The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 270 The snipe and the clam fight, where do the clams come from!

Chapter 270 The snipe and the clam fight, where do the clams come from!
The youngest son of the Bai family is here.

Came so just in time!

After hearing the news about Big Boss Peng, he is probably the most restless person in the world.

He knew that if the boss Peng entered Meng Neng, he would be the first one to deal with it.

He also knows that as long as the boss Peng takes power, he will be afraid of death!
Therefore, Mr. Bai couldn't sit still.

The person whom I had been looking for for three days without finding him unexpectedly showed up in my office.

But I have to be honest, I did become bad.

Because when I gave this job to the old kite, I knew he couldn't handle it.

When Lao Qiao was still alive, I almost made this kid mad when I went to the casino to fish for fish heads. If I hadn't caught up with Da Bao and got stabbed all the time, maybe we could really compete with each other and be ranked No. 1 in Meng Neng Jianghu. Fight to the death.

It's a pity that I won because of God's favor. I used a suppressive force that was beyond his reach, so that this little kid didn't dare to resist.

But this time, I let the royal power restrict me.

I can't just deal with people named Bai as soon as I take office. What will that do to the people under my command?Revenge?Does Lao Qi still dare to serve me?
No matter how valid a reason I can come up with, this matter doesn't make sense, because people will live according to their own logic no matter what your reasons are.

If such a big boss Peng appeared, everything would be different.

The two of them would fight like cockfighting cocks under my control. At that time, it would be me who would benefit from the snipe and the clam.

I finally understand why Lao Qiao set up a trap, because once I let my subordinates stop, I won't be able to stop.

"The people in your casino haven't told you that I asked Old Falcon to look for you, right?"

"Old Falcon came to see you three times and even smashed your office door. You must not know about it, right?"

"It's okay. Those people in your casino really don't have the ability to work. I think it's time for a change."

I looked up at the people in the room and shouted, "Serra."

He quickly stood up from behind Hanbra.

"Let Lao Lin send the manager of our park's casino over tomorrow. The quality of our people there is so high."

When I turned back, I looked at the young master of the Bai family who was lying on the table: "Mr. Bai, I solved your trouble for you, will you also solve my trouble for me?"

"The money you missed me, when will you make up for it?"

Mr. Bai pressed his face on the table, raised his eyes and looked at me, breathing heavily, spittle spurting out.

Unfortunately, helpless.

For this matter, even if his father comes here in person, it will be useless. I have the account book in my hand.

"What's going on with Boss Peng?"

I stretched out a finger and tapped on his forehead: "Is it your turn to ask? At this point, you still can't tell where you are?"

This is not very harmful, not at all, but Mr. Bai’s eyes are red!
"Xu Ruifeng, didn't you just steal Lao Qiao's position and become such a bad county magistrate?"

"You fucking..."

I looked at him without moving, but the young master of the Bai family stopped scolding me.

He seems to have come to his senses. He seems to have come to his senses. In Menneng, what is the equivalent of a county magistrate?

This was not Kokang, not the old street, not the place where he saw the county magistrate of Kokang as well as the eunuch.

"Like swearing?"

"That's okay. I'll let Sera Jon serve you alone for a while. I guarantee your satisfaction."

"But let's talk about money first."

"Repay me the money when."

The man surnamed Bai said nothing and stared at me...

I deliberately said, "Oh, it's the phone, right?" I picked up the landline microphone and put it on his ear, then looked at him and asked, "The number."

Lao Qi remained calm, grabbed his hair, picked up his head and hit him hard again - touch!

"Master Xu is asking you something!"


The young master of the Bai family has probably never suffered such a big loss in his life. After casually saying this, a series of phone numbers were posted.

When I dialed the phone, he shouted into the phone: "Sister! Save my sister!"

"Sister, Xu Ruifeng wants to kill me!"


In addition to his two sons, Bai Suocheng also has a bunch of daughters.

One of them later became an Internet celebrity, specializing in deceiving people there for the park...

But when I picked up the phone, under such circumstances, I heard a very calm voice: "Hello?"

She was in no rush.

I am not in a hurry: "Miss Bai, I am Xu Ruifeng."

"I know you, Mr. Qiao's most proud subordinate."

"Young Master Bai, you went too far and lost a lot of money in the casino. Look..."

The person on the phone hesitated for a moment, and there was a scratching sound in the phone. I guessed that he was covering the phone with his hand.

"I've heard about the incredible thing. Just count it for me and I'll send the money over before dark."

"But, we have to make sure that my brother is alive. If he comes back alive, we will still be friends."

I took the microphone, looked at Mr. Bai lying on the table and said, "You have a good sister."

Then he smiled and said: "Miss Bai, don't worry, we have no reason to hurt Young Master Bai."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this moment, Lao Qi grabbed his hair and threw it back. Young Master Bai was thrown on the sofa like a chicken, half of his face was purple.

The next second, a woman wearing a floral dress, holding a bag with her hands hanging in front of her belly, stood at the door and shouted: "Old Xu?"

I laughed out loud, looked at Sera and asked awkwardly: "You were just talking about her...are you laughing?"

Sera Jon explained to me what it meant to sweat like pulp, and big beads of sweat fell down his forehead. Until I stood up and walked next to him, I was shaking like an electric person.

"You're such a mouthful, but Lao Qiao still hasn't punished you."

"Well, I'll give you a task." I pulled out a chair and placed it across from Master Bai: "You just sit here and scold him for me, and pull me down when I scold him, okay?"

Lao Qi groaned: "Master Xu?"

"Didn't I tell him not to move!" I looked back at Lao Qi and said, "I just finished telling his sister, have you forgotten?"

Lao Qi lowered his head instantly.

I continued: "Lao Qi, you stay here. When Banbula tells you that the money has arrived, let this person named Bai leave..." I turned around and walked out of the room, hugging Xiaoxiao. In his arms, he turned around and glared at Master Bai and said, "For the last time!"

Just as I was about to step out, Banbula called me again: "Master Xu, isn't the boss Peng coming today?"

I turned back and smiled at him, and said something that made the young master of the Bai family suddenly raise his head: "Then wait, I have to go eat."

At that moment, the whole room froze!

I think they should all be looking at me with blank eyes and open mouths at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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