The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 297 The sweetness of falling teeth

So that's it.

When I left the hotel, the old lady didn't show any concern.

She didn't ask herself whether her son was injured, what he was doing out there, or whether he was tired, haha.

I settled all the damn things last night. The first thing I thought about was that the shabby villa should not leave any shadow on these two women. I immediately had someone pick them up and bring them to the hotel, and even sent someone there specially. Packed clothes.

The results of it?
I don't want to talk anymore.

After coming downstairs, he walked into the bulletproof pickup truck with license plate 0729 and a full load of green soldiers inside. The driver drove slowly toward the Judicial Committee.

Now, I have a special security class, and these people will follow me every step of the way. This is called learning a lesson and gaining wisdom.And this guard class is not composed of ordinary green-skinned soldiers. It is the Wa boy who lived and died with me last night and put on military uniform.

It was finally time for me to worry about my own safety.

When the car stopped below the Judicial Committee, I was just about to walk towards the Judicial Committee building. At the entrance of the small courtyard, a woman in a bright yellow short skirt waved and shouted into the courtyard: "Old Xu!"

The moment I turned around, Xiaoxiao was waving her hands vigorously for fear that I wouldn't notice, and the hairpins were shaking with the vibration of her hair.

I laughed.

Slowly walked over, ran his hand along her hair to secure the hairpin, then reached out and patted her head, and said as gently as possible: "Hu, there were gunfire all night last night, and you are still running around today." .”

"Did the old falcon say something to you?"

Xiaoxiao shook her head: "You haven't seen me for several days..."

Isn't it.

Ever since Yang Rong left, no, ever since I was almost attacked by someone, I haven't looked for Xiaoxiao. It's not because I feel in danger, it's because I really don't know how to deal with the situation.


Seeing that I was silent, Xiaoxiao began to offer me treasures as if to make me happy. She raised her hands and said, "I didn't dare to go to your house to find you. I was afraid that you would have to work when you couldn't sleep well, so I bought it specially for you." Had coffee.”

They were two cups of coffee in plastic bags with no brand on them, but it wasn't about money... When I touched them, I felt the warmest coolness in this midsummer.

"I told them to add more ice."

I took the coffee, but also held her hand and said, "Actually, I have time to sleep."

Xiaoxiao hadn't heard what I meant yet: "Then let's drink it as a drink... huh?" She raised her head and looked at me.

I added three more words: "Now."

After saying that, I pulled Xiaoxiao and rushed towards the Judicial Committee office building in Menneng. I don’t know why it was such a coincidence that the elevator just opened, and there were many people standing in front of the elevator.

"Get out of the way!"

I shouted, and all these people gave way the moment they turned around. I pulled Xiaoxiao into the elevator, immediately pressed her next to me, lowered her head and kissed her.

Xiaoxiao was hiding and kept hiding. When she couldn't hide anymore, she raised her head on her neck and shouted with her whole face flushed: "What are you doing? They are all human."

When I heard this, I turned around and looked over. When I saw the person in front of me staring straight into the elevator, I suddenly shouted: "Close your eyes!"

The next second, some of the crowd lowered their heads, some turned around... and the elevator door just closed.

I gritted my teeth and walked to the office door, then kicked the door shut.

In this unprecedented release, Xiaoxiao was very cooperative and has always been cooperative. She could tolerate my roughness and would always blush and nod lightly when I made special requests and said, "Yes."

Sometimes, they don’t even ask me what I want to do.

The time of happiness is always short. After 7 minutes and 31 seconds, I surrendered.

Panting, she sat on the chair behind the desk, and Xiaoxiao stood up from lying on the desk and took off the damaged equipment with Pikachu painted on it.

When she pretended to throw it in my face, she finally chose to throw it into the trash can.

"Why are you in such a hurry? It's all ruined." Xiaoxiao complained.
I pulled it into my arms and said boldly: "Buy it! Buy it again!"

Kissed again.She responded positively and deliberately raised her chest.

Sometimes, I feel very lucky to have such a woman by my side. I already feel that a purely physical relationship is very boring. I really like this kind of mischief with a little bit of emotional involvement.

Such a woman can give you a great sense of spiritual satisfaction, especially when you think you respect her, she will tell me to 'work hard'.

"What's the matter?"

The two of us finally separated our brushed lips, Xiaoxiao asked me this.

I shook my head and said nothing.

Xiaoxiao deliberately looked at my evasive eyes, and after a long time, she thought she was joking and said, "I thought my man was broken in love."

Her words struck a chord with me.

But I never felt that I loved Aunt Fang...

Am I in love?
Did I fall in love without even knowing it?


The joking lightness on Xiaoxiao's face disappeared and became more and more solemn: "You have a third woman?!"

Then I said: "I sent Aunt Fang away today and had her sent to the port."

Then when she looked back at her, she said: "It's so miserable."

She seems to understand me.

She also felt that speaking like this might be a bit hurtful, so she hurriedly explained: "I mean, the expression on your face is really miserable... Otherwise, I'd better not say it."

The atmosphere in the room changed from pink to light blue, from warm to cold tones, well, it was a bit awkward.

Wait, why is there color?
Ever since I saw myself turning into a demon in the rearview mirror of a car, I have never seen anything that I can't tell anyone about. So what's wrong?
"Shall I take you to have fun?" Xiaoxiao has tried very hard to take care of me, even if it is to take care of the illusory but real feelings.

"Didn't you just have fun?"

Xiaoxiao smiled and hit me softly with her hand: "I'm sick~"

"Is this all on your mind? Is that so interesting?"

"That would be very interesting."

Xiaoxiao immediately straddled my lap and said deliberately, "Then do it again."

I quickly raised my hands: "I'm convinced, I'm convinced. I'm looking at someone who's almost forty years old, and you still think I'm a young man in his early twenties?"

Xiaoxiao had a victorious smile on her face for the first time: "Okay, I'll take you out to have some real fun."

"You, take me?"

Xiaoxiao nodded confidently: "Ah!"

"No, Yang Rong and the others will come back with the army soon..."

"Then let them wait for a while."

"I still have to discuss the next training with Dahei and the others..."

"Then we'll have the meeting later?"

Xiaoxiao, a little woman, actually taught me a life principle in an almost coquettish manner: "I'm not going to delay you for a week, a month or a whole year, but I'm only going to delay you for one day, can't I?"

She cutely shrank up and shook my hand like a child: "Please..."

In the past, when I saw this scene on TV, I would immediately change the channel. It wasn't until this scene actually happened to me that I realized why some people would say "sweet" when two people were in love. (End of chapter)

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