Chapter 9 Zhu Zhuqing is my cat slave!
Don’t even accept dogs?

Hearing these words, Ning Rongrong was shocked. Ning Rongrong was completely furious.

She has never been insulted like this since she was a child.

"Although I, Ning Rongrong, am an auxiliary soul master, I cannot be tainted by a waste like you with an innate soul power of level 0.6! I want to challenge you to a duel!"

Ning Rongrong was furious and pointed at Su Xie.

"You dare?"

Ning Rongrong couldn't bear it anymore and released her martial spirit on the spot.

Her body floated on the spot and spun around, and dazzling seven-colored light was immediately released from her body. Where the seven-colored light condensed, there was already a seven-colored pagoda more than a foot high in the palm of Ning Rongrong's right hand.

As soon as the Qibao Glazed Sect came out, everyone made a sound of exclamation.

Passers-by repeatedly praised: "It turns out to be the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda!"

"Even the owner of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda's martial spirit wants to enroll in this shabby school. It seems that there is indeed something in this Shrek Academy!"

The soul master who had been complaining about being cheated out of 10 gold soul coins was now speechless.

"Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the top auxiliary martial spirit in the entire continent, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda."

Dai Mubai looked at Ning Rongrong in surprise, somewhat unbelievable.

Old Li also turned around, and his eyes lit up. Sure enough, it was a level 26 soul power, an auxiliary martial soul. Su Xie didn't miss it.

But what is puzzling is that Ning Rongrong's level and talent are remarkable, and they are quite rare in the whole continent. Why does Su Xie blindly belittle him?

Understood, Old Li Tou thought thoughtfully, this kid got the evil power from nowhere and became stronger.

They used to often ask him to do things, and they must have complaints in their hearts, so now they are taking revenge on the college and want to drive away all the talented students who meet the admission requirements.

"I have to go tell the dean about this."

Old Li thought for a moment and walked into the academy alone to find Flanders.

"Fight me? I don't want to hit a girl. Maybe this is the gentlemanly way blessed by men in the world. You are no match for me."

"I still say the same thing, your talent is very poor."

Su Xie waved his hand lightly, and a black energy came out, lingering around Ning Rongrong's body, suppressing her soul power, and even her martial soul was suppressed back into her body.

Such a powerful force made Ning Rongrong stunned. She couldn't help but look at Dai Mubai, her eyes seemed to ask:

Didn't you say that his innate soul power is level 0.6 and that he is a waste?
Dai Mubai also frowned, dumbfounded.

What a powerful force!

"Su Xie, you were just faking it yesterday. The injuries on Teacher Zhao's body were really caused by you. How could you have such a powerful power? This is impossible!"

Dai Mubai asked in surprise.

"Nothing is impossible in life."

Su Xie did not refute. Before binding the Evil Sword Fairy panel, he thought life was a hardship. Now, he thinks it is a very interesting game.

"Not only Zhao Wuji, but also Dai Mubai, your good days are coming to an end."

Su Xie stood up and walked to Dai Mubai's side.

His eyes were very indifferent and he spoke calmly, but every word made Dai Mubai tremble.

Dai Mubai seemed to remember the blame he had placed on Su Xie and the hard work he had done.

"Look, who is that?"

Following the direction of Su Xie's finger, Dai Mubai's eyes changed and he stared straight at him, as if he had seen something incredible.

At the very back of the crowd, there was a girl who had just arrived. She had a hot figure, long black hair hanging around her shoulders, and her limbs were well-proportioned and slender. Her hands hung naturally on both sides of her body, but she exuded a deathly coldness.

In front of the girl, there were two people who needed Su Xie's attention. They were none other than Tang San and Xiao Wu. They had been watching the show and gave up after receiving instructions from 'Master' Yu Xiaogang. "I'm in love with her. Sooner or later, I will sleep with her."

Su Xie whispered, just enough to reach Dai Mubai's ears.

Hearing these words, Dai Mubai was furious and his whole body was shaking. It could be seen that he was trying his best to restrain himself. If it weren't for the large number of people present and the unknown strength of Su Xie at this time, he would have wanted to directly Blow Su Xie's head off!

Although he is very carefree, he can't stand it if others care about his future woman!

"How dare you, Su Xie, if you dare to touch her, I want you to die!"

Dai Mubai gritted his teeth and said.

That girl with a hot body but a cold look is Dai Mubai's fiancée - Zhu Zhuqing!

"Try it."

An evil smile appeared on Su Xie's lips. In front of Dai Mubai's eyes, he walked towards Zhu Zhuqing:

"Are you willing to join Shrek Academy?"

Su Xie's eyes flashed with an evil purple light at that moment. This was the unique ability of the Evil Sword Immortal Martial Spirit. It was not a soul skill, but the characteristics of the Martial Spirit that gave Su Xie the ability to read people's hearts and confuse them. Ability.

This characteristic ability has little effect on soul masters who are stronger than herself, but at this time, Zhu Zhuqing is only a level 20 great soul master, and Su Xie, as a level [-] expert, cannot resist the temptation of the Evil Sword Immortal. .

At that moment, there seemed to be a voice echoing in Zhu Zhuqing's mind:

"Follow him!"

"Follow him!"

"He is someone you can trust!"

"He is your lover!"

"You are his most loyal slave, cat slave!"

Zhu Zhuqing nodded awkwardly: "I do."

"Then where do you want to live?"

"I want to live with you. The cat slave will warm your bed and wait for you to change clothes and wash up."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Xie obediently and said the words that made Dai Mubai break his guard.

"Zhu Zhuqing, what are you talking about? Come here quickly, I won't allow you to stand with him!"

Dai Mubai's head was filled with thick green smoke and resentment, all of which was absorbed by Su Xie.

He walked over quickly and tried to pull Zhu Zhuqing away, but was dodged:

"You dirty man, stay away from me. Don't think that I don't know what you are doing outside. It's disgusting."

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Dai Mubai indifferently, with disgust in his eyes.

Dai Mubai was stunned for a moment, a little hurt. In recent years, he had indeed been a bit dissipated and had played with many women outside, but as a man, isn't this normal?

Is it normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines?What's more, he was just having fun outside before getting married.

“That’s how people are, they don’t appreciate it when they have it, and they regret it when they lose it.”

Su Xie held Zhu Zhuqing's hand. Her hot body was almost touching Su Xie's. Su Xie patted Dai Mubai's shoulder and said lightly:

"There is no need to be sad. Although you have lost her, there is still an ocean behind you."

"Su Xie, don't force me to beat you to death. Let me go!"

Dai Mubai said with a sullen face as three soul rings, yellow, yellow and purple, appeared under his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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