Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 104 The day when the road to hell opens, when the evil immortal falls

Chapter 104 The day when the road to hell opens, when the evil immortal falls
[Side mission in the City of Killing - Zhu Zhuqing's Hell Killing Fields Yum Victory/Acquiring the Killing God Domain through the Hell Road (Unfinished)]

[Main mission of Killing City - Defeat all invading enemies, number of people: 12/999]

[Side mission in the Killing City - The evil immortal stands alone, enjoys the betrayal of slaves, and allows him to reach nirvana in despair (unfinished)]

In the Killing Hotel, Su Xie checked his Evil Sword Immortal panel. Looking at the large number of tasks that appeared, Su Xie felt a little emotional.

Although the evil thoughts in the Killing City are very strong, after more than a month of his absorption, the rate of increase of the evil spirits has obviously slowed down.

Everyone in the Killing City possesses considerable evil energy. Unfortunately, there are not many people in the Killing City, and the total amount of evil energy generated is actually not greater than that of Xingluo Guoqiu.

Su Xie's realm has also reached the level 95 Super Douluo. He needs a very, very majestic, a massive amount of evil energy, as well as the rewards from the Evil Sword Immortal Panel, in order for him to go one step further.

Standing in front of the dark glass window of the hotel, Su Xie looked down at the inner city, and his mind sensed Bibi Dong's departure.

Following Ning Rongrong's message, Bibi Dong sneaked out and successfully met with Hu Liena and the others.

The moment they saw Bibi Dong, Hu Liena and the three of them burst into tears.

What is life like under the Pope's crown?
With such a sword stuck in his body, his clothes were in tatters, he no longer looked that noble, and his face was full of exhaustion.

"Teacher, we came late and made you suffer!"

"His Majesty the Pope, Elder Ghost and Elder Ju are already waiting for us outside the Killing City, ready to attack the Evil Immortal at any time!"

Hu Liena wanted to throw herself into Bibi Dong's arms, but was blocked by the Zhenxian Sword. She held the sword and said distressedly:
"Teacher, this sword is inserted into your body, does it hurt?"

Bibi Dong touched Hu Liena's head and smiled faintly: "Physical pain is often only temporary. You just need to get used to it. The pain in the mind is unbearable."

"I'm very happy that you can take the risk to come in, but if you want to deal with the evil immortal, you can't rush."

Bibi Dong said: "If I am not sealed, then I am confident that he will not be my opponent in the killing city."

"But now, this sword prevents me from using the power of my martial soul and soul power. With the power of my physical body, even if Gui Mei and Yue Guan come in, we will not be able to defeat him."

"Now, the only way is to unite the strong people in the Killing City."

"This guy is completely self-centered, despises everyone else's feelings, ignores all rules, and has violated the bottom line of the Killing City. Take this token, go to the King of Killing, and ask him to cooperate with me and jointly kill Venerable Sir, the moment the road to hell opens, we can defeat it by taking action together."

Bibi Dong took out a token with a dark red word "kill" engraved on it. This is the God of Killing Order that can alarm the city of killing. It is very precious. Just holding it can feel the chilling air coming out of it. .

"As ordered."

Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena all felt the solemnity in Bibi Dong's eyes. This was also the first time they had seen the Pope go to such great lengths to kill someone!
They dare not be careless.

"If you have anything to do, find an opportunity to contact me. If I've been away for a long time, he might get suspicious, so I'll go back first."

Bibi Dong's figure disappeared into the dim alley.

Hu Liena and the others did not dare to neglect, so they contacted Bishop Nie of Wuhun Palace that day. After many layers of negotiations, they got an opportunity to communicate with the King of Slaughter.

Killing capital, dark and wide room.

It was an extraordinarily huge chair. The blue and purple crystals were inlaid on the chair. These crystals outlined a drum-like shape. Except for this chair, everything here was dark red.

"The representative of the God of Death is here." A cold female voice sounded.

"Let them come in." A tall figure sat down on the giant chair.

In the darkness, his appearance could not be clearly seen, but he could only vaguely see that the man was tall and thin. "Great King, they should come here because of the evil immortal. It seems that this evil immortal is very good at causing trouble. He even dares to offend the God of Death."

"The Evil Immortal violated the rules of the Killing City, but I haven't taken action because I vaguely noticed that there seems to be more than one Killing God coming because of him. We must investigate clearly how much is hidden in the Killing City now. A strong man who cannot be controlled.”

At this time, three members of the younger generation of Wuhun Palace, headed by Hu Liena, walked into the dim room.

They all held up their hands like the man in the darkness and presented the killing order:

"I've seen the King of Slaughter."

Seeing the Order of the Killing God, the King of Killing also became serious. Sure enough, the Killing God is here!
"I recognize you. In just over a month, you have won [-] consecutive victories in the Hell Killing Fields. Your talent is very good."

Hu Liena took a step forward: "We came under the orders of the God of Killing and want to form an alliance with the King of Killing."

The City of Killing was silent for a moment, "I know your purpose of coming, and I also know the difficult situation of this God of Killing. To be honest, the City of Killing cannot tolerate the Evil Immortal. He has great ambitions. I am willing to expel him from the City of Killing. Of course, it would be best to kill him."

"When is your God of Killing going to take action?"

Hu Liena said attentively: "The day the hell road opens is the day the evil immortal falls."

"Very good, but it's not easy to open the road to hell."

Hu Liena turned around and said calmly: "I will achieve a hundred victories in the Hell Killing Fields and open the road to Hell."

After saying that, the three figures disappeared into the room.

"Such a confident girl, but it could also cost her her life."

"Let us look forward to her achievements. The Road to Hell has not been opened for a long time, and the Killing City also needs a new baptism."

Soon after Hu Liena and the others left, the King of Slaughter received another letter. This letter was also engraved with the mark of the God of Death.

The content in the letter also points to killing the evil immortal.

Moreover, this god of killing specifically pointed out that if the evil immortal is not eliminated, one day the entire continent will be in chaos because of this, and even the city of killing will not be spared.

If you want to stabilize the situation in the Slaughter City and prevent the Slaughter City from being destroyed, the Evil Immortal must die!

This shocked the Slaughter King.

What ability does this evil immortal have that he allows two killing gods to enter the killing city to kill him? !

The King of Killing asked his men to reply to the God of Killing. The content was only a short sentence, but it explained everything, that is:
"The day the road to hell opens, the day the evil immortal falls."

After seeing these words, Tang Hao felt a little more at ease. He sent someone to send a message to Tang San, telling him to win the hell killing victory and open the road to hell.

As a result, in the killing field of hell, three young men appeared crazy to join the war.

The audience gave them code names:
Killer King.

Hell messenger.

Evil fairy slave.

(End of this chapter)

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