The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 244 The Imperial Road is inherently lonely!

Chapter 244 The Imperial Road is inherently lonely! (Thanks to the book friend for the 2500 points reward!)

Since I arrived in northern Myanmar, I have never played a win-win game. I live in fear every day. It wasn’t until I received a call from Lao Qiao this morning and heard him say that the Wa State Army had broken through that I realized This game is definitely won...

What are you talking about at this time?
Old Qiao, what are you talking to me about?
I looked at Old Qiao in front of the grave with an expressionless face, but the devil in my heart roared to the sky.

I will soon have the power of following the dragon. At this time, you are actually mentioning culture and talking about history. When I said that it is impossible to be the opponent of the Wa State in terms of military strength and took the initiative to discuss countermeasures with you, I want to have a Did you make a gorgeous turn?

"Old Qiao, when did you become a scholar?"

Lao Qiao looked at me doubtfully and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It's only been three years since the scholar's rebellion failed. You, a gangster, are you talking to me about looking forward and backward?!"

"Do you feel that now that you have become a national hero and a court eagle dog, this matter is over? You can enjoy your old age in peace?"

I'm excited, very excited!
I stretched out my hand and pointed at Lao Qiao in the air and said, "What you think is beautiful!"

"The Wa State government allows you to grow random things in the mountains and open laboratories in villages because you have a common enemy, and this enemy is the Myanmar government..."

"But what will happen once things develop as you imagined?"

"Have you ever thought about the situation after the Wa State collapsed and the Burmese government troops regained their lost territory. Each general made great achievements in battle and walked in front of your nose with great force?"

"Do you think you can still be a powerful local emperor at that time?"

"The old lady is doing rubber band jumping, just pulling a few handfuls!"

I panted and looked at Old Qiao: "No legal government in this world will allow these things to exist, and no legal government will allow a local emperor like you to exist."

"When they take over the Wa State, the next step is to form a brand new government in Meng Neng. By then, even if you cough, you will have to file 150 reports first. Whether to approve or not depends on their mood."

"And then what?"

"The reckoning begins!"

"You have no idea how many disgusting things you have done over the years, right?"

"Have you forgotten how many people you have killed?"

"It doesn't matter, the newly established government will make you think about it one by one."

"At that time, do you still feel that you are a national hero?"

"I can tell you right now what they will say about your life!"

"They will say that a person who has been guilty all his life finally made the right choice at the last moment of his life. Do you think the [-] million you spent on the media is still useful in this case?"

"Who dares to speak for you!"

Lao Qiao looked at me and asked, "Is it possible that I can't leave Myanmar?"


I answered very seriously: "You can leave until the Myanmar government officially takes over Meng Neng, but you can't even think about taking a penny out."

"If necessary, they will tell you in a clear and logical manner which stolen money needs to be withheld and which national property is not allowed to be taken away. When a country starts to really target you, which bank will fight against a country for you? "

"Then, the huge wealth you have spent your whole life accumulating will be distributed everywhere under various names. When it passes through the hands of corrupt officials, it will be openly turned into other people's private property, you? Bullshit!"

"When the time comes, people are spending your money, hugging girls, and can't even remember that there was a famous man in this place!" "Is this the result you want?"

Lao Qiao stood up and asked as if he had lost all his strength: "But didn't you say you couldn't beat me?"

"Yes." I didn't deny it.

"What should I do?" Lao Qiao shouted at me!
And I used this emotion to open my mouth just now, but after the first syllable of 'um' came out, I closed it tightly.

Son of a bitch!
He wanted me to say that "no eggs are left behind when the nest is overturned." He wanted me to say that although Meng Neng did not have the potential to be a "country", he had a "full sense of family atmosphere." At the last moment, when the Wa State The army rushed into Meng Neng. Although this group of people did not have the awareness to defend the country, they would still be determined to 'protect their home'.

No matter how the Wa State Army appeases the people after the war, Lao Qiao hopes that all the people will see is a sea of ​​swords and fire.

Who will do this?
Who can say this?

Who will keep this secret?

If the matter is exposed, who will bear the responsibility?

Damn it, this is your fucking defeat... When Old Qiao was victorious, I was the only one who suffered defeat!
Even though I found myself two pairs of gloves, Lao Lin and Lao Yaoying, I didn't expect that when I got to the top, I would still be blamed for causing trouble in the world.

The next second, I suddenly remembered the benefits I could get...

Except for the casino, almost all of Menneng's pillar industries are in my hands. Even the profits from the 'Hi Bao' have all gone into my pocket. It seems that I have never thought about what will happen after Lao Qiao has given so much. What do you want!
Not only did he fucking want my life, he also wanted to nail me to the pillar of shame in Myanmar and replace him as the biggest demon king in history!

I opened my lips slightly, but closed them again in fear.

As long as I say these words, I am the person who, for the sake of his own safety, disregards the life and death of the people. But if you want to go back on your word at this time, you have to look down first.You have to look at whose clothes you are wearing, whose food you are eating, and whose money you are spending!

This is the devil.

In silence, you become accustomed to greed and become addicted to it.

This is politics.

In the step-by-step layout, you lose even the instinct of rejection. No matter how fast you respond, the final result... cannot be changed.

I thought it would be safe if I became the gun in Lao Qiao's hand, but what I didn't expect was that once the crime was committed, this thing would be called a murder weapon in everyone's eyes!

"Protect the family and the country...protect the family first..."

The moment I said these words, I was numb and my tongue couldn't turn.

At this second, I had already seen that it would be fine if I won this battle, but if I lost, no matter what the ending of Lao Qiao was, I would be gone.

"Since we don't have a country to support us, we still have a home..."

Lao Qiao looked at me saying these words with great difficulty. His eyes began to flicker, and there was something called "unbearable" hidden in his eyes, because he felt what I felt, but what followed was , but it's a kind of thing called 'You're good at everything, but you react too damn fast! ' expression.

That expression is called disgust, and now he is disgusted with the intelligence that he once liked most in me, because this intelligence is hindering him!
But he still didn't open his mouth to stop me, and just stood there to listen to what I had to say.

It's like... no matter how reluctant he was, he still buried all the old brothers who followed him into the graves one by one.

The Imperial Road is inherently lonely! !
 Thanks to 'book friend 20231023211247669' brother for the 2500 point reward, I am very grateful, thank you very much!
  Let me tell you something, this chapter has been written since last night. It has been revised from the original 4000 words to 2000 words. I can remove all the irrelevant details without affecting the reading and perception. I want everyone to see the expressions and status of the two people when they are talking.

  As a result, many repetitions led to emotional overdraft. There are only two chapters left, which will be updated later at [-] or [-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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