Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 152: The Pope’s Palace takes the throne and unifies the Spirit Palace

"Evil Immortal Douluo, Evil Sword Immortal, I, Qian Renxue, will kill you!"


After knowing the murderer's name, Qian Renxue's pupils seemed to darken, and even heavy rain began to fall outside the hall.

The rain was slightly black, hitting the houses and trees with a thin gurgling sound, playing a sad song, as if mourning the death of Qiandaoliu and the worshipers.

At this moment, everyone in the Elder Hall was extremely silent. They mourned and prayed for the dead servant of the angel god.

The heavy rain lasted for three days and three nights, without stopping, and three centimeters of rainwater accumulated on the ground of the entire Wuhun City. Everyone felt melancholy and sad because of the rain.

Bibi Dong also expressed his respect for the great worshiper and did not take any substantive action during the three days of mourning for Qian Daoliu's death.

Three days later, Qian Renxue finally stood up in front of Qian Daoliu's coffin, her eyes filled with hatred, and her goal of revenge was determined.

Everyone is afraid of the Evil Sword Immortal.

Everyone stayed away from the Evil Sword Immortal.

Let her kill this demon who scares the entire continent and shocks the entire soul master world!

Lord Angel God, if you hear the sincere prayers of your believers, it’s time for you to send down your power!

Qian Renxue resolutely walked into the Angel Temple. Here stood the largest statue of the Angel God, and it was also the place where she accepted the Angel God's assessment.

Some time ago, she had passed the first seven exams of the Angel God and started taking the eighth exam.

As long as she successfully passes the nine angel exams, she can inherit the angelic throne.

However, she did not know that after completing the ninth test, she would need a servant of God to use her life as a guide to help her open the way to communicate with God.

But now, the servant of the angel god is dead...

This also means that unless the angel god notices this situation and sends down his divine consciousness, the inheritance path of the angel god cannot be opened at all.

It rained heavily for three days, but no one realized that Su Xie, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong had arrived on the outskirts of Wuhun City.

After Su Xie reached level 97, the range of evil thoughts expanded again, from a radius of about [-] kilometers to a radius of [-] to [-] kilometers. This is a terrifying value. A land of [-] to [-] kilometers can breed people and intelligent creatures. , more than one million?
He traveled south from the far north, and he could already sense the situation in the Spirit Hall from a long distance away, Bibi Dong's impatience, Golden Crocodile Douluo's confusion and worry, Qian Renxue's resentment...

Interesting, really interesting... For Su Xie, this tense situation was only fun.

"Didn't you say we were going to Tiandou City? Why did you come to Wuhun City first?"

Ning Rongrong followed Su Xie and said: "This is not a good place. There are many powerful soul masters in the headquarters of Wuhun Palace. The great priest died in the hands of the master before. They must have regarded us as... enemy."

"Master is so strong, it'll be okay."

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly that she trusted Su Xie unconditionally.

"Okay, I admit this. If he could avoid doing bad things, he would definitely be No. 1 on the mainland for hundreds of thousands of years and be respected by all soul masters."

Ning Rongrong nodded, feeling a little regretful.

"Don't other soul masters respect me now?"

Su Xie asked lightly. Although he was walking in the rainy night, the rainwater could not stain his body at all, and it all slipped past him.

"It's awe, it's fear, it's not admiration. When others see you, they just want to run away. If it's admiration, everyone is happy to see you, and they want to communicate with you, do things for you, make friends with you, respect and Approving what you do is admiration." Ning Rongrong explained, telling a fact.

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment and realized that although she was on Su Xie's side, what Ning Rongrong said this time was indeed correct.

"Master, you don't need to be admired by others. Being respected by others is enough. Many people don't want to be respected by others."

Zhu Zhuqing thought of his initial experience. He could only be regarded as an abandoned son of the family. Not to mention being respected by others, he was not even treated as an equal. It was very difficult to survive.

This world is inherently unfair.

Strength is justice.

"Okay. But master, are you really not afraid? If this continues, we will be hated by more and more people, and we will even be equated with evil. Don't you care?"

This is something Ning Rongrong is very curious about.

Su Xie smiled faintly: "Didn't you already answer for me? What am I afraid of? Aren't others afraid of me?"

"I am immortal, evil thoughts will never dissipate, and evil spirits will remain forever."

"But you, now that the news has spread, you two slaves standing next to the Evil Immortal, my enemies will also be your enemies. If they can't kill me, they will transfer their resentment to you and hunt you down to vent their anger. ."

Ning Rongrong pouted, a little proud, "Humph, we are not afraid now, we are always with you anyway, and we are not ordinary people now, and I am not that little girl who can only hide behind others to help. Yes, I have twin martial souls, hum!"

A disciple of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect who has reached level 13 or above at the age of 40, if she doesn’t float, who is qualified to float?
If this matter was reported back to the Qibao Glazed Sect, Ning Fengzhi would probably have to make her the young sect leader.

Su Xie glanced at Ning Rongrong, and Ning Rongrong bit his mouth and said, "Okay, this is all your fault. I have decided that I will be your exclusive assistant in the future, well, the exclusive control system assistant!"

"Okay, we should go to Tiandou City."

After learning about the situation in Wuhun Palace and staying around Wuhun City for a few days, the resentment was almost absorbed, which increased Su Xie's soul power.

However, after reaching level 97, Su Xie needed more evil energy. This time, there was actually a lot of resentment caused by the deaths of Qian Daoliu and several worshippers.

But not even one-tenth of the soul power Su Xie needed to go from level 97 to level 98 was less than one-tenth.

During those few days, the evil spirit in Wuhun City was the strongest, and then it began to decline.

However, just when Su Xie summoned the evil sword and was about to take them to fly to Tiandou City, the evil thoughts in Wuhun City actually increased again.

It turned out that it was Bibi Dong who took the initiative to merge the Douluo Palace.

The Wuhun Hall is divided into three main halls, the Pope's Hall, the Douluo Hall, and the Elder's Hall.

Prior to this, only the Pope's Palace was under Bibi Dong's jurisdiction. The Elder's Palace was not large in scale, but it was the core behind the scenes of the Douluo Palace.

Bibi Dong's first step was to merge with the Douluo Palace. This was a very wise move.

If they attack the Douluo Palace, Golden Crocodile Douluo and the remaining two priests will most likely choose to delegate power, but if they merge with the Elder Palace, it would be disrespectful to the Angel God.

Even so, Golden Crocodile Douluo and the others were still very angry:
"This girl, it's only been a short time since the death of the great worshiper, and she can't hold back anymore! It's really hateful!"

(End of this chapter)

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