Chapter 290 God of War! (Thanks to the 'reader' host for the tip!)
"To shut up!"

The Kokang ally replied, the expression that glared at him as he said these two words was full of boredom.I look down on your boredom.

Sesuo still ignored him, and began to tremble again when he heard the sound of gunshots coming from his ears again.

His shaking was a bit like a spasm, coming in waves. It was better when he spoke, but he started shaking as soon as he closed his mouth.

"and then?"

Sesuo ignored the Kokang Alliance's words, put his hands on the steering wheel, rested his chin on his hands, lay down on the driver's seat, and asked again.

Why did the Kokang Alliance Army have anything to say? He had already said it himself!

"Then you will find various reasons one by one to replace those who are uneasy. Now that Banbula has gone to the Judicial Committee to become a civil servant, it will be easier. You will move him later."

"But Xu Ruifeng, a die-hard direct descendant like Zhen Zhen, should be the first to die, right?"

This time the Kokang Allied Forces spoke, perhaps because they felt that this matter had nothing to do with Sesuo, or perhaps because his way of thinking was relatively simple: "Maybe he is already dead."

"Why?" Sesuo turned to look at him.

"The order we received is that after taking control of the people, explain the interests and dangers, and recruit them to surrender if they can. If you, the commander of the security battalion, are still relatively clear-headed;"

"The group that went to the police chief got the order 'If there is even the slightest bit of disobedience, shoot them on the spot'."

Sesuo seemed to not want to give up and asked again: "What if we encounter resistance?"

The Kokang Allied Forces smiled at him under the street lights, with ferocious faces and cruel smiles.

"I'm afraid the old kite eagle will have to be treated the same as him, right?"

Beep, beep, beep!

The phone rang in the car.

The Kokang Allied Forces raised their guns and pressed Saisuo's forehead at that second: "Answer the phone, as you said before, use your identity as battalion commander to hold down all the security soldiers and do not allow anyone to go to the villa area. reinforce."

Sesuo turned his head and looked over as if he didn't hear anything: "Is the old kite eagle treated the same as Cheng Zhen? He is already in trouble with Xu Ruifeng, so we can't let him go, right?"

"Answer the phone!"

"Shoot, if you don't tell me, I won't answer."

Sesuo and the Kokang Allied Forces stared at each other in the car. At this moment, there were two more guns on his head, and the two men in the back seat of the car also raised their guns.

The phone kept ringing in the car, and the street lights kept flashing due to unstable voltage at night...

The Kokang Allied Forces, forced by Sesuo, finally spoke: "Old Falcon doesn't need to die. Our leader said that he and Xu Ruifeng actually have a grudge, and he might even help us in this matter."

After hearing this, Sesuo didn't even notice. He immediately answered the phone and said, "No matter who you are or what you are calling for, just stay in the security camp and don't move!"

"Don't move even one bit!"

Sesuo didn't give the caller any chance to speak, so he hung up the phone, then turned around and continued to ask: "Why is the old kite treated better than us? The fact that he and Xu Ruifeng are a bridge, including Didn't the young master tell you?"

The Kokang allies were stunned and looked at Sesuo with their mouths open: "How did you know it was..."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"You let the Burmese army take care of you on the front line. If you retreat, the territory of the Eastern Dragon will be yours. Even if you die, you can't get through. Then the only thing left is to rush forward."

"Who doesn't know how important geographical location is? Otherwise, why would Da Bao always let his close buddies guard the border?"

"In this case, Meng Neng didn't even get the news about the conflict between you and Meng Mao, so you entered the country. Meng Mao must have received the instruction from Master Bao to turn a blind eye and let you come here. of."

"Let's see how familiar you are with Meng Neng?"

"Tonight, Meng Neng was firing gunshots everywhere. If no one had told you our living habits, how could you have been so accurate in arresting us?"

Sesuo thought deeply: "Master Bao doesn't dare to fight Meng Neng. Our Master Xu has his short son in his hand!"

"You don't know about this, do you?"

"Are you also wondering why the Wa State didn't send troops to fight when they are so much stronger than Meng Neng, but they gave you such a big advantage?"

"This is a trap! Master Bao doesn't dare to hit Master Xu, but he dares to hit you? As long as you take advantage of it, he will turn around and deal with you. No one can say anything about it. He has established authority. , and stabilized the Wa State."

"How fucking awesome!" Sesuo almost laughed out loud.

"As for the arms dealer, the one in West Asia, it was Master Bao who gave you the full details, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Sesuo couldn't help but laugh: "After Master Bao told you about the arms dealer's movements, you guys went to rob them with guns..."

"Are you dumbfounded after you grabbed it?"

"Seeing the Eastern Dragon's equipment everywhere, do you feel as sick as eating a fly?"

"Are you eager to call them right away and send the guy back?" "Didn't you expect that this West Asian arms dealer was the sign that the big boss put up in front of the stage, but you guys smashed the sign right away!"

"Hey, just for this matter, if your leader doesn't scold Master Bao for two miles during the retreat, I'll give you my head."

Sesuo smiled so happily, as if he had never experienced anything so happy in his life.

"Tell me the truth. After grabbing this batch of goods, are your calves trembling?"

"Do you think this stuff smells 'smelly and smells bad'?"

"Do you know what our reaction was when we got the news? We laughed in the office for half an hour..."

The smile on Sesuo's face suddenly disappeared, and with a stiff, mechanical expression, he retracted it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"But who would have thought that you would play a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain?"

"We have troops here, all over the Mengneng Mountains, to arrest you. You guys are blocking the door of my house with your fucking guns."

Sesuo looked at the decisive ally with dull eyes: "Brother, we are both soldiers. Please tell me the truth. Anyway, I am controlled by you and can't move."

"If you really capture Meng Neng, can you let us inconspicuous little people live, even if we give you a shoe shine?"

At this moment, the decisive ally seemed to be moved by his compassion, and slowly shook his head: "It's enough to choke you."

Sesuo's eyes suddenly lost focus, as if he had lost his biggest spiritual support, and he fell silent on the spot.

At this moment, the gun on his head was gradually withdrawn. Facing such a person, it was a matter of making soup with or without a gun.

Sesuo turned sideways and took back his hand on the steering wheel. His action did not attract any attention at all. He just looked at the decisive allies in front of him and said, "Can you live at least a few more days?"

The Kokang ally smiled again, and the smile on his face seemed to say: "I just said he is a coward, right?" He nodded.

Sesuo followed the rhythm of his nodding closely. The moment the opponent's head fell, he reached directly into the storage box next to the gear handle. There was also a Phillips screwdriver he left behind when packing the handle.

Just when the Kokang ally raised his head and was about to lower it again, Sesuo inserted the screwdriver directly under his chin and then stopped it in his head.

The Kokang ally's eyes were straightened at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Saisuo stopped studying him, pulled the screwdriver back, turned around and ran towards the other Kodar Alliance soldier in the back seat of the co-pilot and stabbed him.

Setho didn't care about the guy sitting behind him.

But it was the gun that fired first. Within this small range, the gun was damn fast and damn accurate.

Just as Sesuo was about to stab the opponent, his whole body was shaken by the shot. He no longer knew where he was hit, and felt that his entire upper body was numb. However, the brave ally who fired the shot was stunned. !

Because he saw Sesuo moving slowly for a moment, holding the screwdriver that was still dripping with blood, and actually stabbed it again!
The screwdriver penetrated directly along the left side of the brave ally's chest, and Sesuo could feel himself using the screwdriver to penetrate the human body and pierce the backrest of the leather seat.



The remaining decisive ally behind Sesuo wished he could hold the trigger to the end, fearing that he would turn around.

However, Sesuo is also a human being, he is not a god!

All of his internal organs were almost shattered by these shots. How could he still have strength?

But even so, Sesuo still turned his head and glared at the bold ally.

this look...

His hair, which was damp with sweat, fell to his eyes, half-exposed and half-covered, blocking one eye. In that eye, there was a cold light that could kill people!

The screwdriver in his hand was being pulled out with great effort, and with every inch he pulled out, blood was flowing from the chest of the already dead and courageous ally.

He was like an immortal god of war in the car. He was the god who didn't even pull out the screwdriver three times.

The Kokang Allied Forces couldn't stand it anymore. They were so stared at that they opened the car door and ran into the alley...

This group of courageous allies never imagined that Sesuo, who trembled at the sound of gunshots, could be so fierce. After all, when Master Bao gave them the news, he would not mark who was promoted by Xu Ruifeng and who was pulled up by Lao Qiao himself. .

And how could there be a coward among the people promoted by Old Qiao?How could someone be careless?
At this time, blood slowly flowed out from the corners of Sesuo's mouth.

He lay on the middle seam of the front seat, his face tense and gray, and at the last moment of his life, he said three words: "Earn one."

He slowly lowered his head... His head was dangling uncontrollably in the gap in the back seat.

 Thanks to 'reader 1707691210324893696' for being promoted to the first hall master of this book!
  Then you are really awesome. I checked for a long time and couldn’t find out how many rewards you have given!

  You... really touched me. Thank you, thank you very much for your existence, thank you for your company, and thank you for being my top brother!

  I remember what I owe you for five chapters, don't worry, but I can't pay back the climax. I'll pay it back after writing the climax.

(End of this chapter)

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