The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 277 Are you from the Bai family?

In the past, I felt that bickering was useless. Following the principle of "a biting dog should not bark", I would not speak if I could.

It's not the same now.

I am the master of Meng Neng. If I don't speak, they will think Meng Neng is easy to bully.

So, I spoke today.

"Boss Peng!"

Judicial Committee Courtyard.

I sat in the car and responded very cordially, as if I was on the phone with a friend I hadn't seen for a long time.

"Boss Peng, you have been so popular recently. After the battle at Nantianmen, the whole of Southeast Asia probably knew you. News from Myanmar has recognized your social circle. People say, 'A superpower will intervene in mediation. I hope Armistice between the two sides, look at your backstage."

"I envy me to death."

I praised the big boss Peng, but I knew that after the praise, I would be scolded...

"You son of a bitch..." He just cursed and couldn't continue.

Where else could it be a superpower?
With such a background, would it be embarrassing if we still lost at Nantianmen?
The two highlands of 2202 and 2071 were lost, and people were beaten at Nantianmen. After this battle, the white and puppet government in your mouth can only further consolidate its position in Laojie.

How can I praise you?He held you up to the sky, then suddenly let go and threw you to death!

"Just a few curses will be enough. You said that we don't even know each other. Boss Peng, if you really scold me, is there anywhere in the world for you to go?"

"Let's get down to business. Is there no place left? Do you want to borrow me to cultivate?"

When I said this with a smile, I quietly waited for the reply on the phone. After the other party fell silent, I opened my mouth and said: "It doesn't matter, I am a junior, and I don't know much about the situation in Southeast Asia." , even if they are not strong enough to fight, after you come, you can help me train these Wa soldiers."

"Boss Peng, in addition, Meng Neng is short of people for economic development, political development, educational development, and military development. See if you have any capable people under your command. If not, give me two. Please lend me some help first." Stay here, even if I let you recuperate and recuperate, I will collect the rent..."

"When we're done, our two armies will join together and we'll fight the other. When you have the manpower, go to the dark room for me. Just like today, put a small gun on your forehead. Then you will be the master of might."

"The real thing, I've planned it for you. At that time, you turn around and attack Bangkang and Mengbo first, and let Mengmao act as a shield for you to block the Burmese army. After taking care of Bangkang and Mengbo, then take care of Mengmao. , when the Wa State is in hand, the dragon goes out to sea and captures Kokang in one fell swoop, and the entire northern border of Myanmar is in your hands, what do you think?"

I sneered: "Come on, I'll wait for you."

"If you don't believe it, I will let the media announce tomorrow that County Magistrate He Chuntian will abdicate in favor of a successor, and Menneng County will be taken over by Boss Guogan Peng. How about that?"

On the phone, I could hear the voice of the big boss Peng banging his head with passion, because I said all the thoughts in his heart in one breath!
"Boss Xu, you have dug a hole and are waiting for me to jump out of it!"

I quickly denied: "Absolutely not!"

"How could I have known you were coming to Meneng?"

"However, I really thought about it before that. If you say you want to go to Shan State, that place is full of grass-headed kings, it doesn't matter what you say; if you say Kachin State, you just had people use artillery shells to drive them out. Guokang cannot be defeated again; the only place left is Wa State, and Wa State is so good..."

"Bao Youliang has been a weak waste for many years. He became a county magistrate in Mengpuo just because of his reputation as Mr. Bao."

"But Mengmao is the border, and the soldiers under my command have been facing conflicts all year round. They are not afraid of fighting at all. I'm afraid you can't bear the price of going there now;"

"It's different at Meng Neng. It belongs to the rear. The soldiers here eat, drink and have fun every day, and their calves tremble at the mention of fighting. You might be a little more cautious when Lao Qiao was here. After all, he was considered a famous general in the Wa State. Lao Qiao is dead. Now that an unknown person is making the decision, where else can you go?"

I cleared my throat: "Uh! Uh!" "I expected you to come. At least from the map, it's probably the closest to you and the most suitable place."

"If I were the commander of the Burmese army, I would set up an ambush in the direction of Mengmao while capturing Nantianmen. Boss Peng, I guarantee that you won't even have a chance to call me by then."

"But since you have already broken through, it means that the current commander of the 99th Division of the Burmese Army is trying to support the bandits."

"People understand that as long as you are alive, he can be stationed at the border forever and enjoy the delicious food. If you die, the next order from the Burmese government may be to plot against the Kachin State or the Wa State, so it is better to be with you, an old acquaintance. If we continue to fight, he doesn’t have to be on the front line anyway.”

"Under this situation, it makes sense that the Burmese army would not force the Kokang Allied Forces to death. In the melee among the five ethnic groups, the only ones who actually took action were the Kokang and the Kachin State. How irresistible the Kachin State is, we They are all seeing it. As for the Myanmar government, if they send 1 people to fight this war, they will eat up the finances they have saved so hard. At this time, everyone needs to take a breath, and it is completely good for you, me, and everyone."

"But once you big guys get better, us humble little forces will have a headache."

"Unless they can have my mind... By the way, Boss Peng, when will you come to the city? I can arrange a grand welcome ceremony for you."

My gushing was compounded by the constant silence on the phone. I guess he was wondering how a small talker from Menneng County could see the situation in front of him so clearly.

The question is, can I not see all this clearly?
If I were like Yingjiang, I could spend hundreds of billions of dollars in military spending to beat the price of oil. I wouldn't have to look at the situation. The situation is in my hands. What should I look at?Whoever stabs me will be finished!
But how could I not have that fate?
Isn’t it true that everyone in Myanmar is using Meng Neng as a soft persimmon?

If we don't fight hard for two games, I guess it won't just be the big boss Peng and his family who will be able to make plans in the future.

"I'll show you the immortal..." The boss was happy.

I don’t know what he was thinking, but I know that he would never dare to enter Menneng County.With such a sincere invitation from me, he probably felt that the county was surrounded by swords and soldiers, and he felt that I was a tough guy who was hard on the outside and hard on the inside.

"Okay, I'll go the day after tomorrow."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

"I've prepared a Sichuan cook for you, waiting for you." I didn't even believe a single punctuation mark in what he said.

Beep, beep, beep.

The phone hangs up.

And the so-called 'day after tomorrow' by the boss Peng was completely regarded as bullshit by me.

The next second, I handed the phone over behind me.

The man who kept holding the gun against my head said in a muffled voice: "Throw it away."

I couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud: "I was afraid that when I handed the phone to you, you would reach out to pick it up with your other hand and the muzzle of the gun would deflect. I took the opportunity to push your hand away and get out of the car, and then threw you into this place." In a deadlock?"

"Then what were you thinking about when you came?"

"A man entered my judicial committee and put a gun to my head just to give Lao Peng a phone call?"

"Is this worth risking your life? Just walk in openly and say that boss Peng wants to call me. I have to answer the call, right?"

"So, the order was given by the boss Peng? But why did he give this order?"


He still pointed the gun at me, but I didn't even move. I continued to look at the rear mirror and asked, "Are you from the Bai family?" (End of Chapter)

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