In the dark night, Dahei opened the window and grabbed the window sill on the third floor. His movements were not as relaxed and unrestrained as shown in movies and TV series, but every move was steady.

At that second, he stepped on the window frame against the wall with one foot and stepped on the edge of the window with the other foot. He lay on the wall like a gecko and slowly poked his head out.

He saw a corpse lying in the room, as if it had been tidied up, the clothes on his body were all buttoned, his hands were folded on his stomach and his eyes were closed.

Dahei climbed up with all his strength, and after getting in through the window, he didn't go to the body at all. Instead, he squatted on the window sill and looked at the room from all angles. He even pushed the night vision goggles on his glasses onto his helmet.

Afterwards, he told me that Africa used to be very poor. If you encountered a dead person, the first thing you would do was to look for valuable things on the corpse. Many times, some soldiers would take off the dead person's clothes and shoes to wear.Later, some people began to tie trip wires to corpses. They would wrap a piece of iron wire around the safety ring of the grenade, and lock the other side on the clothes button. When someone went to take off the clothes or wanted to open the clothes to take out something from the pocket, they would often There will be an explosion.

Therefore, Dahei never believed in any clean and tidy corpse.

He squatted on the window sill and glanced downstairs, and then gave Erhei, who was on guard, an upward gesture. At that moment, Erhei stood up and pulled his body back into the room, and Dahei also jumped in. He walked around the wall to the door.

Chu Chu Chu!
chug chug!

About ten seconds later, footsteps were heard from the corner of the third floor, followed by gunshots as someone rushed up.

Dahei was still waiting, he could tell whose weapon it was from the sound of gunfire.

Da da da da! ! !
It wasn't until the sound of gunshots came from the corridor that Dahei reached out in a crouching position with his head and muzzle at the same time. But as soon as half of his eyes were out, he saw the door of the room in front of him through his obstructed sight. Someone has taken aim at the 'lock point'...

At that moment, Dahei pressed his hand against the wall next to the door frame, stopping the inertia of his body that was about to stick out, and then pushed the wall hard to pull his body back...

Da da da da da!

As soon as he retracted his head, the AK that came into view had already pulled the trigger, and the wall was hit with stone chips flying.

Call, call, call.

Dahei leaned against the wall with sweat on his face and breathed heavily. If he hadn't been prepared just now, he might have died.

And... the guy opposite is really smart. After he used bullets to drive back the attacker, he quickly turned his head and aimed at himself. This shows that the sound of jumping into the house from the window just now was heard by others...

Dahei glanced at the body again, and he began to be glad that he didn't move the fat man lying on the ground.


Dahei shouted in the corridor in the language of his tribe: "He is next door to me!"

"Listen, I'll use my offensive hand to seal the road. After the explosion, the three of you rush upstairs and lock the three positions at the door where there are possible probe shots. The remaining one is ready with a grenade. , using the door frame to hit the grenade into the house..."

"Remember to pinch seconds!"

With the absolute numerical superiority, it was too easy for Dahei to absolutely suppress the Wa soldier. He pulled out the only offensive grenade left on his body, pulled out the safety, and put his hand on the bottom of the door frame. The Wa soldier's position was controlled and he threw it out with force.


The moment the grenade rolled forward, the Wa soldier who was holding a gun at the door and was still locked at the door suddenly opened his eyes wide. He saw the white palm of the black palm, and even saw the black ball bouncing while rolling.

At this second, he didn't even think about it, and retreated completely by instinct... Boom!

There was an explosion.

The fire had just dimmed in the corridor, and the sound of sand and gravel hitting the walls was still heard. At the stairs, three black men had already begun to rush up with guns.

When they rushed up the stairs and quickly locked onto the room, the smallest one aimed at the middle of the door in a crouching position, the tallest one in a standing position aimed at the upper road, and the other one lay on the ground and locked the lower road. At this time, the last black man had no idea at all. Grab a gun and a defensive grenade and start slowly approaching along the wall.Dahei never showed his head again. If he showed his head again, he would probably encounter a stray bullet during the other party's tentative probing.

At this moment, the black man carrying the grenade had already seen the outer door frame, and he simply pulled out the safety device, letting the safety device fly over the grenade, and took enough time to get out.


The grenade hit the door frame and refracted into the house.

The Wa soldiers didn't even wait for the grenade to land. They watched the fire explode in front of their eyes - empty!

A ball of flesh and blood splashed directly on the wall under the explosion. Only two legs were left in the air and fell, and the boy's entire upper body was blown away.


When Erhei broke into the room where the frying pan had just been fried with a gun, half of the window frame hanging outside the window was "crunching, crunching" while others did not give up searching the entire floor because of this man's death.




Dahei waited until all his teammates shouted this English word before walking out of the room.

"The last one left."

He said so.

At this time, Erhei walked out of the corridor, grabbed Dahei's arm, stared at him and said, "The one upstairs is the sniper."

Dahei looked back at him.

Erhei seemed to feel that the reason was not sufficient, and continued: "The way from the third floor to the roof is only a climbing ladder embedded in the wall, and there is a wellhead-like passage on the roof. Don't say anything in this case. It's guarded by snipers, even if you give a ten-year-old child a gun, whoever shows up will die."

His eyes seemed to ask: "Who do you want to die?"

But the words came to fruition: "In this case, the best way is to defend the building and then starve the sniper to death on the roof."

Starve to death!

When I received the call, I was very sure that this was what Dahei told me after describing the situation.

At that time, I was squatting behind a white van, half of my face was covered in blood.

However, I heard an answer that was crueler than my face.

Since Dahei is not sure whether there are any snipers in our group, this is obviously the best choice. What's more, he has seen the marksmanship of this group of powerful soldiers.

"Mr. Xu, leave this matter to me."

After listening to Banbula's translation, Sesuo took out his mobile phone. About 5 minutes after the call was made, a military vehicle drove over. After the greenskin soldiers in the vehicle got off, they started fighting with each other. I picked up an RPG rocket launcher from inside! (End of chapter)

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