The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 269 I have been waiting for you for a long time!

Chapter 269 I have been waiting for you for a long time!
Older people often told me that no matter what you do, you have to be steady and steady.

I was young at that time and couldn't understand it at all. Little did I know that in the eyes of adults, the word "impatient" not only represents your personality, but also represents your lack of preparation and your weakness.

But today I am in the position of being the master of the family, and I finally understand.

In this life, it is likely that what one needs to be patient is not only the short time between 'a moment', but more likely 'day after day', 'month after month', and possibly 'year after year' .

This kind of patience can wear down an entire echelon of people, and then the required meticulousness and attentiveness will wear down another echelon. Finally, after all the people in the last echelon are driven away in terms of 'bearing capacity', the remaining people, Only then can we enter the final bloody stage of fighting.

I saw Lao Qi.

Saw him again.

This time, Lao Qi not only learned to nod and bow when he saw me, but also learned to talk sweetly.

"Master Xu."

I almost laughed out loud.

If he hadn't been thrown into a black prison and trained for such a long time, he would never have been able to scream 'Master Xu' so smoothly. Maybe there would have been a bit of 'Wasn't he just a piggy before?Why are you stepping on my head now? 'The strength of the tiger.


I kicked him in the groove, and he could show the other side of his buttocks, and then said: "Master Xu, kick over there."

"It hurts you."

After I said these four words, Lao Qi almost burst into tears. He must be thinking about the days in the jade mine where the wind and sun were blowing, and the skin on his cheeks was bursting.

"It's okay, as long as Mr. Xu can still think of me, it'll be okay."

I patted his shoulder hard and looked at him with nostalgia in my eyes. I knew this would give him hope.

"Nowadays, Meng Neng is short of people. There is no one in charge of the 729 Military Region yet. I need someone to take over."

"You are from the military and have been in 729. Can you support this situation?"

Lao Qi couldn't believe all this and raised his head. He never thought that he would still have this day.

"I can't give you anything, people, guns, money, backstage, I won't give you anything, because before I give you these things, you have to show me that you are useful."

"But I can give you the position you once had. After you leave this office, you will still be the seventh company commander of the 729 campus, and the people under you will return to you."

"As for how you climbed out of the 729 campus and how you climbed to the highest position in the 729 military region, I don't care at all. But as long as you sit on it and control the people under you, I can keep you in this position."

"The Prince" says that you can be cruel and even kill his father, but you can never deprive him of his property.If you kill his father, he can slowly forget the pain with the blessing of property, but if you take away his property, he will definitely rebel!
As for me, in addition to returning everything that Lao Qi had previously owned to him, I only gave him a promise like a blank check.

If he can really climb from the 729th Campus to the highest position in the 729th Military Region, and can still control the people under his command, then I don't need to worry about him, he can still sit firmly under his butt.

But, if I hadn't fished him out of the jade mine today, he would have had to smash rocks for the rest of his fucking life.Therefore, under the guidance of this premise, he will feel that everything he has is given by me. A person who thinks about the old relationship is given by me, and he will never think that the two of us only have old hatred, not old love.

"Master Xu, just watch what I do next!"

"I may not be able to do anything else, but as a member of the army, I guarantee that I will give you a surprise within a year!"

I don't need surprises, and I will only calculate the existing strength. In other words, after I send Lao Qi out, I will have an extra company of usable strength around me, which can be regarded as my first army.

I looked at Banbula and said without any ink: "The Judicial Committee issued a letter of appointment appointing Lao Qi as the company commander in the 729 park."

Banbula said respectfully: "Yes."

At this moment, the phone on the table rang!
Beep, beep, beep.

I didn't pick up the phone, but directly pressed the speakerphone, and then a voice that sounded like it was about to explode came from the phone: "Xu, you have two fucking boats!"

I heard Master Bao's voice, and I deliberately made him angry and said, "Master Bao, I don't play with girls for a day or two anymore. Do you want to take care of this now?" Pfft...

Banbra almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"I'm talking about Big Boss Peng!"

"Let me ask you, why did the boss Peng go to Menneng? How could he bypass Mengmao and go directly to Menneng!"

"How could he do it without you? He can fly!"

"It's you. When Lao Qiao asked you to attack the Burmese army, you had been to Mengmao and knew how to cross the mountainous area from Mengmao to Menneng. Who else could it be if it wasn't you??!!"

I leaned on the table and said into the phone: "Master Bao? Master Bao!"

"Don't get excited, I won't admit it either."

"It's me. I seduced the boss Peng like a slutty bitch, but that's because you don't care about me."

"I asked you, the Wa State, to issue a letter of appointment to help He Chuntian take the position of county magistrate. It has been how many days, but you still ignore me."

"Since I've lost my reputation, why don't I find a man to live by myself, even if I'm just a kid?"

"It just so happens that someone in the boss Peng's hands has a gun, but he lacks territory. The two of us just looked at Mung Bean and fell in love. This shouldn't be considered a hookup, right? Fundamentally speaking, I really think you are Our matchmaker."

"Xu Ruifeng!!!"

"Here you are!" I said with a smile on the phone: "But if you don't have anything else to do, I have to leave. My woman asked me to have lunch. She said that there was a Thai restaurant opened on the Meng Neng interface. It tasted delicious. Not bad."


"I will fax you the letter of appointment tomorrow!"

I can't imagine how determined Master Bao was when he said these words, but the sense of accomplishment after winning the game for the first time in my life gave me a feeling of blood-curdling joy.

"Thank you."

"What about you and Big Brother Peng?"

"I promise to give you the result you want."

After saying that, I hung up the phone.

When he raised his head again, he smiled and said to Banbula: "Isn't this a lazy donkey grinding? If you don't give it two whips, it will definitely stand next to the millstone for you."

The way Banbula looked at me had changed. He never imagined that things could develop so smoothly!

Of course, this trick of mine is almost useless against an emperor whose royal power is stable. Even if I really hold on to the scandal about his father's murder, it will be in vain. Only when the royal power is unstable, this trick will have miraculous effects. .

Then I picked up the phone and dialed the number in my memory: "Yang Rong, the letter of appointment will arrive tomorrow. You are ready to go."

After hanging up the phone, I looked at Lao Qi again, and then I opened my mouth and said, "Now, I have moved the big Buddha pressing on your head. Yang Rong will go out to do business tomorrow and will not be in Meng Neng for a while. You How high you can climb is entirely up to you!”

Lao Qi had been holding back what he wanted to say. What a great man he is. When he opened his mouth, his upper and lower lips were stretched but he couldn't even pronounce the words.

But at this moment, footsteps sounded in the porch, and the moment the long footsteps appeared at the door, a man in a white suit raised his finger and pointed at me and rushed into the house: "Xu Ruifeng!"

Lao Qi, with sharp eyes and quick hands, pinned his hand behind his back, pressed his head and bumped it against my desk. The boy opened his mouth and cursed: "Master Xu, are you the one who can point your finger at me??!!"

I looked at the man on the desk and said with a smile: "Mr. Bai, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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