Chapter 289 Life!
I look silly!

Completely stupid!
I watched on the surveillance camera as someone put a gun to his stomach, put his hands on the kid's shoulders without fear, and started talking nonsense to the guy.

I think what he said at this time may be: "You can beat me to death. Come on, if you can, you can beat me to death!"

Immediately, Yutou, who came down from upstairs, took out two revolvers and a long-smoking rifle and took out a fake May [-]th gun. After getting the opponent's back, he fired at the group of decisive allies.

What kind of world is this?
I think the person who should betray me the most is someone who holds a gun to his belly and is as brave as Lu Fengxian and Zhang Fei who broke the Dangyang Bridge for the second time.

Like the killers in the movie, Yutou and Lao Smoking took out their guns and started banging. In the blink of an eye, the five or six young men in Yexiu were all knocked down by them. On the marble floor tiles It's all blood flowing out.

Like an emperor expanding his territory.

I scratched my hair in confusion in the crisis. The old hawk on the phone staggered out of the pile of dead people, deliberately walked under the camera and raised his head...

It was as if he was saying to me: "Master Xu, am I brave?"

Immediately after...

His head hit the wall, and I was so fucking shocked even though I couldn't hear the sound!
Then the second time, this guy just did such a brilliant thing, turned around and banged his head against the wall. Where did this guy come from with mental illness?
I felt like I was watching the wrong channel!
After Yutou and Old Smoking Gun rushed over and held Old Harrier away with their arms raised, I still hadn't figured it out.

No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't possibly know that the needles that this bastard had inserted into his body were the reason why he was so damn powerful!


In the village building, Zhen Zhen walked out slowly with his hands raised.

A man got out of a Mazda 3 across the street and opened the rear door of the car. It was obvious that they wanted Zhenli to get in.

But at this moment: "Sincerity!"

An old man ran out of the building at a trot. When Zhen Zhen turned around with a worried look on his face, the old man shouted while running: "There is something I need to tell you. My son has not paid his salary to his family for several months. , I think he may have entered the casino, can you, the chief of the police station, take care of it for me..."

It's not over yet...

The decisive allies behind Zhenli quickly turned around, raised their guns and aimed directly at the old man who was chasing him!

At that moment, Zhen Zhen didn't even think about it. With the gun pointed at him, he suddenly stretched out his hand and raised the muzzle of the person aiming the gun next to him - bang!

The gun went off, and was held high by Zhenzhen with both hands, and lit up the sky with fire.

As the gun fired toward the sky, another person standing behind Zhenli also pulled the trigger.


But sincerely heard the sound of a gun jamming and was about to turn around...

The guy who had experienced the battlefield quickly reached out and pulled the bolt of the gun. After removing the jammed bullet, he pulled the trigger a second time!

Bang, bang! !
Both shots went off.

Under the night, two firelights passed through his chest, staining the white shirt he had just taken off his Wa costume and put on his suit blood red.

When he fell down, Zhen Zhen turned around and looked at the shooter without any resentment in his eyes. He just fell to the ground. After a shock, he turned his head to the old man and shouted one word with the last bit of strength in his life. :"run!!!!"

The old man stood there stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran away. He plunged into the corridor and never came out again.

He is sincere, a man who should have been bleeding apes in the mountains for the rest of his life.

He slaughtered the orangutans one by one, but never refused to kill, thinking that this was called kindness.

In the end, I lured him down the mountain with money, and from then on he became the only executioner with no ulterior motives around me.

He is willing to use his brain in front of me and only answer the word "OK", regardless of whether I have "tricked" him or not;

He was willing to hold a gun to Burea's head in front of Lao Qiao's body, shouting 'Brother' but what he said was 'I have no choice'.

That old man was a relative of the village who sincerely and all the young people of the Wa ethnic group had sacrificed their lives to get good conditions for them to enjoy. But this man, who had reached the age when his life was exhausted, saw that the young man who risked his life to take care of them was shot. Knocked down by the sound, he plunged into the corridor and never came back.Sincerity dies with a smile.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth, but he smiled towards the sky.

He looked as if he already knew why he died.

Because he did all bad things in the name of police chief, before he died, even God used the old man's words to remind him that his time had come.


I looked at the surveillance screen on my phone and was so angry that I was shaking!

But this resentment could only be turned into a roar directed at the window: "Ah!!!!"

I was like a werewolf, roaring my dissatisfaction at the bright moon. I couldn't see what I was like at that time. Maybe my big neck muscles were shouting, or maybe the blood vessels in my neck were about to burst, but at this time I just wanted to say...

“Jesus, you’re fucking blind!!!”

No more words.


It's still the streets.

Sesuo sat in the car with both hands on the steering wheel and shivered. His body shook again and again in time with the rhythm of the gunshots.


Even the brave allies who managed to survive on the battlefield scolded him like this.

But Sesuo still had no expression on his face, looking at the night where gunshots were constantly heard, the night of fierceness.

"Is there no one available for Xu Ruifeng? How did you move a waste like you to the middle level of Meng Neng?"

There seems to be one thing that this group of Kokang allies failed to find out, and that is that Sesuo is not the person I promoted at all.

There's another thing they don't know, that is, 'shaking' doesn't necessarily mean timidity. It's probably caused by some people having too much adrenaline before doing something big.

"I can't survive, can I?"

Sesuo asked.

At that time, there were three Kokang allies in his car, the co-pilot and the back seat of the car. The commander of the security battalion was isolated and helpless.

The Kokang allies sneered and did not answer him.

Saisuo said to himself: "I will definitely not survive."

"I have been cooperating with Xu Ruifeng since he was not in power. Boss Peng will definitely not let me live."

He put his hands on the steering wheel without moving, turned around and looked at the Kokang allies beside him, and asked in confusion: "Then why didn't you kill me as soon as we met?"

Without waiting for the courageous ally to answer, he replied to himself: "I know, you are doing it for stability."

"You think that after seizing the power of Meng Neng, the people who need to be replaced most are the people who hold the military power. I, including the police chief, are sincere. Even if we have people on our hands, we can help you stabilize Meng Neng, so you can live."

"What you need most at this time is stability, so among the people who need to die tonight, there are Lao Qi, Yang Rong, Xu Ruifeng, and maybe those scoundrels like him...without me!"

"is not it?"

"Please let me understand clearly. Is this what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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