The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 295 Change people's hearts for people's hearts, 82 for half a catty

Meng Neng Hotel.

Large meeting room.

I was sitting in the main seat, with Banbula, who was in shock, sitting next to me. On the other side, three company commanders from the security camp were sitting. Next to Banbula were Yutou and Lao Smoking.

After I finished the battle in the villa area, I had people pick them up one by one. These are all the middle and high-level people left in Meng Neng, but no one spoke.


In the silence of these people, I spoke.

I deliberately turned my head to look at the officers in the security camp and said, "Batalion Commander Sesuo..." I kept looking at these three officers as I spoke. They had no expressions of emotion on their faces, and they all had their heads lowered, like It's like my gaze can burn them.


"He died in front of his home. Those who examined the body said that Battalion Commander Sesuo's kidneys and lungs were shattered by the bullet that penetrated him, and he died on the spot."

Still no one spoke in the room.

"Hey, Yutou, where is the old falcon?" I changed the subject and asked the other side. Today, the old falcon is the most handsome and the most outstanding among these people alive.

Yutou looked at Banbula and several company commanders of the security camp, and hesitated for a moment before speaking: "Uh..." He scratched his head and explained: "Sleep."

asleep? !
I blinked my eyes quickly a few times and looked at him with a frown: "Are you hurt?"

I remember, I didn’t see the old kite hawk doing anything on the surveillance camera, either?

Yutou shook his head: "No, he wasn't hurt. Lao Yanqiang and I went downstairs and immediately moved our hands on our backs. Can we hurt him..."

I understood that Yutou was deliberately giving eye drops to the old kite, and he did so in a way that was 'stupid' and not 'intentional'.

"call him."

Yutou shook his head again: "I can't wake up."

I looked at Yutou again, and he couldn't stand it anymore: "Master Xu, let me tell you the truth."

"Tonight we three brothers were playing in the same room. After we had fun, I said this is your place, Mr. Xu, and I have to pay the bill. Where is Lao Yao? If you don't want to do it yourself, just go down and sign an order. That guy No one can stop me, and I can’t do anything..."

When, when, when.

I rapped my knuckles on the table a few times.

Yutou himself already understood what was going on: "Tell the important point, tell the important point."

"After we finished, we went downstairs and saw the old hawk talking about philosophy with a group of young men. What about the first and second floors? At first, I thought these young men had torn up his account book, so I walked closer. Only then did he see someone holding a gun to his stomach."

"The old falcon didn't recognize anyone anymore. He stared at us as we walked over. He didn't understand what was going on."

"What the hell..." I stood up.

Yutou quickly apologized: "Master Xu, we're at the right place, we're here."

"The two of us didn't attract the attention of the young men and got the back, and then we rescued the old falcon."

I seem to understand.

The old harrier is no longer fighting for me!

"Then you said he can't wake up?"

Yutou continued: "As soon as the energy subsided, he shouted to the room for more than an hour, 'When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.' We don't know what he was going to do."

Although the old smoker doesn't talk much, every sentence he speaks is as powerful as dry cigarettes: "As soon as he finished pricking the needle, it was as if the yellow skin was thickened."


The company commanders couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

This time, I turned my head and said, "What's going on with you guys?"

One of the company commanders straightened up and said, "Master Xu, we asked Battalion Commander Sesuo for instructions. The one who called us to ask for instructions. I have the call record here. It was Battalion Commander Sesuo who refused to allow us to support..."

I asked with a cold face: "Where are you company commander?"

" camp."

"what is it call?"

At this time, the other two company commanders looked over with envy, thinking they were trying to fill a vacancy.


I immediately lifted up my shirt, pulled out the gun from my waistband, pointed it at the company commander's head and pulled the trigger - bang!

He threw his head back, fell down along with the stool, and never got up again.

"From the time when Old Qiao was alive to now, the rules of the security camp have always been to start patrols immediately upon hearing the sound of gunshots. When there is a need to report to the superiors, just say so!" "In this damn phone call you made to report to the superiors, I almost lost my family! !”

I couldn't help but hold the gun towards the company commander's body and pulled the trigger again - bang!boom!

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t suppress the fire in my heart. Maybe it’s because I feel that since Old Falcon isn’t fighting for me, then maybe Saisuo isn’t either. That sincerity…

I was suddenly very disappointed.

Very, very disappointed!

It's like being chilled and driving away all the warmth in this midsummer in Southeast Asia.

Next, the conference room became even quieter, and I could even hear the sound of blood coming out of the corpse.

"what's wrong with you?"

I looked at Hanbra again.

Banbula certainly knew that telling the truth at this time was the best way to save his life: "I was kidnapped, and then I heard gunshots all over Menneng. When the gunfire stopped, those people ran away for some reason... "

Finally I have someone I don’t have to worry about too much.

Only then did I ask a word of concern: "Are you hurt?"

This thing about people, you can win people's hearts for people's hearts, eight taels for half a catty!
Banbra shook his head.

Beep, beep, beep.

At this time, the cell phone I placed on the table rang. It was Yang Rong.


"Old Xu, there is no one in the mountain."

When I heard Yang Rong's voice, I sighed: "Huh..."

"Big brother Peng... is going to Meng Neng?"

Immediately afterwards, I heard Yang Rong's almost crazy shouting: "The whole army is marching, everyone get in the car, return to Meng Neng, hurry up!"

"Hey, hey."

I stretched my arms to Yang Rong and said, "It's okay, it's over."

"Is it over?" Yang Rong asked in disbelief.

But at this moment, I wasn't even in the mood to explain, so I said, "Let's talk about it when we get back, it's really confusing now."

"Wait a moment."

Yang Rong stopped me on the phone: "We didn't encounter the Kokang Allied Forces, but we found arms in the nearby mountains..." He pondered and said, "Of course, if you need it, we can do it." turn up."

This group of people.

Just thinking about taking advantage...

Yes, I haven't paid for this batch of arms, but what can I do?

Is that West Asian a fool?You said you couldn't find it and killed the boss Peng, and people believed it?
What a big place, the big boss Peng died at your doorstep, but you didn't find the weapons, then you will still be in trouble in the future!

This West Asian man may not have the ability to achieve anything, but if he wants to do something bad to you, he can do it in minutes.

"Bring back all the weapons you found, make a list, and do whatever you want."

"Lao Xu, do you need to think about it again?"

"Do as I say."

"Old Xu..."

"I fucking said do as I say!"

Yang Rong was silent.

He couldn't have imagined that my rapid growth had completely surpassed him. His little thoughts and tricks looked like a child lying to an adult to me.

If anyone could deceive that behemoth to the east, would they still have their current status?

How come when you are thinking about a problem, some words just go out of your head and you just open your mouth and say them?
After hanging up the phone, I glanced at the body on the ground and asked Banbra: "What did this kid say his name was just now?"

"Eisan." Banbula responded without even daring to move.

"Engraved on the tombstone." (End of chapter)

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