The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 284: No, why don’t you lie?

Chapter 284: No, why don’t you lie?
This thing is quite strange.

It's so strange that it makes you feel very reasonable.

It’s so strange that even when I see the sunlight shining through the window falling on him in the office, I feel that the light comes just right.

By the way, he is the arms dealer brought back by Yang Rong, a West Asian.

When I saw the face of the man in front of me that belonged to a West Asian, I felt that it was right. West Asia, mentioning the names of several countries can immediately connect people with arms, such as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan……

"who are you?"


These were the first words we exchanged.

Hearing him speak these four words fluently in Chinese made me happy.

That’s Pakistan!

If he is a Pakistani arms dealer and transports arms from Pakistan to Myanmar, he must first sail around the Indian Peninsula via the Arabian Sea, enter the Bay of Bengal via Sri Lanka, then go from the Bay of Bengal to the Andaman Sea, and finally follow the Salween River to where I left the sea. A waterway enters northern Myanmar.

Can I not be happy?
"By the way, how much does your AK47 cost now?"

I looked at this West Asian man covered in the afternoon sun and asked the question in my mind.

He answered without any concealment: "I don't know whether you are asking about brand new ones or used ones. At our place, a brand new one costs 100 US dollars, and a used one can be bought for as low as 50 US dollars."

He will always use the word 'you'!

That Mandarin is even more common than me! !

Wait a minute, how much did he just say?


Is it enough for you to charge a boat around such a large circle in Asia?
I almost want to show my teeth and smile.

Why are you asking about the price of AK47?
Because the price of this gun is very transparent in Southeast Asia, the price on the Meng Neng market is 240 US dollars, which is still a second-hand price; the international price of a new AK47 is about 300 US dollars; North Korea is trying its best to open the Asian arms market with small arms. , can make the price reach 200 US dollars; the AK47 in West Asia is the cheapest, they can make it 100 US dollars apiece.

As long as you ask about the price of AK47, you will know how much the arms dealer you are dealing with sells the goods at. If he opens his mouth and dares to ask for 500 US dollars, do I dare to ask the price of other guns?

Of course, if you go from West Asia to Southeast Asia to sell AKs, you will definitely be able to win the market. But after you win the market, you will have to lose your pants, and the freight is really unaffordable.

"What did you say just now that this guy was robbed?"

I guess I’m so happy that I’m going to fly and bite people now!

"One thousand Type 97 and Type 99 each, and 50 rounds of ammunition;"

"Ten M99 heavy sniper rifles with [-] rounds of ammunition;"

"Ten 89 anti-aircraft machine guns and 50 rounds of ammunition;"

"Ten 80 general purpose machine guns with 50 rounds of ammunition;"

"One hundred LS06s, one hundred thousand rounds of ammunition;"

"QBU88 type one hundred pieces..."

"60 fire..."

Yang Rong suddenly raised his head and glanced at the West Asian man next to me, and he pressed his hand on my shoulder.

"Old Xu, why is this all..." He was afraid that I would be deceived.

"To shut up!"

Even half a sentence I asked him to say seemed redundant.

Can this be said?
After all, West Asia has been aided for so many years. Is it abnormal to have some weapons?

I blocked Yang Rong's mouth and smiled broadly: "What, how did you get the goods here?"

"I don't mean anything else. I mean if there is transportation, the target will be bigger to search for."

The West Asian man was not ambiguous at all. He opened his mouth and said directly: "Drive."

Yes, that's right!
Driving across the entire Indian peninsula with arms and ammunition, the army and police there are all blind. You close your eyes and say silently "I can't see, I can't see" all the way, and there's nothing wrong with it.

I even wanted to persuade him: "How about you keep telling lies?" The West Asian man sat up straight and said formally: "Mr. Xu."

"When Mr. Qiao was here, we had a very good relationship."

"There's never been any issues with the transaction."

"I hope we can continue to maintain this relationship..."

I understand, it means I have to grab the things back.

"For example, you do me a small favor, and then we successfully complete the transaction and let me take the money away so that I can have an explanation when I go back."


I have to grab the things myself, and you have to take the money with you.

No... Nowadays, the surrender of the name has to be like a sentence. Civil liability and criminal liability must be borne together?

"There is a little problem."

I held up a finger.

The West Asian looked at me and asked, "What's the problem?"

"The terrain of Wa State is probably sandwiched between Mengmao and Bangkang. The force that moved you is the original bold boss Peng, because Meng Neng is the only new force coming in."

"The location of Guokang is further north from Mengmao, which means that the boss Peng should be entrenched north of Mengneng. After all, he came in from Mengmao."

I pointed at Yang Rong and said, "He was sent to guard the border in the south of Menneng because the relationship between us and the Wa State reached a stalemate, and it happened that he rescued you from the mountains."

"Do you understand what this means?" I was saying that the two of them were supposed to be one in the south and the other in the north. According to common sense, it is impossible for them to meet.

"If no one disclosed the information to Big Boss Peng, how could the Kokang Allied Forces, who were not familiar with the terrain of Menneng, bypass Menneng County and take the mountain road to rob you?"

The West Asian nodded, obviously he understood.

"Isn't this obvious?"

"In the past, Meng Neng was able to buy arms because the Wa State had a free ride. The Wa State also had to..." I stretched out my hand and pointed to the north. Finally, I reacted quickly and pulled back the pointed finger. For the West Asians: "Then I still have to buy it from you?"

"So, this matter is clearly caused by the fact that the Wa State saw that we were making trouble in the deal, so they passed the news to the boss Peng. The boss Peng took the opportunity to weaken Meng Neng's strength and did this thing conveniently."

"You said... no, I mean, you said, I am afraid of wolves in front and tigers in the back, how dare I move? If I move here, someone will bite me on the back."

click, click, click, click...

The West Asian's four fingers tapped rhythmically on the table, and he looked at me thoughtfully, and then again.

"Mr. Xu wants me to make a trip to Bangkang to give you a chance to completely clean up the cancer on your site, right?"

I waved my hands repeatedly, with a wicked smile on my face as I refused to admit anything, "No, no, no, no, no... but no."

Isn't it a riddle?

Isn't it just a matter of concealment?

It's not about showing off one's talents...that's pretty much what it means anyway.

"Okay, I'll go."

He said with a sigh of relief: "I can guarantee that the Wa State will never do anything extraordinary within three days. I have known Mr. Dabao for so many years. I think they will still give me this little face." …”

"Don't say it!"

"Don't say it, I dare not listen to a word."

The West Asian man looked at my weak expression and smiled: "Mr. Xu, the reason you don't dare to listen is because Dabao died indirectly in your hands, right?"

"Rumors are definitely rumors!"

I thought, at this moment, I looked like a senior official of the party-state in a movie about the Republic of China... Anyway, the smooth tone made me understand it completely.

And this is the first time I have seen this strange thing.

A West Asian man, selling goods from the Eastern Dragon, went to the south of Meng Neng and was robbed by Peng, the big boss who should have been in the north of Meng Neng... I'm still talking about this!
 It’s even later, I’m sorry, I haven’t written it in a day, I just got the inspiration.I still owe five chapters, and I didn’t make it up yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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