Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 11 What kind of garbage is Yu Xiaogang?Do you dare to recommend someone to enroll?

Chapter 11 What kind of garbage is Yu Xiaogang?Do you dare to recommend someone to enroll?
"Monster? Who gave you confidence? Are you a trustworthy man?"

"You are twelve or thirteen years old, you are only level 29, your martial spirit is still rubbish Blue Silver Grass, how dare you think that you are a monster?"

"Do you think you are much better than that crying trash Ning Rongrong and this little kitten next to me?"

Su Xie looked at Tang San with contempt. The purpose of the Evil Sword Immortal was to do whatever he wanted. He didn't care what kind of cat or dog Tang San was, he would just accommodate them, and he would do the same!
Hearing this, Tang San also turned dark.

When I was watching the show just now, I thought it was nothing, but now that it happened to me, I felt uncomfortable being scolded.

Although he is not as delicate as Ning Rongrong, and he and Xiao Wu have fought with others all the way, but they eventually became the best students at Notting College, became influential figures in the college, and even got the opportunity to go to the intermediate level. The opportunity to study at the Soul Master Academy.

If it weren't for the teacher's recommendation, he wouldn't have traveled so far from Notting City to Soto City to sign up for this shabby Shrek Academy!

"It's really too much. Can you scold my brother? How can there be such an unreasonable person like you in Shrek Academy?"

"Brother, let's go. It doesn't matter if we don't want to stay at this crappy academy. There are a lot of better soul master academies out there than this one!"

Xiao Wu stepped forward, took Tang San's hand and started to walk out.

But he found that Tang San's footsteps did not move, but instead pulled Xiao Wu back:

"Xiao Wu, stop making trouble. I have promised the teacher that I will join Shrek Academy, and the teacher will come over after a while after handling his affairs. We can't leave."

"Am I making trouble? Brother, do you mean it's my fault? He scolded you?! Why should we be so angry?"

Xiao Wu pointed at Su Xie and said angrily: "It's obviously her problem. His attitude is not at all about recruiting students. He is clearly making things difficult for others!"

"Xiao Wu." Tang San looked at Xiao Wu helplessly and sighed.

Su Xie watched it with great interest. Xiao Wu's personality was very similar to Liu Erlong's. He was impatient and easily angry. It allowed Su Xie to absorb a lot of anger and increase his evil value.

Su Xie saw the excitement and said to Xiao Wu, "Yes, you are right, I like to make things difficult for people, but I don't make things difficult for Rabbit, so we at Shrek Academy want you."

"He has an average appearance, average martial arts spirit, and average strength. It might be a bit difficult to get into Shrek Academy."

Su Xie looked at Tang San, shook his head and said.

"You! You did it on purpose!"

Xiao Wu was so angry that she stamped her feet.

This may seem like a joke to outsiders, but it frightens Xiao Wu. Does he mean to say that he is not a human being?Did he see through his true identity?

Su Xie shrugged, noncommittal.

"Classmate, it's like this. We originally had the opportunity to study in other soul master colleges, but my teacher recommended us to come here. What's more, my age and soul power level should have met the requirements of your college, right? You see Can you be accommodating?"

Tang San seemed to say gently, but his subtle movements caught Su Xie's attention.

He subconsciously touched his sleeve.

Su Xie knew that Tang San also traveled from another world.

It's just that it's not the earth, but a world of martial arts. He came from the Tang Sect of Bashu. He practiced Xuantian Baolu since he was a child, opened up the meridians in his body, learned forging, and mastered the method of concealed weapons.

There is a miniature hidden weapon hidden in the sleeve, which can shoot a short arrow unexpectedly. If it is smeared with poison, the effect will be extremely effective.

However, as a ninety-level Contra, Su Xie would naturally not be afraid of such little tricks.

I just find it funny: It seems that I have mastered the Tang Sect’s method of killing!
Coupled with the wisps of gloomy black energy coming out of Tang San's head, Su Xie knew that although this kid said he was kind, there was murderous intent deep in his eyes, and he wanted to kill him.

Unfortunately, all of this was seen by Su Xie.Su Xie asked calmly: "Who is your teacher?"

"Master, Yu Xiaogang, does anyone know anyone in your academy?" Tang San replied.

"Oh, it turns out to be Yu Xiaogang, I know you." Su Xie smiled.

Tang San's face lit up with joy. There was indeed a moment when he wanted to take action against Su Xie, but luckily the teacher's name came into play.

However, Su Xie's next sentence made Tang San's face instantly look ugly.

"Who doesn't know Yu Xiaogang? He is a loser whose innate soul power is lower than mine and has not yet turned around. He is 50 or [-] years old. He has not even broken through to the soul master realm, right?"

"Sure enough, the disciple of trash is still trash. At first, I thought that you have good meridians in your body, good physical fitness, and a malleable talent. But after another look, your martial soul, soul power, and soul ring age are all average. It turns out that it's because Learning skills from a waste will ruin people."

"Who is he? He dares to recommend people to come to Shrek Academy."

Su Xie's mouth could really make people mad, it directly hit Tang San's point of anger, and he was sure to die!
"I won't allow you to insult my teacher!"

Tang San stared at Su Xie, his eyes becoming particularly sharp: "Although my teacher is not a high-level soul master, he is very proficient in the way of soul master cultivation, which is quite helpful to me."

"Anyone who slanders the teacher is my enemy, Tang San."

"Oh, you think so just because you are still weak and a waste, and have not yet formed your own unique understanding of the path of a soul master. Once you become truly strong, you will find that most of what your teacher taught you is It’s bullshit!”

Su Xie scolded him mercilessly.

This is indeed the case, otherwise, you can travel to later generations and ask the Tang Shenwang, why Yu Xiaogang is not seen in the God Realm?

"shut up!"

Tang San's face was cold: "You apologize to my teacher."

Tang San's muscles were already tense. If Su Xie dared to speak rudely again, he would directly shoot his throat with a sleeve arrow and kill him.

Although Tang San couldn't see through Su Xie's strength and might not be able to defeat him head-on, anything was possible with hidden weapons!
"Why should I apologize for telling the truth? Even if I am wrong, I will follow my heart and never repent, Jie Jie."

Soon enough, Tang San raised his head and immediately launched two sleeve arrows, targeting Su Xie's eyes!

Su Xie shook his head: "I don't believe you when I say you're a waste. You're a trivial person, but you still dare to do the same thing."

In an instant, Su Xie's fingers directly clamped the two sleeve arrows. When he let go, the two sleeve arrows broke into two halves.

"How dare you use this low-level concealed weapon in front of me."

"Today's registration is over. You follow me in and take part in the second stage of the assessment. Tang San, go back to where you came from."

Su Xie turned around and led Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and the others into the academy.

Xiao Wu said: "If I'm not here, I won't stay. I won't go with you!"

"In our Shrek Academy, you don't just come and leave whenever you want."

Su Xie smiled lightly, and the powerful force directly bound Xiao Wu.

It caused Tang San's face to turn purple, and the black and green energy from Tianling Gai kept coming out.

What Su Xie absorbed was called comfort.

The total evil value has reached [-] points!
(End of this chapter)

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