The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 243: How Flesh and Blood Comes

Chapter 243: How Flesh and Blood Comes (Thanks to all monthly votes and recommendation votes!)

"We are no match for the Wa State."

This is what I said to Lao Qiao. When I spoke, he was sitting in the office that belonged to me in Building 729 of the 2 Park. Under the dim light, only the white hair was still shining.

I explained to Lao Qiao in detail the military strength comparison between the security camp and the Wa Ace, pointing out all the shortcomings of the Meng Neng Army in this incident... and Lao Qiao has been listening.

He is more worried than me, otherwise the white hair on the top of his head would not have increased so much in the past few days.

Finally, after I explained my final point, Lao Qiao said: "Mr. Bao, are you going to die like this?"

At that second, I looked at Lao Qiao, and he seemed to be completely empty.

I suddenly realized something.

The reason why Lao Qiao is so strong is entirely because of Mr. Bao, an almost invincible opponent. Now that Mr. Bao is dead, and he dies in the hands of his own son, it's like someone has pulled out the thorn in his heart. All that was left was exhaustion.


"I had the whole process filmed, archived the video, and handed it over to our reporters for post-processing..."

Lao Qiao stretched out his hand to interrupt me.

"We won't talk about this today."

I felt extremely anxious, but Lao Qiao didn't want to talk about this.

At that moment, he stood up slowly, walked along my side to the door, and said, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere."

The two of us walked out, walked down the stairs in Building 2, left the 729 Park, and just walked along the road.

Behind the two of us, there were only those five niggas protecting us, and Lao Qiao didn't bring anyone with him this time.

He has completely trusted me.

Trust to the point where there is no need to be defensive.

but I……

He still didn't have any rebellious feelings in his heart, and he even vaguely felt that if he had some evil thoughts at this time, groups of green-skinned soldiers might emerge from the woods on both sides.

As a result, Lao Qiao turned around and walked into a mountain, a mountain that I can often see at the top of the 729 Park.

In the mountain forest, I saw a glimmering green light. On the hillside were graves with stone tablets but no names engraved on them.

Lao Qiao just stood in front of these graves and slowly squatted down.

"His name is Yang Rong."

Lao Qiao patted the stone tablet twice: "He was the last brother who was forced to death by me after Mr. Bao sent people to kill me."

"He has been with me for 11 years and has taken bullets for me..."

Standing behind Lao Qiao, I couldn't see his face at all, but I listened to that voice as soft as the wind, coming from the mouth of such a tough guy: "When he died, he almost screamed at the top of his lungs at me. , shouting, 'Why don't you fucking believe me!', 'Why!'."

Lao Qiao turned his head towards me and pointed to another stone tablet without looking: "He is Burea."

"These two people have been inseparable from me since I was a gangster. When I took over Meng Neng, one was in charge of the battalion and the other was in charge of the security camp."

"The 729th Military Region you see was built by me to relieve them of their military power..."

"I told them that we had to build a comfortable barracks for our soldiers. They... especially believed in me and thanked those greenskin soldiers you called so much. They thought that I was someone who had not forgotten myself after ascending to the throne. A brother’s man.”

"That's it. These two people made me relinquish my military power and focus on going to 729 to keep an eye on the construction site, just to make the people under my command live more comfortably."

I seemed to understand a little bit, but I didn't interrupt.

"Those, some are my subordinates after I became the regimental deputy, and some are Jianghu people who were sent to Mengneng by Mr. Bao. This group of people are all taken care of by Yang Rong and Burea. I just said casually, they two brothers It can rush out and kill people."

"But only in front of me, the fangs will not show out." Old Qiao looked at me and laughed, and asked: "Am I a beast?"

I opened my mouth slightly, not knowing what to say.

But Lao Qiao sighed and said, "It's bad, I didn't bring any wine."

"From that moment on, I have been holding back my energy to bring down Mr. Bao."

"Little mute, why do you think I have no soul left after knocking him down?"

Old Qiao turned his head and looked at the graves in front of him and said: "I could have killed him in the basement of the villa that day. The reason why I didn't do it was not only because you told me to threaten the emperor to order the princes, but more importantly, there was such a In an instant, the moment I put the ax blade on his neck, I suddenly realized that I didn’t know what the hell to do if I killed him.”

"I have lived on hatred all my life. If this hatred were gone..."

He stood up, walked to me, held my shoulders with both hands and said, "Little mute, it's not that I didn't help you with everything that happened in Meng Neng recently, it's that I never thought about it."

"I have a plan in mind to completely destroy the entire Wa State;"

"In order to ensure that this plan can be implemented, I invested [-] million;"

"Seeing that it's about to be implemented...I hesitated."

old joe...

It was the first time he talked to me like a real old man. In this situation, my first reaction was to think, 'What is he trying to test me for?'
I don't know what my eyes were like at that time, but Lao Qiao's expression changed.

"You don't believe what I say?"

I habitually said the answer that was most beneficial to me: "I believe it."

"But you didn't ask what the relationship is between the dead Yang Rong and Burea and the two living people."

"I do not want to know."

Lao Qiao was not angry: "This is where we can't defeat the Wa State Army."

I knew what he was talking about, but I couldn't say it.


A breeze blew by, and everywhere was filled with the fragrance of the night soil. Old Qiao and I stood by the grave, listening to him tell us the biggest weakness in our group.

"When the Wa State was established, I couldn't understand what Mr. Bao was doing at all. We were very poor at that time, but he gritted his teeth and built schools and hospitals. He also specially found a few knowledgeable people to make the most knowledgeable people in the army. He is such a braggart, telling them about several classic battles between us and Khun Sa. He calls these things 'history', but I have no idea what the use of this stuff is."

"I just figured it out just now when I saw you leading your men to fight those Wa soldiers."

"Bao is always summoning spirits to this spineless land, even if he is making it up!"

Old Qiao swallowed, moistened his lips with his tongue, and continued: "The dead soldiers Mr. Bao sent to me, and the dead soldiers you saw in the old brick factory today, were all trained in this way. result."

"You don't have such a person."

"I only have two people, Yang Rong and Bu Rea. After they were raised by me, they have become as dependent on me as children in the family are on their elders."

What Lao Qiao was talking about was a powerful force, which could be regarded as a family-like existence at most, while the Wa State already had the prototype of a 'state'.

So Lao Qiao can't leave Menneng, and Dabao can't leave Wa State either...

I suddenly understood.

I understand the Wa State government’s judgment on Lao Qiao.

They said that Lao Qiao would definitely choose to become a 'national hero' when the Burmese government imposed an imperial edict on him, because only by doing so could Lao Qiao make flesh and blood grow in the sin-filled land of Meng Neng, instead of looking beyond the All you can see are skeletons like walking zombies!

 Thank you to all brothers for your monthly votes and recommendation votes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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