking to see if it was aimed, he quickly pulled the trigger and fired - Chunk chugging, chugging chugging, chugging chugging.

He kept firing, and regardless of whether he was firing or not, the third black man had already rushed out from beside him, stood at the top of the stairs, exposed himself, and opened fire rapidly with his gun - bang, bang, bang, bang.


Dahei used green soldiers as a cover and led the group of people to rush to the side of the building. He used grenades to clear the way and blew up a safe area in a room. He then rushed up the stairs and threw rocks to make the other party think that he was throwing grenades as a test. The opponent's position; then, his two brothers rushed forward, one fired to suppress it, and the other fired accurately.

This is a soldier who grew up under the influence of war. He can use all environments and the power of the entire team to restrict the opponent to death. What's the use of being an elite?The more familiar you are with the battlefield environment, the easier it is to be exploited by them.

Dahei rushed over and slapped the black man's helmet hard. While the other people were on guard with their guns, he cursed with an angry look on his face: "Capture him alive, the boss wants to live, you idiot!"

The black man held up his helmet and explained: "He turned over and had a gun in his hand to hit me!"

Dahei was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "You did the right thing."

"Everyone, listen up. On the premise of protecting yourself, kill everyone who has the consciousness of resistance."

Erhei responded while taking aim: "But the boss said..."

"Based on my orders!"


I have never been a soldier, so I don’t know what a real soldier should be like, but for these black people, the most important thing is life, followed by money.

They continued to move forward alternately, repeating: "Room [-] is safe!"

"Room [-] is safe!"

such words.

When Yu Mingming only heard one gunshot on the second floor, he quickly searched the entire floor. Until he saw no second living person, he gradually gathered back to the stairs. This time, they were ready to go to the third floor.

Erhei smiled evilly and showed the stone in his hand to everyone. Dahei shook his head at him cautiously...

He pulled off the smoke bomb from his waist and threw it up at the corner of the stairs. The orange smoke began to spread with a "squeaking" sound.

At this time, Dahei grabbed the little man who was about to rush up, put the gun behind his back and said: "Window!"

Erhei seemed to be a little unsatisfied and threw away the stone in his hand. He quickly rushed to the window of the room. After sitting on the window sill with his back facing outside, the little man held his feet under his armpits and leaned back to lift him. Half of his body was leaking out, and he looked up at the stairs and started to be on guard with his gun.

Dahei then leaned out from the other side of the window, grabbed the edge of the window edge with his hands, stepped on the handrail of the window frame with his feet and started to climb.

This is called surprise! (End of chapter)

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