The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

第314章 我要1层1层 1层1层剥开你的心!

The second everything returned to normal, she changed.

He turned into a cold negotiator who no longer played any tricks. Although he was wearing a pink sportswear that was not suitable for negotiation, he still straightened his back, as if he was not willing to embarrass the Lin family at all.

"Master Xu." Her words no longer had the delicate long tone, and they seemed to be mechanical and emotionless: "You need a strong backer to get out of the quagmire, and then you will issue a statement of longing for peace. This shows that, You are tired of Master Bao’s little antics.”

"Everyone in northern Myanmar knows that Mr. Bao cannot control the Wa State, and it will fall apart sooner or later. So from the moment Mr. Bao died, almost all the forces are eyeing this piece of fat."

"However, we all know that if anyone dares to use troops against the Wa State without any reason, all Wa State personnel, including you, will quickly unite into one. Foreign wars are different from civil wars. This is the reason why no one dares to move. .”

"In fact, during these turbulent days, the outside world was more chaotic than the inside of Wa State. We checked and balanced each other but also provoked each other. We were worried about the Wa State, but we also wanted to see who would send troops to the internal emptiness..."

"We just waited until Mr. Peng was defeated at Nantianmen, until Mr. Peng was defeated for the second time."

She smiled at me and said: "You may not know that when Mr. Peng entered Meng Neng, not only us, but also Kokang, North and South Shan States, and even Kachin State were recruiting troops crazily, just waiting for Mr. Peng to come to Wa State It blossomed internally, and at that time we all felt that you would not be able to bear it.”

"Everyone is ready to share the food of the Wa State."

"Even Northern Shan State has planned to attack Mong Mau."

Why Mengmao?

I didn't ask, and I didn't need to ask. Whoever takes down Mengmao first will seal the hole. All he has to do is dig in like a groundhog.

This time I finally understood why the West Asians said that Master Bao could not control the Wa State and used such a low-level trick as "Big Brother Peng Jin Meng Neng" to attract so many hungry wolves. How could this be done by a smart person?
"At that time, you must all have thought that the Burmese army should be the first to take action, right?"

"It's not that we think that as long as Mr. Peng occupies Meng Neng, the Burmese army will have enough reasons to force Meng Neng to give up a way. This is a matter of national sovereignty."

I asked my boss Peng Yi to open my eyes on the phone and finally understood what strategy was. Everything this woman said seemed to come alive on the map in the office.

"But Mr. Xu gave me too many surprises. Not only did the boss Peng become the defeated general, but he was also afraid that Mr. Bao would immediately raise troops and seize the opportunity to seize Meng to stabilize the internal affairs, so he actually issued an original statement expressing his desire for peace. statement to attract the attention of the Tatmadaw.”

"You are so pressed by Master Bao that you don't even dare to move."

"As long as he moves, the Burmese army will have another excuse. The Wa State cannot be chaotic at all now, not at all."

Why do I feel...

After this turmoil caused by my own hands appeared, I became blind?
The sea surface was bubbling with these shrimps, soldiers and crabs outside, and I was so stunned that I couldn’t see anything!
Thank you for today's accident!
"Master Xu opened my eyes even more today."

"The purpose of my visit, rather than those things, is to see what kind of giant Buddha Meng can build."

"Master Xu, everything you have today is what you deserve."

I should have said the last sentence in a particularly pretentious manner: "You said it?" But, I just smiled.

The environment is different. The gangster's pretentious tactics will only look cheap on this stage. You have to pretend to be a gentle hypocrite to fit in with the environment. Who makes us not strong enough to make the environment change based on our willpower? .

"Master Xu, I'm not here on behalf of my adoptive father. I'm here on behalf of the current commander of Eastern Shan State, Ade, to negotiate with you. Formal negotiations!"

Only then did I relax! !

If it hadn't happened today, this girl would have become a drug lord as the adopted daughter of the Lin family, and she would never talk to you about anything related to the political situation in northern Myanmar. But now, it's different.

"I know that Meng Neng only has three battalions, and their weapons and equipment are very poor."

"We in the Eastern Shan State are willing to cooperate with Menneng and jointly occupy the Wa State. When the time comes, we will add two to one to make five. You can choose the two places of Meneng, Mengbo and Bangkang and Mengbo."

After saying this, she looked into my eyes without even blinking. Her gaze was so sharp that she was afraid of missing any fluctuations in mine.

"Didn't we agree to talk about business?"

"Why are you still fooling the children?"

I lit the cigarette and took a puff, but the expression on her face didn't change at all, as if what I just said fell on deaf ears.

"Master Xu, we are very sincere."

I nodded: "Yes, you are very sincere."

"You ask me to rebel, and you talk about dividing the world equally. Why do you always want to be Liu Bang, and force me to be Xiang Yu? Who am I?" "I have been operating in Mengneng for so long, I can't give up, right?"

"It's impossible to give up even if you take risks behind the scenes, right?"

"Then we must choose Meng Nengbo. If we choose Bangkang and Meng Bo, will you give them?"

"You won't do it even if you give it to me!"

"Isn't that going under the tiger's nose?"

"Let's do this, I want all the Wa territory on top of Eastern Shan State..."

When she was about to react, I stopped her: "Don't you still have Wa territory behind your butts? Those belong to you. I won't reach out at all. How about that?"

After saying this with a smile, I immediately made a serious face and said, "You really treat me like a second-guessing guy."

She endured and endured.

"Then what are you going to do with Mr. Xu?" Mr. Xu stopped shouting.

"Mr. Xu, don't forget, the Wa State hasn't fallen into your hands yet."

I responded with a sneer: "Then why don't you talk to Master Bao?"

"You two are sleeping in the same store as each other, so how close are you to each other?"

"Oh, does Mr. Bao have too much appetite? No way, your Eastern Shan State is so rich... I remembered, the Wa State belongs to others, why the hell should they share it with you?!"


I threw the cigarette case on the table with a wave of my hand: "In northern Myanmar, anyone who wants to care about the Wa territory can only come to talk to me, except me..." I pointed to the tip of my nose: " No one dares to let you people from Eastern Shan State in, and you still want to make terms with me?"

"You'd better keep silent whether the head on your neck is still there!"

"Damn girl film, two days of awesomeness, have you already forgotten that you were the newspaper that wrapped the porcelain?"

Under my fierce shouting, she lowered her head again like a defeated rooster, and finally relaxed her upright posture, and her whole body became weaker in terms of momentum and shape.

"Mr. Lin is right."

I held the cigarette between my fingers and looked at her: "The old man said that you, Xu Ruifeng, are too conceited. If you were Wu Sangui, you should have contacted us immediately, but you didn't."

I raised my eyes and asked, "What else did you say?"

"He also said that you want to be Sima Yi."

"Pull him down and stop those fake tricks."

She made me laugh at my words, like, after so many days, I finally got a positive answer.

"We would like to ask Mr. Xu to consider our proposal."

"If you need military resources, we can do our best to assist."

I shook my head: "No, I'm still waiting to finish the negotiation quickly. I'll take what you said today and sell it to Master Bao for a good price."

She looked at me doubtfully: "Mr. Xu, doesn't this mean helping Master Bao stabilize the internal situation?"

"How many questions can you see clearly?"

I deliberately insulted her.

What is negotiation?

After this woman left again, I sang: "I want to peel off your heart layer by layer, layer by layer..."

This new song, which has become popular in the past two years, is very suitable to answer this question. (End of chapter)

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