The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 268: The chicken must be eaten tender

Chapter 268: The chicken must be eaten tender (Thanks to Dull Knife for the 500 reward!!)

The empty Judicial Committee office was unusually quiet.

I put my feet up on the table and watched the news on TV alone.

And next to my feet, there is a copy of "The Prince".

Old Qiao should read this book frequently, otherwise it is unlikely that the corners of the book will still be curled up under the pressure of the thick book cover.

But at this moment, I didn't fall into memories, let alone read a book. Instead, I was watching the news alone.

"Our news reports indicate that the leader of the Kokang Alliance Army is likely to appear in Meng Neng soon. At this stage when the Myanmar Army and the Kokang Army are at odds with each other, the leader of the Kokang Alliance Army who was expelled from Kachin State appears in Wa State with the purpose of And the intention is worth pondering.”

"It is reported that the military leaders and government leaders of the Wa State Army have not met with them. I think this is likely to be closely related to the unstable political situation in the Wa State."

"Please check the weather forecast below."

I laughed.

In the past, these were the things I disliked watching the most. As long as I held the remote control in my hand and a similar picture appeared on the TV, it was basically a mistake.

But this time, I felt that the picture was too short, and many things were not explained thoroughly enough, but there was nothing I could do about it.

These aspects that I could not touch upon a long time ago are now right in front of me; these situations that I could only judge based on minutiae before and kept making wrong judgments have now become a chessboard manipulated by my own hands.


When, when, when.

There was a knock on the office door.


The word I shouted casually was like an edict. As the door was pushed open, a half-brained voice came over: "Master Xu, aren't you busy?"

He spoke quickly, and the voice came over before the door was opened, for fear of bumping into something he shouldn't see: "It's okay."

After I finished answering, the door opened completely and Banbra stepped in.

"Mr. Xu, I just saw the news..." He closed the door incomprehensibly and asked, "Why did the news come out about our contact with the boss Peng?"

I pointed to the chair in front of me and said, "Sit."

Banbra stretched out his hand on the chair, pulled it out slightly, and sat down.

"Master Xu, the situation is unstable now. This kind of thing should not be released in advance..."

I listened to him and looked at his empty hands.

He reached out and pushed the "The Prince" in front of him: "This is a good book, you should read it if you have time."

Banbula was interrupted by me and stopped there without continuing, but I continued: "This book says that a monarch should seal a letter in his left hand and a sharp knife in his right hand."

"Hey, look what I have in my hand?"

I stretched out both hands.

Banbula looked at it seriously for a long time, and finally shook his head: "There is nothing."


"I have nothing."

I asked again: "A leader among monarchs should have a cloud of advisers and a rain of powerful generals behind him. Look who is behind me?"

Banbula didn't need to look this time, and counted with his fingers: "Old Eagle, Fish Head, Old Smoking Gun, Sincerity, Sesuo, me..." He stopped talking.

"For a monarch, the throne should be built by economy and law. It should not only shine, but also let people see the twinkling chill in the light. Look at my chair again." I pointed to the chair under my butt. : "Look what's cast."

Banbra waited for the answer.

"Under such circumstances, why do you think Master Bao has not issued a letter of appointment so that He Chuntian can take office as soon as possible?"

"You mean, he..."

"He's waiting." I said concisely: "Maybe he doesn't even know what he should be waiting for, but he just wants to wait some more."

"Then do you think there is any way I can make him speed up?"

Banbula shook his head: "Our current situation is that we can't defeat them, and we can't urge them."

"You are wrong. We can neither fight nor push." ​​The army is not in my hands, so what should I use to fight?

If you urge me, it will be in vain. Doesn’t that mean that the whole of Myanmar will see a joke?

I spoke again: "Then what is the only way I can make him move?"

"This is a man who can even kill his own father. What can I do to scare him and make him obedient?"

Banbula understood immediately and slapped the armrest of the chair hard: "The situation!"

"But where is the situation?"

I nodded at him: "Yes, where is the situation? The hatred between the Burmese army and the Kokang lies outside the country. They bombed Kachin State last year, and this year they are thinking about taking over the Kokang."

"No matter how you look at this situation, it has nothing to do with us."


"We are like a sick man with no money and poor health, and now we only have this little land in our hands."

"If I don't shout out loudly that a wealthy man from outside comes to buy land, can Master Bao pay a high price?"

Banbula slumped on the chair and said inexplicably: "Being the boss is really tiring."

What's even more tiring is that the people under your command can't understand your intention at all, and they have to ask you to explain it again.

I looked at Banbula and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Banbula quickly sat up straight and said, "Lao Qi is here."

I glanced outside the door, and this time Hanbra nodded immediately.

Then I raised my chin.

Banbula immediately stood up and said, "I'll call people in right now."

He walked out of the room, but deliberately left the door ajar, so I could hear his greeting clearly.



Two voices greeted me.

One of them was very careless and opened his mouth and said directly: "Director, when I came here just now, I saw a woman, with that ass, that prick, oh my gosh, it's so fucking... No, I mean, it's really funny... …”

His voice suddenly stopped, and I guess half-bra was glaring at him.

The boy's voice immediately dropped a notch, and he shrank his neck and said: "People say that eating young chickens means fucking old cocks. If young cocks are not stuffed, old cocks will slip. Director, this is all common sense..."

I heard a loud noise, like someone slapped him hard on the back of the neck.

Banbula's voice came over at this moment: "Sela, the person you are going to meet later is our current master, do you think it is appropriate to speak like this?"

Sierra was completely mute.

He spoke again: "Lao Qi, I heard that you and our Master Xu are old acquaintances?"

The voice I hadn't heard for a long time responded in a trembling voice: "I, I..."

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Xu is short of people now. Outside, there are big bosses Peng and Mr. Bao who are eyeing him. Mr. Bai is acting like a monster at home. Mr. Xu's intention is to deal with it ruthlessly and at the same time bring out a meritorious minister. .”

"Do you understand what I mean by these words?"

I guess Lao Qi is nodding at this time.

Banbula continued: "Then, do you want to come back from the dark prison?"

"I think!"

"Director, I want it too damn much!"

"Give me a chance, really, give me a chance. I'll kill whoever you want me to kill. Anyway, I only have one life. If I replace it with the young master of the Bai family, it won't be a loss!"

I smiled coldly in the office.

It turns out that in those years when I was still a tiger, the people who made noises and fights were all such idiots. People who really mean what they say are hiding behind like turtles, poking at your wildness and letting you yourself When you can't bear it any longer, you'll serve as their spearmen...

 Thanks to brother 'Dull Knife' for the 500 reward, special thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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