After the second negotiation between me and that woman, Eastern Shan State promulgated a routine personnel appointment and dismissal, but this very routine personnel appointment and dismissal was particularly funny.

[With immediate effect, Ms. Lin Manmiu will no longer hold any position in the Eastern Shan State Government. New personnel appointments will be announced later. 】

It's like putting up a sign saying that there is no silver 300 taels here.

But when I checked the latest news published on the Internet the next day, this personnel appointment and dismissal message had disappeared.

I was so happy that I held my phone and laughed for a long time, which made everyone in the office laugh.

Now Lin Manmiao, as if she was afraid that I would actually turn it over to Bangkang after recording the negotiation process, so she carefully asked the Eastern Shan State to remove her from her official position and continue to stay in Meng Neng as an ordinary person. If anything happened Things happen, which can be said to be personal actions;

But then I thought about it, wasn’t this just for me to play with?After playing it, he scared himself, and then deleted the message after he realized what was happening.

But through this negotiation, I already know something clearly. At least Master Bao's life is getting more difficult day by day.

He had to protect the integrity of his territory and use all means to coax me, and he also had to suppress the civil unrest that was rising at any time in Bangkang. He also had to be wary of Eastern Shan State, which he slept with his head on every day. It was also suffering from internal and external troubles and enemies from both sides.

At this time, whenever I presented him with some problems, mishandling them might lead to mutiny. Otherwise, would it be so easy to agree to build a hospital for Meng Neng?
That's a bottomless pit!
Of course I will not add any more burden to the current Wa State, because the disintegration of the Wa State will not do me any good. With the Wa State still there, at least I can still have a protective shield.

However, three days later, Master Bao kept his promise and called Menneng for a total of 1000 million US dollars!

When I saw the money, I realized how urgent Master Bao's situation was. Not only did he send the money, but he also sent a quotation list for the most advanced equipment in the world. The price of those items was followed by a string of 0's. Just looking at it makes one's scalp tingle.

"Master Xu, this young master is really willing to spend money!"

Banbula might be used to reading documents, so he was so amazed.

However, the old falcon still said in a quaint manner: "Money is what is put in the pocket, not what is on paper."

"Lao Yao is right this time." I glanced at him appreciatively.

"Take 1000 million to stabilize Meng Neng. There is no better deal than this. If it were me, I would have to put this money together to show my sincerity. What's more, this little money is just a drop in the bucket for the Bao family."

Banbula wasn't angry at all because Old Falcon was more accurate than him. He responded with a smile: "It's not bad to get 1000 million US dollars for free. Master, this money can pave all the roads in Meng with asphalt roads."

"You are stupid for being a civil servant!"

I turned my head and scolded: "We are surrounded by enemies on all sides. What are you thinking about building roads at this time?"

"You've just started building a lot of construction here, and people may be building it right at your doorstep. Aren't you making wedding clothes for others?"

"Transfer all this money to Menneng Hospital."

"Let them completely renovate the dilapidated hospital and clean up the inpatient department. If there is still money left, they can install whatever equipment is needed. If the money is really not enough, half a bra, you can think of ways to supplement it yourself. But it cannot exceed $500 million."

The old eagle didn't understand and asked: "Isn't this still construction?"

This time Banbula understood my intention better: "It's different."

"The cold weapons bought will only make the ordinary people afraid, but if the hospital is built properly, the elderly will know who treated them, and the school will let the children know who sent them to the hospital. "Study, the adults in the middle knew that they had to risk their lives when they served as soldiers for us." "What's more, if there is a fight in the future, the wounded can be received there."

"Our father sees that Meng Neng has no foundation for a stable life, so he is working hard to create warmth for the people, hoping to use warmth to cultivate loyalty."

But I said uncomfortably: "I just do my best to see fate."

Meng Neng is such a shabby place. It needs culture but no culture, and no resources. If even the remaining warmth is gone, then all that will be left is a cold and bloody devil's cave. Who is willing to risk his life for a place like this?

Last year, I spent a year building the most disciplined primary school in the entire Wa State, hoping to fundamentally change this matter;

Today, I spent 1000 million to build a hospital, hoping to see smiling faces from the top.

As for how useful it will be, I'm not sure, but this is the only thing I know how to do. I can't do the trick of stimulating people's consciousness through speeches, but moisturizing things silently has always been the goal of people's life... In the final analysis, I'm still a common man.

Besides, wasn’t this money originally used to build the hospital?

"Stop staring blankly?"

In the Judicial Committee office, Lao Yaoying and Banbula walked out.

Now I can finally see a little bit of humanity in Meng Neng.

Yesterday, I took the time to go to school again, and finally heard the sound of reading loudly again.

Although I couldn't understand what the children were talking about in Burmese, I felt a lot more comfortable.

Meng Neng, with about a year of hard work, is building a tree trunk that connects the past and the next. If I want to see this big tree covering the sky and spreading its branches, I still have to endure...I don't know...if I can wait until that day. .

Looking at the prosperous Meneng, I watched the vendors who could no longer fit in the market pile up on both sides of the street outside the market;
Seeing the green soldiers patrolling with tall postures after training, the Meng Neng police began to maintain order in accordance with the existing rules and regulations. Everything seemed to be developing in an orderly manner.

Now, God has given me a stable foundation, which is a little tranquility in this seemingly turbulent sea. Next, whether I can seize this opportunity depends on whether I am the right one.

Isn't that Xiaoxiao?

I saw Xiaoxiao in the market. Now her clothing store has been closed. What she has to do every day is to choose an outfit for me alone. She also happily told me in bed that she was in a foreign country. This is what the leader’s wife does...

I really envy these people who live in dreams, they live a very simple life.

As for me, I could only adjust the atmosphere by saying: "I have never slept with the wives of foreign leaders. How do I know what they are like... No, I mean I haven't seen them either."

Xiaoxiao is like a white lily that I planted with my own hands in this sinful land. Although it grows with the dirty soil, I sincerely hope that she will emerge from the mud and remain unstained.

I was lying on the window of the Judicial Committee, and when I looked away, I saw another bank on the street in Menneng.It seems that this battle with Lao Peng has some effect. At least everyone knows that Meng Neng is not an easy bone to chew, and they are already willing to start business here...

However, there are only a few streets in Meng to open two banks... I don’t know what these financial people think... (End of Chapter)

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