Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 10: Inspiring the Masochistic Personality

Chapter 10: Inspiring the Masochistic Personality
"He is actually a powerful soul master. Such a young soul master, there are not many even in the intermediate soul master academy in Soto City, right? This Shrek Academy is really not simple."

"The kid in charge of admissions is not that old. He looks thin and weak. He is younger than this Soul Lord. I wonder what level he is in?"

"If the old soul emperor can willingly give up his position to him, he must either have a high status in the academy or have extraordinary strength. Let's see."

"It's a worthwhile trip to see the duel between soul masters at the soul master level."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong also used the power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda to use soul skills to bless Dai Mubai:
"The seven treasures have names, one is: Power!"

"The seven treasures are famous, and the second is: speed."

The two yellow soul rings at Ning Rongrong's feet rose up one after another, covering the seven-colored pagoda. Under the guidance of Ning Rongrong's left hand, two colored lights were released and fell on Dai Mubai.

With the blessing of colored light, Dai Mubai felt that his strength and speed had increased by nearly 30.00%, giving him the confidence to be invincible under the Soul Sect!
"Su Xie, I haven't taught you a lesson for a long time, but you really stepped on my tiger's tail this time."

He sometimes likes to sleep with young women, but if it is his wife who is sleeping with someone else, then he is not willing to do so.

Intense pale light suddenly erupted from Dai Mubai's body. His bones crackled and his muscles suddenly expanded, holding up his clothes.

His palms were twice as big as before. White hair covered the entire palms. As his fingers flicked, dagger-like claws were constantly protruding and retracting from his palms.Each of those sharp claws was like a blade, eight inches long, shining with a cold light.

Possessed by the evil-eyed white tiger martial spirit!

"Trash, don't bother me to continue recruiting students."

Facing Dai Mubai's strong attack, Su Xie didn't care at all.

As a strong man who is only one step away from the Titled Douluo, a small soul master, even with the blessing of the Seven Treasures Glaze, cannot pose any threat to him at all.

"Two pieces of garbage put together are the same thing. A pile of garbage put together is a garbage pile. Get lost."

The black soul power in Su Xie's body burst out in an instant, sending Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong flying away without any room for fighting back!
"Little cutie, are you so angry that you can only be so helpless and furious? Do you want to go home and find your parents?"

"Go back and tell your father that our Shrek Academy will become the most awesome academy on the mainland in the future. Our dean is not afraid of you Qibao Liuli at all, do you understand?"

Su Xie pinched Ning Rongrong's pouty little face, looked at her aggrieved face, and said lightly with eyes twinkling with tears.

This wave of hatred is simply overwhelming.

"You, you. Wuwuwu, what's so great about you? Aren't you the most powerful person of your age I've ever seen? Why are you so mean? Am I really that bad? No one has ever treated me like this!"

"Others praise me as a genius!"

"Why do you say that to me? Can't you be gentler? You're not a gentleman at all!"

Unexpectedly, Su Xie's two short sentences completely broke Ning Rongrong's guard.

This girl, who was as delicate as a little princess, lost control on the spot and burst into tears.

This time, Su Xie was a little surprised. Seeing the aggrieved air that kept coming out of Ning Rongrong's head, he decisively absorbed it, and it turned out to be as high as two thousand evil points!
Unexpectedly, Su Xie actually triggered Ning Rongrong's hidden masochistic personality.

But think about it, it makes sense. For a girl like her, everyone has followed her wishes since she was a child. She gets whatever she wants. Basically no one disobeys her, let alone insults her. .

After being stimulated by Su Xie like this, she felt something different in her heart.

He was so angry and couldn't stop, and wanted to conquer Su Xie.At the end of the cry, it actually sounded like coquettishness.

Su Xie didn't want to be fooled by her and said angrily:
"After all, he is a great soul master. What does he look like crying? We at Shrek Academy don't need weak people."

Su Xie said lightly. As soon as these words came out, Ning Rongrong's crying stopped suddenly, and she choked and said: "No, I just want to enter Shrek Academy and keep an eye on you. Just wait. One day, I will You will let others defeat you!”

"up to you."

Su Xie gave Ning Rongrong a contemptuous look, and Ning Rongrong's proud heart was really hurt.

"This person is really evil. He doesn't know how to show mercy at all. If he is stronger, can he do whatever he wants?"

"Brother, why did you stop me? Are you also afraid of him?"

Behind the crowd, the girl muttered.

The girl's silky black long hair was combed into neat scorpion braids. Even the braids still hung down past her calves. She wore a pink dress on her upper body, which tightly covered her already growing figure. Her slender waist is the envy of countless women.

Curved eyebrows are formed naturally, a pair of big watery eyes and a slightly round pink face, not only beautiful, but also gives people a somewhat delicate feeling, the word cute seems to be tailor-made for her generally.

Xiao Wu pouted, with some anger in her eyes. She couldn't bear to see bullying happen.

"Xiao Wu, we are new here and don't know much about the situation in Shrek Academy. Moreover, we are only great soul masters. Even a powerful soul master like Dai Mubai is not taken seriously by him. We can't help at all. It would be bad if we act impulsively and influence us to join Shrek Academy."

Tang San was dressed simply. He looked about 24 or [-] years old. He was wearing a neat light blue outfit. He wore a belt inlaid with [-] jade stones around his waist. His black half-long hair barely reached his shoulders. Handsome, but giving people a feeling of being very approachable and almost kind-hearted.

Before that, they had met Dai Mubai at the Rose Hotel in Soto City, and they had also fought against each other, so they knew how powerful the other party was.

"Brother, you are afraid of things." Xiao Wu said with some emotion.

At this moment, Su Xie's voice came faintly: "Who else wants to enter our Shrek Academy?"

"The last two spots are left."

"Hurry, Xiao Wu, it's our turn."

Tang San and Xiao Wu hurried forward: "Let's sign up together!"

Su Xie glanced at Tang San and Xiao Wu, with a meaningful smile on his lips.

Ah, finally it’s your turn.

The joy of my life, the source of my resentment!

"Extend your hands."

Su Xie said angrily.

Xiao Wu turned her head away, as if she didn't like Su Xie. He was too rude to girls, arrogant and rude, so she didn't want him to touch her hand!
Tang San could only stretch out his hand and smiled:

"Please, do you only accept monsters here? Am I considered a monster?"

(End of this chapter)

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