Chapter 285 Fight!
"Ha ha ha ha!!!"

In the office on the second floor of the park, Zhencheng, Yangrong, Banbula, Lao Yaoying, Saisuo, Yutou, Lao Yanqiang, and all the available forces in Menneng gathered around me. These people listened to what I said. What happened during the day was led by a few smart people into a burst of laughter.

The fish-headed Kabakaba's eyes kept a straight face when others were grinning. He waited until others had finished laughing before asking: "Master Xu, why didn't I understand?"

"Just sell the guy. Why do you have to find a West Asian to come out?"

Banbula explained to him: "You don't watch the news?"

Yutou answered sternly: "Who is good enough to look at that thing?"

"Of course you don't know?"

Banbula said in detail: "In 2013, Myanmar just purchased the Hippo armed helicopter from others..."

"I've heard of that thing, isn't it the Mi-17?"

"That's not right, Banbula, how did you fool me? The Mi-17 is Russian, how could it..."

"What about the Mi-90 carrying Tianyan 17 air-to-air missiles?" Banbula blinked at him: "I heard that this batch of equipment was originally intended to be sold to Kokang, but was eventually bought by Myanmar at a high price. They said it very arrogantly, saying, 'No matter how much you sell it for or how many racks you have, we want them all'!"

Yutou nodded immediately: "You have to buy it all, it's better than having a missile blow up on your head."

Banbula looked out the window with envy: "Not to mention the Burmese Army, even if we compare with the Kokang Alliance Army now, it's like the King of Mountains meeting the regular army."

Yutou still didn't react: "It's still wrong. What does this have to do with selling it to the Wa guys?"

The old harrier couldn't stand listening anymore and gave him a hard elbow: "Are you stupid? You sell to a government recognized by all countries in the world. That's called a normal transaction between countries. After you sell out, you sell to the anti-government Armed or armed independent governments, isn’t that disrupting the internal affairs of other countries?”

"Who else is willing to bear this title except the big boss Mei Na [-]?"

"So, the goods here are all imported from West Asia..."


I quickly stopped their conversation. The more I heard these words, the more frightened I became.

"Speak the truth."

Yang Rong pointed at the map and said: "Boss Peng would rather run a long distance to expose his position to get these arms. I don't think he came here for the arms."

"I've seen big brother Peng fight an ambush. He has been a guerrilla in Kokang for so many years. He must be a good ambush expert."

"He is probably using his position as bait to ambush us and force us to fight him!"

"If we rush forward like Leng Touqing, we will just fall into their ambush."

The old harrier looked at the map and nodded and said, "I agree with Yang Rong's statement."

"But I feel that even if I know this is a trap, I still have to fight this battle."

The old harrier said with great pride: "If we don't fight this war, it will be like telling the whole northern Burma that Meng is a bitch's land, and anyone with a little money in his pocket can come and take a tour."

"If this battle is fought, then whoever wants to come again will have to think about whether he can bear our revenge."

"Even if Master Bao is ready, he still has to calculate whether he can withstand the loss."

At that moment, everyone's eyes were on me.

"Hit!" And I only said one word.

I have to prove my dominance to the entire Meng Neng, and there is no better way than defeating the boss Peng!
"Since we have decided to fight, do we need to discuss how to fight?"

What Yang Rong actually said was not discussing how to fight at all, but asking who would fall into this trap.

If you want to beat the boss Peng at this stage, you must throw a piece of meat into the wolf's mouth. The meat must not be too rotten and the wolves must come out to fight for it without tearing it into pieces.

At the moment, the only people who can be this piece of meat are Yang Rong, Lao Qi and Sai Suo, and no one else has military power.

Sesuo has always been in charge of the security forces, and his men cannot go to the battlefield at all;

The people under Yang Rong have Meng Neng's best equipment, and they must use it for the final encirclement.

So, I looked at Lao Qi.

I single-handedly promoted him from the Black Prison. The problem I encountered now was a dead end, a dead end that I had to fight with my life. Just in time, Dahei trained Lao Qi with a group of soldiers who were almost mentally ill...

"I go."

Lao Qi did not disappoint me and walked out with his chest held high.

"Master Xu treats me well, but there is something I need to explain clearly!"

"My seventh brother is not a fool. I took the initiative to get into the trap to repay Master Xu's kindness, not to be a tiger!"

"If by chance I survive, if anyone thinks I'm a reckless man because of this incident, don't blame me for talking to you with a gun."

This is a soldier without a sense of glory.

They don't even have the belief in 'sacrifice'. Even if they risk their lives, they still have to explain that they didn't do it because of the 'tiger'.

In a world without faith, even with the blessing of 'favor', the 'self-awareness' produced is still so obvious, so obvious that it sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, I really hope that someone in this room can stand up generously. I hope that someone can support me when I am in the most difficult time. I hope that the people who stand up at this time can be more brilliant. It makes me feel proud.

but no.

"Good job." That's all I can say.

I patted Lao Qi on the shoulder: "As long as you can come back alive and kicking, you will own 10% of this park."

I have nothing left to give to Lao Qi, but if it were placed in a country with a stable political power, such as Yingjiang or Mao Xiong, it would just be a medal...

In the end, our decision was to send a total of two battalions. Lao Qi led a company trained by Da Hei and others to take risks, and everyone else was led by Yang Rong to prepare for an internal and external encirclement.

As for me, I took note of everyone who attended the meeting today. After leaving the park and following them back to Mengneng, I sat alone on the sofa in the villa and took out my mobile phone.

Don't blame them for not having a sense of honor. As the boss, I never trust any of them deep down. Why should I ask others to have a sense of honor?
At this moment, I am holding my mobile phone and watching the movements of everyone in this group of people to see who these people have been in contact with during this period...

This reminded me of Zhu Yuanzhang late at night.

The man who rose from beggar to emperor, his last words before his death were to have his grandson keep fast horses and plain clothes at various gates of the palace all year round.

Such a great man actually spent his whole life fighting alone with the world. At his death, what he passed on to his descendants was not the way to govern the world, but the way to save lives.

(End of this chapter)

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