The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 258 Only needs 1 ray of sunshine

Chapter 258 All I need is a ray of sunshine (Thanks to brother ljx73 for the reward!)

I am no longer a mute, not anymore.

Since I left the village, except for Lao Qiao and Yang Rong, no one has called me that anymore.

But Lao Qiao keeps calling me that, just like an old man who watched you grow up, and when you were sixteen or seventeen years old, he would tease you and say: "Come on, grab a chicken and eat it."

It wasn't until one day when he saw you holding a knife in your hand, and your hands were covered in blood, that he realized that he could no longer treat you like a child, and then he called out your name.


Lao Qiao looked at me and said, "Don't you understand everything?"

I did understand, but I still wanted to listen to him.

"Go ahead and finish the last sentence."

As if he didn't care about life or death at all, Lao Qiao didn't even look at the 1911 on his lap, and said casually: "That's okay, I introduced you to the devil anyway."

He paused, and those few seconds seemed like a lifetime to me, watching every detail of his breathing rate, watching the wrinkles squeeze into his cheeks where there were no wrinkles before.

"From the beginning, I just kept you as a pet."

"Telling you the rules of this world is like teaching a puppy how to shake hands. It wasn't until one day that I found that the trash I left out was picked up by the puppy, that I had new fun."

What he said was that he discovered that I had the ability to do things. I guess it started when I found the position of the big boss.

"But I have to have a dog leash. I can't spend so much time raising a dog and let someone else take it away in the end, right?"

"I'll have someone bring your mother back."

He smiled.

"There may be something you don't even know."

"Do you still remember that after I introduced you to Yutou and the others, I gave you a mouth and then went to your house for dinner?"

"Your mother was listening to us talking on the stairs. I could hear her footsteps. The old lady is quite interesting."

I responded, “My mom is worried about me.”

"There is absolutely no need for her to worry. I have believed you a long time ago."

Old Qiao crossed his legs, picked up a cigar from the table, and lit it alone.

Then he turned to look at me: "It will take a while before the white box of Chinese cigarettes are delivered. I have already changed cigarettes. Xu Ruifeng, what else should I do to you?"

What is heart-wrenching!
"You mean..."

Lao Qiao looked at me: "How can there be such a thing as taking the blame?"

"As long as I live, who will believe that you, Xu Ruifeng, can take charge of Meng Neng's affairs and dare to kill Mr. Bao without my permission?"

"Who do you think you are?"

Lao Qiao snorted coldly and curled his lips.

"And I will take you to see the tombs of my old brothers..."

"Why don't you understand?"

"I'm just trying to appease you!"

"When I look at you, it's like I picked up a wild cat outside. Even though you are in a warm home, you are still curled up in a corner and shivering because of the injuries you suffered outside."

"I don't even dare to touch you..."

"As soon as I get close to you, you will howl with pain and show your little kitten paws that I don't even care about because I think I can protect myself."

"If I didn't fucking feel sorry for you..."

Lao Qiao finally said what was in his heart: "If I hadn't suffered the same thing as you, and I could fully understand your distrust of anyone, why should I talk to you about this?"

"I would pull this off with you?!"

The smoke slowly rose in the fluorescent light of the screen. Old Qiao slowly put the cigar to his mouth. He inhaled a whole mouthful of cigar, and it even passed through his lungs.

"You were made extremely sensitive in the park, and your heart was full of wounds. You healed your body in my place, but you are still suspicious of everything around you, and you analyze every word and deed I say with extreme caution... "

"How is this different from when I was assassinated by the big boss's soldiers?" He looked at me squarely: "Hey, do you know why we are like this?"

I shook my head.

"Because we first set a result in our mind that we will be hurt, and then all the behaviors we see will add guiding thinking to this result, as if every process has an arrow pointing to the result."

"This is what I found a foreign psychiatrist to tell me after I killed all the old brothers who had been through life and death. At that time, I was living in a state of confusion..."

His eyes became gentle, his words became gentle, and with the gentlest attitude, he said chilling words: "It was as if he saw himself turning into a devil."

I...I saw it too.

"The psychiatrist also said a lot of things to me, but I didn't remember most of them. I just remembered that he gave me an analysis of why it happened like this."

"He said that this place is a land of lawlessness. We are walking in a hell where we can't see our fingers. At that time, even if the hairs on our bodies are blown by the wind, we will shudder and want to pick up the nearest weapon."

"If anyone dares to touch me in this situation, I will fuck your mother. If I don't cut him down with a knife, I feel like my heart will pop out of my throat."

"Just like that, we cleared up the space around us, and finally felt comfortable. But as soon as we were free, we found that our noses were filled with the smell of blood, and our whole nerves became tense again."

Lao Qiao recalled: "I asked the doctor, why is this?"

He didn't continue, looked at me and asked, "Am I right?"

I swallowed hard.

From A Yong, to A Da, to Big Boss, Xi Gu...

I swallowed hard again, but found that there was no more saliva to swallow. The only action that could make my heart calmer was to tighten the gun in my hand.

"This is the devil I told you about."

"He made us see power, money, women, and everyone's groveling in front of us..."

"When we laugh wildly in this environment, thinking that this is the so-called success..."

Lao Qiao's smile slowly melted on his face, as if a basin of clear water began to become turbid little by little and he said: "Actually, all we need is a ray of sunshine."


Lao Qiao stretched out his hand to me: "Wouldn't you be afraid if you can see it?"

"If you saw that the thing that scratched your arm was just a branch, would you pick up a knife and chop down the person standing not far from you?"

"If you could have a number to call the police when you're scared..."

I didn't dare to shake Lao Qiao's hand, so he could only point to the gun awkwardly: "Will you point that thing at my head?"

"So I said you're done."

"After the darkness grows in your heart, the first thing to be blinded is your eyes."

"Xu Ruifeng, you can't be saved."

I didn't know where to put my hands to get the cigarette case from my pocket, but I reached my hand into my pocket and realized that I had just come in with a cigarette between my arms. In the end, I could only shake it off and light it for myself. Got one.

"how about you?"

I forced myself to ask this question.

"I've long since been saved."

Old Qiao said word by word: "If you are merciful and let me live today, I will have someone kill you when you leave this door, including your unborn child."

"You would think so even if I didn't do it;"

"Even if you don't think so, I will do it!"

He wasn't provoking me, he was telling the truth.

After experiencing all this, we know that people like us can only go one way if we make one mistake!

 Thanks to 'ljx73' for the two tips, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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