Chapter 283 Add money! (Thanks to brother ljx for the reward!)

"I don't know why, now that I have a villa and Simmons, I still feel comfortable here."

The roof of Building 2.

I stood at the edge of the building, watching the matchbox-like people walking around under my feet, and felt inexplicably at ease.

The green soldiers finally finished five laps and were so tired that they had to support each other before they could walk into the cafeteria. However, Dahei kept squatting next to me and kept laughing in a weird tone: "Hehe..."

He seemed to enjoy the feeling of making people so tired that they couldn't stand up straight.

"You are very talented. You can train these greenskin soldiers to be like this in just a few days..."

Before I finished speaking, Dahei had already stretched out his hand and waved it towards me: "Don't talk about relationships, don't talk about friendships, don't talk about ideals, don't talk about hopes, just tell me if you have anything to do. He is easy to talk to, as long as you are willing to talk about money with me."

I fuck...

This is the first time since I came to Mengneng that someone took away the pen and paper when I was drawing cakes for others.

I looked at the sturdy nigger squatting next to me in surprise, and awkwardly changed the subject: "I mean, how could those officials in South Africa let you go?"

Dahei squatted on the ground and looked up at me. The smile on his face seemed to say 'I know what you are going to say', but what he said was: "Who said they let me go?"

"When I was in South Africa, the people above asked me to train a special force with special combat capabilities. They required this force to have combat capabilities under extreme conditions and the ability to accurately attack the opponent's headquarters..."

Dahei seemed to be lost in memories under the sunshine, his whole body was bathed in the warm sunshine.

"At that time, I was serving the country and I was extremely proud. I thought I could restore peace to the war-torn country with my hands."

"As a result, during the training, a European aid team saw me. They saw me putting leeches on the soldiers when I asked them to stand in the swamp to train their willpower."

"Actually, as long as it is handled in time, it will not do much harm to the human body... But those people who only know how to talk about humanitarianism filmed all this on DV and broadcast it in Europe."

"So, I became a fucking executioner against humanity."

"My immediate superior threw a newspaper full of English on my face, saying that I was a son of a bitch who grew out of mud, and how could I train soldiers in such a cruel way..."

"He has fucking forgotten that when he was a warlord, he used witchcraft to shout at the soldiers, 'You will be invulnerable on the battlefield,' and then shot these fools with bullets without bullets to prove his lies."

"When he turned around, he became a humanitarian and I became the cruelest person."

"You're still fucking preparing to send me to a military court!"

Dahei sat on the edge of the building, dangling his legs, as if using this posture to prove that he might fall into the abyss at any time.

"I've always wondered, isn't he the one who asked me to train these soldiers?"

That night I drank a whole bottle of banana wine mixed with gunpowder. After drinking too much, I returned to the military camp and entered his barracks. I tied grenades on two slippers and table legs, and ran away with the twelve special forces in my hand. come out.

He looked at me and gave me enough time to prepare. He was afraid that I would fall if I was frightened, and he gestured and shouted: "Boom!"

Then he smiled more and more happily: "Hahahaha..."

"I blew him up!"

"After that explosion, I couldn't stay in Africa any longer. There would be no troops there who wanted to kill soldiers who had personally killed their own commanders."

He said with a strange smile on his face: "This is the reason why I fled to Southeast Asia, because the people here only need your fighting power."

"In this environment, we fought all the way from Jinshanjiao to northern Myanmar, and there are only five people left in the entire special team." "So, boss..."

"If you think we are still capable and have done a good job, you really want to reward us..." He looked at me very seriously and only said two crappy Chinese words: "More money!"

"For us, ideals, oaths, and power are not as direct as money. If you need our loyalty, just add money. In our eyes, loyalty only means that your price is higher than others. That’s all.”

I looked at him: "Then what do you think, how can I get the right to bid here?"

Dahei shrugged and said, "You have already obtained it. After all, your safety is in our hands."

He turned to look at me and continued: "I heard that you can't bury someone?"

"What did Lao Qi tell you?"


"Actually, when you wanted us to come to 729 to train these soldiers, I wanted to tell you that Southeast Asia is the most suitable place to carry out the 'decapitation' operation. The other party has many bodyguards, so they can snipe from a distance. If there are no bodyguards, they don't care much. If you are concerned about your own safety, plan your retreat route and shoot at close range..."

"We have taken over several such transactions and protected several clients who were in danger of being assassinated. However, I found that telling them directly about the security flaws has almost no effect. The most useful way is to tell them after they have experienced the danger. tell them."

"Boss, let the other black people go back and continue to be responsible for your safety. I can handle the training here by myself, what do you think?"

I gave Dahei a hard roll of my eyes, and I really wanted to kick him off the stairs!
Can't you say this before it happens?
It’s my first time to be the boss, and it’s your first time to be a bodyguard!
I gritted my back molars, but Dahei didn't take it seriously at all. On the contrary, he seemed to take pleasure in my misfortune.

Thinking of this, I silently took out the mobile phone in my pocket and sent a message to Lao Qi. It read: "Let the past and present lives, shops, and restaurants put away all the price tags. In the future, whenever black people consume, the price tags must be doubled." Times!"

After sending the message, I patted Dahei on the shoulder, smiled deliberately at him, and left silently from the top of the building.

Bastards, if you can take back even a cent of the money you earn from me, I'll be considered incompetent!
I returned to the office on the second floor of Building 2 angrily. When I was holding my breath and didn't know what to do, I took out my mobile phone and turned on the surveillance in the park. At that time, my grandson, naked buttocks, was in the big bed room. A little girl who looked like she had just grown up was exerting all her strength. She stuck her elbow on the desk table in the work area, and used her other hand to dig at the bottom of a woman's desk...

Even Lao Lin was drooling when he touched a woman's feet in Ah Da's office upstairs.

The moral character of the park has not changed from the beginning to the end, and they don't seem to be planning to change.

There has been no escape incident here for two full months. The reason is that Lao Lin changed the previous model of giving fake money to family members in the park to real money. It was just a small change.

But just such a small change has completely bought everyone's soul...

Without any means, they sold the most precious souls in literary and philosophical works at a low price.

"Stand upright!"

The sound of Erhei's training downstairs came over. I looked through the window and saw the green-skinned soldiers training hard with their eyes wide open as if they had believed in a cult. I finally felt a little more at ease. At least I had this group of people under my command. A slightly higher level of ideology than ordinary warlords.

Beep, beep, beep.

At this time, my phone rang, and the caller was Yang Rong.

"Lao Xu? When did you buy arms?"

I was a little confused when I heard the question on the phone. How could I have the spare money to buy that thing?
But before I could open my mouth, Yang Rong continued: "A few people who were captured by us from the mountains said that they were arms dealers who shipped goods to Meneng. They also said that the goods shipped here are not allowed in our territory. Someone robbed..."

 Thanks to brother 'ljx73' for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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