Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 103: Instigating rebellion against Ning Rongrong?The situation surrounding and killing the e

Chapter 103: Instigating rebellion against Ning Rongrong?The situation surrounding and killing the evil immortal

In the next more than a month, the four of them, Su Xie, lived peacefully in the Killing City.

They stayed in a hotel near the Hell Killing Fields, one of the most luxurious hotels in the Killing City, and the price was twenty Bloody Marys per person per day.

This is an expensive price.

You know, a cup of Bloody Mary in the Killing City has a fixed capacity. The full cup is [-] ml. Generally, a cup is more than four-fifths, which is [-] ml.

Twenty cups of Bloody Mary require at least 10 milliliters. You need to drain the blood of two adults to get 20 milliliters. If you don’t hurt people, you need to get a cup of blood from [-]-[-] people every day. Mary.

Su Xie is not responsible for all Bloody Marys, so Bibi Dong, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and others need to go out every day to select the right people, defeat them, and take their blood.

This is also a kind of experience for Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing.

Especially Ning Rongrong, she also joined the battle as an auxiliary soul master. If she can leave the killing city in good health, then she will become the first Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda martial soul combat soul master in history.

In a dark alley in the inner city, Ning Rongrong was wearing a black tights.

The arrogant girl who likes to wear white skirts like a little princess is transforming.

Two middle-aged men of medium stature fell down in front of her. A cold light flashed past, and a trail of blood appeared on their necks.

Ning Rongrong took out a container, and blood flowed in like a water pipe. In less than a quarter of an hour, the man's body turned white and shriveled up.

"Nana, I have already inquired about this person. She is the girl who is following Xie Xian. She is the daughter of Ning Fengzhi, the leader of Qibao Glazed Sect, and her name is Ning Rongrong."

"The Evil Immortal once made a big fuss in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect before. We should be able to start with her. If she can be used for us, that would be great."

In the dark building, three pairs of eyes were staring at Ning Rongrong. It was Xie Yue and the others. With the information and arrangements given by Bishop Nie, the three of them quickly adapted to the survival rules of the killing city.

Hu Liena also participated in the Hell Killing Fields and had won eighteen consecutive victories, only two or three fewer than Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Yan, go try her."

"Okay, Nana, this girl is just an auxiliary soul master. She is very weak. I can just capture her."

Yan's figure broke through the air and threw a bloody skull. Then it hit Ning Rongrong in front of Ning Rongrong. The skull hit the ground like a lead ball.


Ning Rongrong subconsciously put her hands on her waist. There were two daggers hidden in them. She used them to kill many people.

The first time she committed a murder, she huddled in a corner and cried for a long time.

But Su Xie did not comfort her, but laughed beside her. She hated him, but she could not leave him.

"Little girl, I know you, the lackey around Evil Immortal. You should know that there are many people in the killing city who want to kill him."

Yan jumped lightly from the wall, slowly walked towards Ning Rongrong, crossed his arms and said lightly.

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong smiled disdainfully: "If you are really capable, then go and kill him. I like to hear it, but it is a pity that all of you are just a mob."

Ning Rongrong kept the Bloody Mary and looked at the opponent cautiously. Judging from the red-haired boy's skills, he was not weak.

She doesn't want to die yet because she wants to see Su Xie die first.

"It sounds like you don't really like being with the evil fairy."

Yan was very fast and had strong explosive power. He rushed in front of Ning Rongrong in less than two seconds.Ning Rongrong said coldly: "That's none of your business."

The red-haired boy in front of him looked less than 20 years old. He did not pose any threat to Su Xie, so there was no need to say too much to him.

"If you also hate the Evil Immortal, then you might as well join us and we can make him fall."

Xie Yue also appeared at this time, but Hu Liena did not show up.

Ning Rongrong turned around and saw a handsome young man wearing dark silver clothes, "Just you? Go home and wash up and sleep. You have no idea how powerful he is. Even the Pope of Wuhun Palace has become his slave." , don’t touch him, otherwise, death is your best ending.”

Hearing this, Xie Yue and Yan's bodies trembled. They heard the same information they had found out these days.

His Majesty the Pope is really under the control of Su Xie, and is he even treated as a slave?
Xie Yue and the others were very angry. How noble the Pope was, and what they had always believed in, had fallen to this level.

When they received the signals from Elder Ghost and Elder Ju, they didn't pay much attention at first. After all, who can really hurt the Pope?
However, after they arrived at the Killing City, they discovered how ignorant their ideas were.

The Pope is not invincible, and her situation is not optimistic.

"In the Killing City, he cannot use soul skills. This is the best time to kill him. Don't you want to try it?"

"Try? That will cost you your life." Ning Rongrong said coldly. If it was before, she would have thought this was an interesting thing. Now, she only thinks these two people are childish.

They don't understand who Su Xie is, and they don't understand what a real strong person is.

"We have several Slaughter Masters taking action, and perhaps the Slaughter King will also take action at that time. Moreover, as far as we know, the Pope of Wuhun Palace is also with the Evil Immortal. She might also help together. Slaughter City A situation has formed where evil immortals are suppressed and even besieged and killed."

"And all of this is just waiting for a trigger. As long as the evil immortal is put at a disadvantage, everyone will take action."

Xie Yue said lightly.

This aroused Ning Rongrong's interest. Ning Rongrong raised his head and said:
"But how can we put the Evil Immortal into a bad situation?"

"Bring this to the Pope, she will understand."

Xie Yue threw a cute red hairpin to Ning Rongrong. Ning Rongrong returned the hairpin with doubts in her heart, "Sorry, I can't help you carry anything."

If they could torture Su Xie, she would be very happy, but if she had to join in, then they weren't worth it.

"Then please help us bring a message to the Pope and ask her to come to the Killing Bar."

"it is good."

Ning Rongrong was able to accept the matter of a sentence.

On the other side, Tang Hao also hesitated to take action. The Killing Master under him couldn't help but ask:

"Lord Killer God, is this evil immortal really so terrifying? Even you can only wait and watch and are unwilling to take action?"

Tang Hao snorted: "He is the most difficult opponent I have ever seen."

"Then when is the time to kill the evil immortal?"

"The Evil Immortal cannot stay in the Killing City forever. He will leave one day, and the only way to leave is through the Hell Killing Fields. Passing through the Hell Road, the Hell Road is where he fell."

Tang Hao said with sharp eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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