It's fighting!

After Yang Rong's troubles, the Burmese army and the Allied Forces fought a massive decisive battle at Nantianmen.

First, the Myanmar military government shouted to the Kokang Allied Forces through the media, accusing them of their despicable and shameless sneak attacks; then the Kokang Allied Forces directly denied it and began to say that the Myanmar Army was unruly and invaded Kokang territory.

As a result, one party clamored for revenge; the other party shouted that they would defend their homeland to the death.

In the end, there was a fierce battle with Nantianmen.

In the past few days, I have been staring at the TV and paying attention to this incident. Among them, the battles in Highland 2202 and Highland 2071 were the most tragic.

As a result, when I was staring at the news, I suddenly remembered that Xiaoxiao was watching a TV series called "My Captain, My Group" these two days, and I could always hear the words "Nantianmen" being shouted in it in a daze. , is it possible that this is a place?
I don't know if this is a place, but the news said that standing on Nantianmen, you can see Nanshan County and Kokang. This is the main reason why the Kokang Allied Forces dared to shout "Return to Hometown to Eliminate the White Bandits".

It's just that their weapons and equipment were really poor. The Burmese army stood under the Nantianmen and launched artillery suppression on the two highlands, and began to bombard the two highlands indiscriminately.During this period, in order to ensure the accuracy of the bombing, armed helicopters were even used to conduct rocket bombing on the top of the mountain to ensure that the target gathering place could be locked.

Unable to hold off the offensive for a long time, the Burmese army also removed its commander and appointed the commander of the 99th Division to sit on the front line and supervise the operations. As a result, the new officer took up his post and immediately launched a joint air-ground operation.

Mi-35 helicopters, combined with various artillery and armored vehicles on the ground, began to pour ammunition on Nantianmen. Under this coordinated battle, the 109th Battalion of the Burmese Army rushed to Highland 2202 through the cover of armored vehicles and occupied it in one fell swoop.

The defeat of the Kokang Allied Forces has become a foregone conclusion.

I watched on the news as the Burmese army marched along both sides of the ridge of Highland 2202 towards Highland 2071. The Kokang Allied Forces were unable to defend themselves. There was artillery fire above their heads and below their feet!

Since then, the Kokang Allied Forces have collapsed across the board.

There is no suspense.

Seeing this, I sat in Menneng's office and fell into confusion.

I don’t know what kind of outcome I would have if this kind of war happened in the Wa State.

A leader who has no sense of belonging to Meng Neng leads green soldiers who don't know how to fight for their hometown...

To be honest, I don't even have the confidence to appear on such a battlefield.

I reached out and picked up the phone on my desk. After dialing Zhenli's phone number, I breathed steadily while waiting for the call to be connected. When the other party connected, I immediately said, "Sincerity?"

"Martial law is enforced. From today on, all strangers on the street must show their ID, and no outsiders will be allowed to mix in..."

This is the only thing I can do.

Because if I were the boss Peng, my current goal would be Meng Neng!

He was driven out of Kachin State, so he must not be able to go to Kachin State, right?
The military strength that was finally accumulated was lost in the battle of Nantianmen. Why not find a cave to hide in, lick your wounds and recharge your batteries?

Shan State is far away from them, and the Kokang is the territory of the four major families. The person who made the accusation is a close relative of Master Bao. Apart from the unstable political situation and the newly replaced handsome man, where else can they stay?At least in the Wa State, the Burmese army did not dare to rush in and kill them all...

Thinking of this, I called Lao Yaoying again: "Ask all the hooligans on the street to move for me, and I will go to hotels, restaurants, and hotels wherever they can stay."

The old harrier who didn't watch the news immediately asked: "Master Xu, what happened again?"


It's indeed okay now, but I have to dig a hole for these people who have actually fought in the war. What if they want to rush in and seize the territory?
When the time comes, Master Bao can’t sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers?At that time, the decisive allies who have just been angered on the battlefield will face these paper green soldiers under my hands like tigers out of the cage!

Those are all people who have actually fought on the battlefield. Who can I expect to fight head-on with them?

I have no hope, no hope at all.

I also discovered that I am actually the same as when I was in the park. Even today, I still can’t count on anyone.

This reminds me of many ordinary people I know in China. At home, they have to let their parents pick and choose. When they go outside, they have to be scolded by customers, held accountable by leaders, and disliked and criticized by colleagues. It seems that the whole world is an enemy. Only I belong to one country, and the others are all from another country.

But what about when it’s time to get real?

Procrastination, fooling around, I may not be able to meet the requirements, I will lose if I lose. These thoughts will make people feel that they are not from the same country.

I remember that we were drinking together after get off work at the construction site. I just saw how miserable he was, so I comforted him softly: "You should be loved well by someone, then you will understand that, in fact, you It’s worth it.”

I just wanted to persuade him, but what I didn't expect was that such an ordinary sentence made him burst into tears. A big old man lay on the plastic table of a roadside stall and cried so loudly that no one around him dared to cry. time to eat.

At the time, I didn't even think that something like this would happen to me.

I have always felt that I was a demoniac. When I was a child, I was a writer. When I grew up, I became a social activist. I stopped being a demon at all. It was because I was caught by the law and thrown into prison.

At that time, I really didn’t realize that one day I would be able to establish a family. Who would have thought that I wouldn’t be old enough to understand what it means to be homeless.

But this is the world that I conquered with my bare hands from the park, and it seems that I haven’t relied on anyone yet, right?
Don't they all say that 'little brats who have never taken charge of their own affairs' are just bad guys in the eyes of adults who 'dare to stare at life'?

So how can a person like me, who has survived to this day by risking his life, be knocked down by this difficulty?
X Your mother, I just don’t accept it!

Even if the gun is put to the forehead, he is still convinced but not convinced!
What happened to the chaos in Meng Neng?
What happened to the awesome guy named Peng?Hasn't he come yet?

So what if he comes? Who has more children than him?

I felt a surge of fire in my heart. Don't tell me, I felt like I was being hardened.

How about Lao Qiao?
So what about the big bag?
I came through many obstacles!
Yes, I am afraid of the advanced weapons in your hands, but you have to be able to hold them in front of me, right?

Come back home.

I walked downstairs from the office and vaguely looked at the Land Rover that seemed to have a Passat parked next to it. There are quite a few of these cars now, and I didn’t care. Maybe it was another corrupt and perverting the law entrusted by the Judicial Committee. The old kite eagle got it.

When I walked to the Land Rover, I reached out and opened the door, got in the driver's seat, and started the car.

Before even stepping on the accelerator, I felt a chill on my temples.

I raised my eyelids slightly and saw a man in a black suit slowly getting up from the back seat in the rearview mirror. He handed over a mobile phone with his other hand and said, "Answer the phone."

I didn't say anything more and put the phone to my ear. At this moment, laughter came from the phone: "Hahahaha, I heard that you used my name to pretend to be stupid?"

The Sichuan dialect they speak is much more authentic than the one I speak! (End of chapter)

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