The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 257 I’m no longer a mute!

Chapter 257 I’m no longer a mute!

There is no one upstairs, which means there are people downstairs.

Bump, bump, bump.

I felt my heartbeat in the quiet night.

Just like a Go beginner who is still in the stage of memorizing music and wants to play against the teacher who teaches him his skills, I looked at the basement stairs and felt the veins on my forehead popping.

The pressure is coming.

I turned around and ran downstairs.

In the wine cellar, Zhen Zhen stood guard at the door with his arms covered with blood. When I looked over, he said to me: "Penetrating injuries, nothing."

I thought of the Wa man on the first floor whose head was smashed by the big left wheel. I guess the bullet passed through his skull and changed its direction, and then penetrated the sincere arm that wanted to help.

However, this is not the time to show sympathy to your subordinates.

I pushed open the wine jar in the wine cellar according to the impression in my memory. At the same moment that the door appeared, the light from the dark room came out. A Wa man holding a gun ran toward the door. He seemed to I felt novel about this mechanism—bang!

A shot went off.

The Wa boy suddenly shook his head back and fell to the ground on his back.

The next second, everyone in the room started to look for cover. A few stupid Wa people actually chose to hide behind the wine vat, while I, motionless, stared at the door that slowly opened.

At that time, I felt that my feet were weighing heavily, but I had to move out under the attention of my subordinates.

I walked towards the door, and slowly poked my head out in the light and shadow.

In the room, the tinder boxes were still standing on both sides of the wall, but there was an extra chair in the middle of the room, a grand master's chair.

I thought the person sitting on the chair would be my mother or Aunt Fang, so when I poked my head over, I deliberately smiled, hoping that this could ease their mood.

But, I only saw Lao Qiao.

Old Qiao sat on the chair with a straight face, holding an antique gun loosely in his hand, a Browning 1911, and just sat there.

He lowered his head in an old-fashioned way, tilted his head and squinted at the door.

"come in."

Of course he knew it was me.

The monitor screens behind Lao Qiao are all on, which is different from the software on my phone.

I mean, he watched me come in.

"Old man, haven't you rested yet?"

I wanted to relax a bit, so I said such a witty remark intentionally.

When my whole body appeared at the door, Lao Qiao had no intention of raising his gun.

Because, on both sides of the door, there were several AK guns aimed at him.

"Close the door."

I heard Lao Qiao casually say the same commanding words as before, and what I responded to him was a sneer on my face.

Seeing that I was unmoved, Lao Qiao stared at me and added: "I am doing this for your own good."

Then, he continued: "Are you still afraid?"

I entered the room, picked up the bench, placed it next to the explosive box, moved the explosive box away, entered the password on it, and then slowly closed the door.

The only thing left in the room was the light from the screen behind Lao Qiao, and our eyes facing each other.

Then he slowly raised his head, gritted his teeth at me with his chin and cursed: "Your damn tendon is wrong!"

"Why are you bringing people here?!"

I crossed my legs and looked at him with a quiet smile. It took a long time before I opened my mouth and said, "It's really like the acting."

But he was dumb and didn't open his mouth.

I thought it might be my show time.

"Why am I coming back?"

"I can't ask you this."

"I was sent to the village to deliver the message, and in the middle of the night I called Yang Rong and asked him to throw me on the front line to attack the Burmese army. Then the disaster was diverted to the north, triggering a full-scale conflict between the Burmese army and the Kokang army... This is not what you said. Of?"

Lao Qiao did not deny it at all: "I said it."

"Then what?" I looked at him.

It was the first time that Lao Qiao answered me formally: "Then the Burmese army arrived at the border and made Xiaobao afraid to move. We took the opportunity to start transporting goods. When will Meng Neng's strength be able to compete with the Wa..."


I asked sharply.

Lao Qiao said a little confused: "You can't wait?"

"With all the trouble today, do you think I've been keeping the goods in my hands and not going out, so you can't make any money?"

I didn't expect that...

"How come you have reached this moment and are still pretending to be stupid with me?"

Lao Qiao glanced around: "With you, why am I pretending to be your mother?"

"You didn't pretend to be stupid. You deliberately hid the key points and didn't say it. You picked it out for yourself word for word!"

"Master Bao did not hesitate to kill his own father in order to prevent you from controlling him. Don't you have to give an explanation for this?"

"Do you think the Wa State Army will let you go if you don't give an explanation?"

"So what if the Burmese army presses on the border?"

"Can you withstand the pressure of public opinion?"

"At that time, who will take the blame?"

"It doesn't have to be me!"

Lao Qiao glared at me harder and harder as I spoke, and finally just said: "You actually think so..."

"Then what should I think?!"

I stood up, walked directly opposite Lao Qiao, and said as if he didn't care about the danger at all: "Tell me what I should think?"

"As someone who has never been a soldier, I am asked to lead a surprise attack on the Burmese army. What do you think I should think?"

"Aren't they just looking at how many black people I bought? They look more like terrorists!"

"Don't you just want to go along with the current situation and put the matter of Mr. Bao directly on my head, and then turn around and continue to sing a friendly drama with Mr. Bao?"

"What the hell should I think!"

After thinking deeply, Lao Qiao raised his head and said, "Have you seen it when you got home?"

"I should ask you this!"

"Why are the lights dark in my house at night?"

Lao Qiao nodded: "Yes, I tied up your mother, your woman and the child in her belly... Is that what happened?"

He was actually asking me...

I suddenly... suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Lao Qiao's expression.

"Then you didn't realize it at all. Today's Meng Neng is the same as usual, without any changes?" He said as if he had thought of it: "Oh, yes, this is a trap I set for you, so that you can see it on the surface. There was no one there, and then, when this situation appeared, I slapped my hands..."


He put the gun on his lap and tapped his palm twice.

I pulled out the gun directly from my waist and turned to point at the door.


A drop of sweat fell from my hair, right in front of my eyes. I didn't realize when I sweated, and how could I sweat in this kind of weather? This was spring.

"Didn't you close the door yourself?"

When Old Qiao finished saying this, I turned around again and pointed the gun at his head.

Yes, he is right, I closed the door myself...

Lao Qiao's usual kindness towards me disappeared. He looked at me with a very strange look and said, "Xu Ruifeng, you're done."

"It's over."

This time, he didn't call me 'little mute'.

(End of this chapter)

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