Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 100 Evil Immortal: All my limelight has been stolen by the Killing God?

Chapter 100 Evil Immortal: All my limelight has been stolen by the Killing God?
"Appeared. The evil fairy finally showed up again and entered the inner city from the outer city."

Many people paid attention to Su Xie's appearance and watched them arrive around the Hell Killing Fields, which was the center of the inner city.

"Is that the Evil Immortal, the one who changed the order of the tavern, one of our entrances, and created the Bloody Mary Arena life and death PK?"

In a dark office on an upper floor near the Hell Killing Fields, a man wearing a skull mask tasted Bloody Mary while looking at the four Su Xies who slowly walked into the Killing Fields, and said lightly.

With her hair pulled back, her eyes made up thickly, black stockings on her legs, and a black swan skirt, she said coldly:

"Lord Killer, do you want to kill them?"

"You can recruit someone to test his strength. This evil immortal is not weak. I am afraid it will be difficult to kill him with my own strength. And I always feel that the identity of the woman next to him is a bit unusual."

The Killing Lord stared at Bibi Dong through the dark window. He always felt that this woman seemed familiar.

"Do we need to unite with other killing masters?"

Black Swan asked.

"Let's wait and see what happens. I always feel that there is an undercurrent in the Killing City recently. There are rumors that a killing god has returned and has come to the Killing City again. I don't know if it is true."

"If it is true, it will be a very scary thing. The return of a killing god. What is his goal?"

The Killing Lord thought deeply.

In the Killing City, strength is king, and to prove one's strength is either to break the rules of the Killing City and survive like Su Xie, or to prove oneself in the killing fields of hell.

The so-called killing god is a person who has won hundreds of battles in the Hell Killing Fields, and finally accepted the challenge of the Hell Road and successfully passed the level.

Over the past hundreds of years, only a handful of people have earned the title of God of Death.

Every killing god is not much weaker than the killing king.

Under the God of Killing and the King of Killing, there are also titles such as the Lord of Killing, the Lord of Killing (Deputy) City, and the Messenger of Killing. However, they basically achieved excellent results in the killing fields of hell and were selected. Became one of the managers of the Killing City.

However, they cannot violate the rules of the Killing City and must enter the Hell Killing Fields again to fight every once in a while.

Therefore, whenever there are killing city lords and powerful men of the Venerable level fighting each other, the number of spectators in the Hell Killing Fields will reach its peak.

Su Xie felt the expectations of these people in the killing city. He walked into the killing field of hell without any concealment.

Many people around have noticed Su Xie and the others and secretly commented:
"Is he the Evil Immortal? The one who killed the outer city lord?"

"Why is he so young and looks like a baby bird? He can be killed with one slap."

"How dare he enter the inner city and enter the killing fields of hell? He broke the rules of the Killing City and killed the managers of the Killing City. This is a serious crime and will be punished by the King of Killing. Isn't this a sheep entering a tiger's mouth? ?”

"He's either a fool or a lunatic!"

"Just wait and see the good show. I bet ten Bloody Marys that he will fall into the killing fields of hell."

"Hehe, if he dies, then the three beauties around him will belong to me."

"Are you serious? I heard that although the crime of killing the outer city lord was placed on Xie Xian, it was the woman with the sword next to him who actually did it. Her strength was very terrifying."

"Don't underestimate that Evil Immortal. I heard that he is very famous outside and has done some things that are enough to subvert you and me."

Because of the special nature of the Killing City, it is isolated from the outside world. They cannot leave the Killing City, and they cannot understand what is happening outside. They can only hear fragments of words leaked from above.

With Su Xie's appearance, some powerful people indeed began to provoke him.

Some have even maintained a winning streak of thirty or forty games in the Hell Killing Fields.

But without exception, they were blocked and suppressed by Zhu Zhuqing and Bibi Dong. Their attention began to shift away from Su Xie, and they became curious about Bibi Dong's identity.

The leader of Hell Killing, one of the Lords of Killing, stands in the viewing room of Hell Killing Field. His duty is to manage the order of Hell Killing Field and ensure that the contestants in Hell Killing Field will not run away or retreat in the face of battle. One by one, die!She rubbed her eyes and stared at the figure opposite Bibi Dong.

Finally, she quickly walked out of the office, stepped out of the steps, and rushed over.

Most of the people around him noticed the movements of the Killing Lord. Seeing her rushing towards Su Xie and the others, they couldn't help but get excited and started talking about it:

"It's Lord Hell, is she going to take action?"

"It is said that the Lord of Hell is the most powerful man in the Hell Killing Fields, but he has never participated in the Hell Road and stayed in the Hell Killing Fields. His strength ranks among the top among all the Killing Lords!"

"The rules of the Killing City cannot be broken, otherwise there is only death, and the Evil Immortal is no exception. No matter what he is like outside, he can only surrender here."

But the next moment, everyone was stunned, including the Killing Lord who was observing in secret and the city lord and deputy city lord of the inner city, who all showed surprised expressions.

Just because this hell lord actually knelt on one knee on the ground!Expressed surrender to Xie Xian and his party?
No, to be precise, the person she was kneeling on was not Su Xie, but the woman with the sword stuck in her body!

Everyone was shocked and curious:
"Who is that woman? Is she the real strong person hidden? The evil fairy is just a disguise, a bait? How can the Lord of Hell respect her so much?"

"Honorable Lord God of Death, I really can't believe that I can see you again in my lifetime. You have returned. I will never forget you, but why did you end up like this?"

Lord Hell took off his veil, leaving an ugly scar on one side of his beautiful face.

This was also the first time for others to see the appearance of Lord Hell, and they were all a little surprised.

Looking at the scar on Lord Hell's face, Bibi Dong's memory was awakened. That was when she broke into the Killing City.

She was so talented that as soon as she arrived in the Killing City, she started the trial in the Hell Killing Fields. She won consecutively and gained quite a reputation.

By chance, she passed by a dark alley and found a young girl being surrounded and bullied by several big men. Such things happened every day in the killing city, so there was nothing surprising about it.

But at that time, she still had a kind heart in her heart, so she did not sit back and watch, but came to help and rescued the woman.

The woman's behavior was beyond Bibi Dong's expectations. In order to avoid being misled by her appearance, she actually scratched her face with a dagger on the spot, destroying her beautiful appearance.

Since then, this woman has been following Bibi Dong, witnessing Bibi Dong's victory in the killing fields of hell, breaking out of hell, and creating miracles.

Unexpectedly, after decades, this woman has become the Lord of Hell.

Bibi Dong looked slightly surprised, but quickly regained her composure and said calmly:

"Don't make a fuss. I didn't want to cause such a big fuss. I'm just a servant now."

"Servant?" The Lord of Hell was trembling all over. The majestic God of Killing had turned into a servant?
"Okay, back off."

"As ordered."

Lord Hell stood up and seemed to notice something in Bibi Dong's eyes, so he slightly bowed his hand to Su Xie as a sign of goodwill and left immediately.

When he turned around, Su Xie saw wisps of black energy coming out of the head of the hell lord.

It was as if I heard her inner thoughts:
"It seems that Lord Killer is in trouble, and it's a big trouble. This evil fairy is not simple. I need to make a good layout to help Lord Killer!"

Su Xie turned his head, looked at Bibi Dong and smiled lightly:
"Lord God of Death, it seems that you have stolen all my limelight."

"So what if the God of Killing is just a slave of your Evil Immortal? I can only surrender and become an ant under your hands."

Bibi Dong's tone was neither cold nor indifferent, and there were hidden thoughts in her eyes:
Go ahead, when you are careless, that's when I will take action.

The city of killing is also the territory of our Spirit Hall!

(End of this chapter)

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