Hotel, 11th floor, same presidential suite.

My mother later told me that she wanted to kill me at that time, but...

"Xiaofang, did you go too far when you said that last night?"

In the huge presidential suite, the couple packed up the clothes they had taken out from the smashed home in the villa area. They sat on the carpet and sorted all the clothes into categories.

"Let me tell you, my son may be really angry. Even though he usually keeps quiet, he is full of ideas."

Aunt Fang laughed: "Old lady, it's okay."

She didn't seem to think it was anything at all: "Last year, when he first found out I was pregnant, wasn't it okay if I slapped him in the face?"

Huan Mu touched her belly generously and said, "As long as I have the Xu family's seed in my belly, what else can he do to me?"

"That's not what you said."

The old lady said with a look of embarrassment on her face: "I used to think this was the case when he was a child, but it wasn't until the child was 14 years old that five yuan was lost at home, and everything changed."

"It's also my fault. I thought it was him who took it. After he beat me hard and didn't even hear a fart, my damn man came back and said that he didn't have any change for a drink at noon, so he took the change from the coffee table. gone."

"From that point on, this kid didn't say a word to me for a whole year, a whole year!"

"Isn't it because of this that he got together with our local gangster Huo Laosan Huda, and the court just sentenced him to ten years."

Aunt Fang was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and continued folding her clothes.

After about five minutes of silence, he opened his mouth and asked: "Old lady, you can't..."

"Impossible." Aunt Fang asked and answered: "Isn't this just a quarrel between the two of us? Besides, he also gave me a slap in the face last night, and I didn't fight back."

"No, it's definitely not as evil as you say."

When, when, when.

There was a knock on the door.

The two Wa girls, like conjoined twins, came out of the back room to open the door. When the door opened, a group of green soldiers were standing at the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

The green-skinned soldier ignored them and walked directly in between the two of them. The leading green-skinned soldier said to the old lady with special respect: "Emma, ​​Mr. Xu's order, please don't blame us."

After the green-skinned soldier said this, he snorted at Aunt Fang: "Take it away!"

After several green soldiers entered the house, two lifted their arms and two lifted their legs, and directly carried the person out of the house.

The old lady exploded at that moment, jumped up and stretched out her hand to scratch the green soldier's face: "I'm going to fuck you, why are you touching my daughter-in-law!"

"If my son comes back, I will have him beat you bunch of bastards to death!!"

Can the old lady cover up (gesture) a strong green soldier?

As soon as the green soldier lowered his head, he hugged the old lady's waist and pushed her against the wall. Anyway, she couldn't scratch her back because of the military uniform on her back, so she could hit her as much as she wanted.

The old lady asked someone to push her against the wall and slap her. The slap made the green soldier's back crackle. This guy took off his clothes at night and had red handprints all over his back. He just watched this group of people helplessly. The soldiers carried Aunt Fang away.

"Old lady, it's really Master Xu's order, there's really nothing we can do!"

After saying that, the greenskin soldier turned around and ran away.

The old lady saw the green soldiers coming out of the house, stomping her feet and cursing in the street. She pointed at the two little Wa girls and cursed: "You are all damn dead, don't you know how to stop them!"


"You little bastards, where are you going to get this person from me!"

She rushed to the door, completely ignoring her own comfort... Why did I know her expression at that time?
Because the moment the old lady opened the door, I was standing outside.

"Where to go!"

After I scolded her with a cold face, the old lady finally calmed down a bit, and just then, she pleaded with Aunt Fang: "Son, how miserable is Xiaofang's life? The big boss who made you rich first He cheated, and then went to Southeast Asia to commit fraud... You said that if you follow me, you will be rained with bullets all day long, what are you going to do?"

I added: "There are many things she is too embarrassed to tell you."


"She slept with almost every man in the fraud park. She followed me just to get a stable life out of the park. Do you know all this?"

The old lady was stunned again.

After a long time, it was as if the robot had started up again. He raised his hand and patted his thigh: "Then you are willing to be with others, and you still have your child in your belly...Aren't we even more immoral?"

I walked into the room, closed the door, and asked in front of two little Wa girls, "What's wrong with me?"

"She asked me to surrender last night and used the baby in my belly to force me to surrender!"

"This is equivalent to forcing me to die!"

When, when, when.

At this time, the door was knocked again.

"Come in." I turned around and shouted angrily.

When the little girl from the Wa ethnic group opened the door, a green-skinned soldier trotted in and reported to me: "Master Xu, Director Banbula asked me to ask you whether the money prepared for Madam is in accordance with what we are familiar with." Use 'U' to bring it back, or do you have other plans?"

I turned around and glared at him: "Are you a dick?"


"She is a woman who brought a U back with her. She has no relatives in the country that she can rely on. What the hell is she going to do if the person who took the U is blackmailed? You have to pay for my son's life!"

The greenskin soldier didn't know why he was being scolded. It seemed like he didn't understand what I said.

"Go to the casino, find a Wenzhou guy, and just do what I say and use their bank."

The underground banks of Wenzhou people are very reputable in the Chinese circles in whichever country they are in. The powerful Wenzhou guy is even more awesome. As long as you take money from him, he will give you a two-inch white paper with the top There is not a single word, but you can take this thing to a place with Wenzhou people and exchange it for money.And people also tell you clearly that this thing is not registered under real name, so you must keep it carefully, because anyone who holds this piece of paper can exchange money.

We don’t know what kind of special treatment this piece of paper has undergone. Anyway, when we were chatting, a Wenzhou guy once told a joke, saying that there was a fool who used ordinary white paper to try to defraud money. After entering the house, he almost got shit. Come.

I even asked him this question: "If you Wenzhou people all gathered together, how much cash could you get out of your hands?"

The Wenzhou man thought for a while: "I dare not say more. In terms of cash alone, I estimate that I can provide half of all the cash in the hands of the people of the country."

In this regard, he felt that what he said was quite conservative.

At this moment, I looked at the old lady again: "Am I still wicked?"

"I sent her to the port safely and asked her to return to the country with her passport. She said that she was tricked into coming here, so there was no problem at all. I also consulted a lawyer in China, and the lawyer said that in this case, she could return to the country. The most I will receive in the future is a suspended sentence. Is it immoral for me to take care of her like this? Which immoral person would send such a woman back and give her 200 million beautiful children?"


"I'm becoming more and more cruel, but I'm not cold-blooded!"

"Do you think I can really feel good about her going back to China and living a life of eating branyan vegetables?"

"I have done my best."

My mother finally stopped cursing, just sat down on the sofa a little absent-mindedly, and said inexplicably: "I really want to go back and live the life of eating bran-pharyngeal vegetables..."

What she said was probably from her heart, a very touching thing. (End of chapter)

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