Chapter 256 The wisp of smoke left behind
I still like Menneng’s nights, not for anything else but because it’s clean.

I've seen it before. When I stood on the top of the mountain and looked at it with a high-powered telescope, the streets were very loose and chaotic. Some people were drunk and vomiting, some were looking for drunks to touch their bags at the door of nightclubs, and some were strolling around on motorcycles. Just wait. When someone passes by carrying a brand-name bag or a mobile phone, he rushes over and snatches it away in exchange for some pocket money.

Mengneng is different. The streets in Menneng are very quiet after nightfall, especially after the nightclubs have been cleaned up, so a lot of people gather at the entrance of the night show. On other streets, only some idle people pass by, that's all.

This is like a city, like the city in my mind.


On the top of a mountain outside Menneng, I squatted there with about ten people to check the situation in Menneng County. When I heard the sincere shouts, I put down the telescope in my hand.

"Nothing has changed."

He frowned and said: "Menneng County is still the same as before. Except for those people we arranged, the security camp is motionless and the police are also maintaining security at the entrance of the night show. When my people went in, because they were wearing Wa costumes, , no one even looked at him."

This is not what I expected. I sent people back to Meng Neng to check the situation inside. Since Lao Qiao has made a choice, he will definitely guard against my counterattack. Therefore, in my impression, Meng Neng It is only right that all the trees and grass should be soldiers.

But none of this seems to have happened.

I laughed.

When fighting with Lao Qiao, you have to think deeply about everything.

"If Old Qiao could let you see it, I wouldn't be able to bear it till today."

I have an idea.

It is expected that Old Qiao must have devised an empty city plan at this moment.

He has always been like this. When he discovers something or prepares to induce something, he will never resort to coercion. Instead, he will put out enough bait and wait for you to come forward little by little.

This might be an empty city strategy, but I haven't imagined where Lao Qiao would deploy his troops.

"Have you checked Lao Qiao's single-family villa?"

Zhenzhen nodded at me and said: "0726's car is here, and the green soldiers who were guarding Mr. Bao have also withdrawn."

This is exactly what I expected. It is clear that there is no 300 taels of silver here!

"Where is my home?" I asked again.

"I also watched it. The lights were dark, and only the dim light of the TV was flickering in the room..."

At this second, my eyes widened.

Old Qiao, you finally revealed your secrets!
Dark lights at night?
Lao Qiao, you have even arranged the noose for me, just waiting for me to put my feet in, right?At that time, it will be like trapping a rabbit in the mountains during the winter in the Northeast. As soon as the rope is tightened, it is immediately tied up by the ankles and hung up.

"Get your people in."

"Meet at Lao Qiao's villa."

After giving the order, I turned to look at Dahei: "Dahei."

He now somewhat knew his Chinese name and immediately came over to her.

I took out my mobile phone and typed the Chinese character for 'infiltrate' on my phone. After translating it into English, I pointed to the most eye-catching villa in Mengneng County and typed again: "Target."

Immediately afterwards, I typed the CQC I just learned on the screen.

The group of people disappeared into the mountains like a gust of wind.

At this moment, I finally transformed into a midnight ghost, seeking my life silently.

At night, there are no pedestrians on the streets of Menneng. This place is different from big cities in China. Usually at eight or nine o'clock in the evening, the streets are sparsely populated. Occasionally, one or two people pass by, and they are all rushing home quickly. Rush.But I, at this moment, appeared in Menneng County.

Relying on my familiarity with Meng Neng, I specialize in walking in small alleys that the military and police will not go. Sometimes I even climb over the wall to attract two barking dogs, but I will never be exposed on the street.

Because there are cameras all over the streets of Menneng, but there are none in these alleys.

I slowly and leisurely moved closer to the villa. When I was only one street away from the villa, I saw a figure touching him. The dark figure was invisible if I didn't pay attention, until he touched it in the middle of nowhere. Behind the green-skinned soldier standing guard at the courtyard gate, he stabbed the green-skinned soldier in the back.

Dahei quickly dragged the green soldier to the shadow outside the wall. After making sure it was safe, he hit the green soldier's back with the dagger and pulled it out. Even if he left a few drops of blood along the way, in this dark night It's impossible for anyone to pay attention.

After the green soldiers were dragged away, Zhenxin went in with a hatchet, but I felt something was wrong in the alley across the street.

This old Qiao's villa is so easy to enter, it seems completely defenseless.

This reminds me of countless sinister scenes in movies. As long as you dare to go in, you are guaranteed to be full of soldiers on the second floor, aiming guns at you.

I didn't move, hiding in the corner motionless.

I saw Zhencheng using a knife to pry open the back window, where the old servants of the villa usually used to release moisture and ventilation. There was a cabinet next to that place, which was where I took the cigarettes from.

Only then did I realize that when I entered Lao Qiao's villa, I had remembered every detail in my mind. Perhaps... subconsciously, I had always known that this moment would happen.

I don't have time to think about it anymore, there are already sounds of fighting in the villa!
The sounds of banging, banging, and the shattering of glass products after falling to the ground were endless, especially obvious in this silent night, and finally - bang!

I also heard a gunshot.


If my guess is correct, the ambush in the villa should appear now.

I waited and waited.

Until a shout came from the villa: "Basement!"

"Old Joe is in the basement!"

Lao Qiao, unexpectedly!Yes!exist!

This is completely beyond my expectation. If this is a trap, there is no need for Lao Qiao to stay in it. He can just watch all this happen from a distance. When and where will the conversation with the loser take place? Can't chat?

Or, is this also the bait laid out by Lao Qiao?Just to lure me into taking the bait?
I saw the figures flashing in the window, those black men, they were as clear as black coal in the light;
And the roar just now was clearly a sincere voice. Unless someone put a gun to his head, he couldn't have betrayed me for no reason. But these black people are fine, how could he allow sincerity to be held at gunpoint? Hold your head?

Where is the ambush?Where is the ambush? !
There is never a clear answer to my biggest question.

I briefly analyzed the situation. According to the gunshots just now, the security camp and the police should arrive soon. In other words, if I don’t enter the villa now, I will never be able to enter again. Maybe, I will completely lose the face-to-face relationship with Lao Qiao. Chance.

I have to bet, because the lives of dozens of us are hanging on this gambling table!
Under the night light, I walked out of the street calmly. When passing by the slightly flickering street lights, I habitually took out a cigarette from my pocket, put it in my mouth, lowered my head and lit it...

I slowly opened the door and walked into the villa. When the villa opened, the house was in a mess, and the pungent smell of blood hit the back of my head.

The old servant I was most familiar with died in the living room holding a powerful revolver. He had countless stab wounds on his chest and Zuo Lei. Lying with him on the ground was a boy wearing Wa costumes. , which was about 23 or [-] years old, and the boy’s head was shattered by him;

Some of the other servants were killed with a knife and died at the doorway at my feet; some died next to the display cabinet on the first floor. At this time, Dahei was waiting for several black men who had just walked down from the second floor with guns in their hands.

Now there is no need to worry about whether there will be gunshots again. A gunshot and continuous gunshots have the same meaning in Lao Qiao's villa.

But Dahei shook his head under my gaze. Before he left the mountain, the last task I gave him through my mobile phone was to rescue the hostages...

(End of this chapter)

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