Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 153 Xing Luo: We will support Haotian Sect unconditionally!


Heaven Dou City.

After the Haotian Sect mourned the elders for 49 days, the sect reconstruction project began.

Everyone in the Haotian Sect was born to be a blacksmith, and they were born to be good at infrastructure construction.

In less than two months, the entire Haotian Sect's old site had been completely renovated, and people came to visit in an endless stream. Even the Tiandou royal family sent representatives to show their goodwill and sent a lot of treasures.

In Haotianzong Square, several statues with a height of four to six meters were built.

The leader was the tallest among them, reaching six meters in height. He held a huge Clear Sky Hammer in his hand. He looked majestic and his face was very similar to Tang Chen.

Behind this statue are several elders of the Haotian Sect, and the statues of the three dead elders also stand behind it. They are the disciples of the Haotian Sect commemorating their contributions to the Haotian Sect.

Flanders and Yu Xiaogang walked slowly in the Haotian Sect Square, with the breeze blowing in their faces. Looking at the prosperous Haotian Sect, they all felt proud of the spring breeze.

"Xiao Gang, I have to say that although your talent as a soul master is very poor, you have a good eye for people and good luck."

"You said you, you are not even level 31, but you can actually have the token of Wuhun Palace, know a high-ranking person in Wuhun Palace, and you are also a direct descendant of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, you are interested in it at first glance Tang San is actually a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect, a gifted soul king who is thirteen or fourteen years old, this is really amazing, I am afraid he will surpass me in another three or four years."

Flanders said while walking in Haotian Sect.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang had a dark look on his face. He couldn't speak. He could just shut up!
"I think you can leave now. I know why you have been following me. Now, I can tell you clearly that I don't know where Erlong is now."

Yu Xiaogang said with a hum.

Flanders leaned on a stone in the square and said calmly: "I'm not leaving, my Shrek Academy is gone, and my money is gone. I'm living well in Haotian Sect, so I'll just live on this. "

"You rascal."

"I'm a scoundrel? You are the real scoundrel, right? I, a scoundrel, gave up the second dragon to you?"

"Nonsense, what do you mean by giving up to me? Erlong likes me, so he naturally wants to be with me."

Yu Xiaogang was going to be pissed to death by Flanders, but after a close friend turned into a bad friend and had a grudge, their words could really hit each other's anger points.

Flanders hugged his chest and hummed: "Do you think that without my help, you would have so many opportunities to be with Erlong? Just based on your useless theories? Without me to resist the pressure, those plans of yours, Strategy is useless, let alone having so many opportunities to be alone with Erlong."

"Whose theory are you calling useless? Flanders, do you want to die?"

Yu Xiaogang was furious, two soul rings appeared under his feet, and Luo Sanpao also appeared.

Flanders, however, was calm and calm. He stood on a high place and said calmly: "Hey, Xiaogang, he is not very strong and has a big temper. You don't want to fight me, do you? I can't beat that boy Su Xie. You can still do it easily, so that you can do it with one hand and one foot."

At this time, envoys wearing the costumes of the Star Luo Empire walked in from the gate of Haotian Sect. They looked noble and wore the costumes of the Star Luo nobles.

Yu Xiaogang stared at them and entered the Haotian Sect's main hall. Currently, the main hall is temporarily presided over by Tang Hao, who manages the affairs of the Haotian Sect, with the assistance of two elders.

"Why are the nobles from the Star Luo Empire also here? Although the return of the Haotian Sect is attracting attention, they are all from the Tiandou Empire. The Star Luo Empire and the Haotian Sect have never had a close relationship..."

"I understand. I have long heard that Mubai has been inherited and recognized by the Xingluo royal family. He has become the acting emperor of Xingluo and is preparing for his ascension to the throne. These Xingluo nobles should be sent by Mubai Yes, both Xingluo and Haotian Sect have an enemy, that boy Su Xie, so it is normal for them to join forces."

Flanders said happily that his analysis was indeed good.The Xingluo royal family hated Su Xie deeply. When they learned that the Haotian Sect had the same experience and returned, they decided to join forces with the Haotian Sect and sent the royal clan elders to come in person to discuss an alliance with the Haotian Sect. things.

Moreover, the Star Luo royal family expressed to the Haotian Sect that if the Haotian Sect encountered any difficulties, the Star Luo Empire would be willing to provide free help within its capabilities.

The Star Luo Empire also stated that their new emperor who was about to succeed him was a former classmate and friend of a direct disciple of the Haotian Sect.

What this means is self-evident.

However, the current Haotian Sect does not have the confidence to fight against Su Xie, nor will it fight against Wuhun Palace. They need to develop.

Wuhun Palace also needs internal integration.

This is a silent competition. Whoever completes the transformation first will take the initiative and put pressure on the other party.

So far, Wuhun Palace has the absolute upper hand in this competition!

Although Qian Daoliu has died, Wuhun Palace still has a peerless Douluo.

Bibi Dong!
However, Bibi Dong also has her own worries. She can hardly feel the presence of Lord Rakshasa God now, as if everything has been cut off.

This is really strange.

Could it be that Lord Rakshasa gave up on her?


At the same time, the Tiandou Imperial Palace was located in Tiandou City. In the Tiandou Imperial Palace, Emperor Xueye was also worried.

He sat on the throne, looked down at his capital, watched the sun set on the horizon, and let out a long sigh:

"Emperor Xingluo died, Xingluo swayed, Wuhun Palace was in turmoil, Haotian Sect returned, Evil Immortal Douluo acted strangely, where should our Tiandou royal family stand?"

"If we stand in the wrong position, what will be the fate of our Tiandou Empire?"

Whether it is Wuhun Palace, Haotian Sect, or Evil Immortal Douluo, I am afraid they all have the ability and courage to kill the emperor.

Being caught in the middle would probably make any king extremely distressed.

What makes Emperor Xueye even more melancholy is that he doesn’t want to become the next Emperor Xingluo...

"By the way, Qinghe, this child, has been very strange in the past few months. He used to be very diligent and concerned about political affairs... Recently, he doesn't even see people often. He is indifferent to national affairs and even ran out to play around. It's just I sent back a letter telling me that this is really outrageous. When this child comes back, he will be severely punished. How dare I hand the Tiandou Empire into their hands in the future?"


"Maybe it's time for our Tiandou royal family to make our own choice."

"His Majesty Poison Douluo seems to be more willing to stand with the Haotian Sect. Are Haotian Sect's disciples kind to him? As the only Titled Douluo-level guardian of our royal family, I can only choose to stand with you. Together..."

(End of this chapter)

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