Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 155 Heading to Poseidon Island, the plan of the two girls Tianshui to fight for Poseidon inh

"You, who are you? How dare you do such a thing in Yuexuan? Are you not afraid of death?"

"The Haotian Sect has returned. The master of Yuexuan is a direct bloodline of the Haotian Sect. If you treat the master like this, aren't you afraid that the people of the Haotian Sect will settle the score with you?"

In Yuexuan, some maids and students studying folk arts scolded Su Xie.

This young man was so bold that he forced his way into Yuexuan and enjoyed something even the emperor had never enjoyed before!
He actually asked these musicians to wear revealing clothes and dance for him. He also asked the signature musicians to wait on him and feed him fine wine and grapes. It was a complete look of corruption.

They even asked people to ask Tang Yuehua to play music in person.

Therefore, Yue Xuan requested the trial of a knight team, which was a knight team with the same specifications as the imperial palace and had the fighting ability to rival the powerful Soul Emperor.

But he was instantly defeated by Su Xie and trampled all his dignity.

The elegant and beautiful woman, wearing a silver palace dress, holding a harp in her hand, was playing and dancing in the center of the venue. Around her, a group of beautiful girls were dancing together.

Although there is no soul ring at the feet of the beautiful woman, there is a noble ring, which exaggerates a very noble temperament. Even compared with Pope Bibi Dong of the Pope's Palace, she is not inferior.

Such a noble and beautiful woman dancing gracefully in the palace has a unique charm.

However, looking at Tang Yuehua's appearance, she didn't seem very happy. She was obviously forced, but she was unable to resist.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong withdrew from the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena and entered Yuexuan. Seeing this scene of drunkenness and wealth, they were both a little helpless.

It's quite exciting to follow Su Xieshuang. His strength is obviously improved and he can do whatever he wants, but he is not a righteous man. It's so sinful!

They chose to relax in Yuexuan's large courtyard and wait.

At this time, several burly young and middle-aged men walked in from the gate of Yuexuan. They looked menacing and were all wearing Haotian Sect clothes.

The leader was Tang Long. They received a request from Yuexuan's people, and someone was causing trouble here and doing evil.

Tang Yuehua is their aunt, so she will not let anyone bully her.

Both Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong noticed their arrival.

Ning Rongrong took a sip of tea and hummed: "It seems to be someone from the Haotian Sect. It seems that Yuexuan is really related to the Haotian Sect."

Zhu Zhuqing's soul power began to fluctuate, and when he was about to take action, Ning Rongrong grabbed him: "Zhu Qing, what do you want to do?"

"Drive them away. They are detrimental to the master at first glance." Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Ning Rongrong disagreed: "I don't think so. They may not dare to take action against the master. Maybe it is useful for the master to keep them."

Zhu Zhuqing asked in confusion: "Useful? What use can they be? They are all looking for trouble."

"They are just minions anyway, and they can't beat the master. Why are you so anxious to take action? Let's take a look first."

Ning Rongrong said lightly that after spending a long time with Su Xie, she also liked to watch the excitement, and she also had a vague sense of Su Xie's thoughts, perhaps because of the existence of the Seven Treasures Blood Pact.

Tang Long rushed in with several disciples of the Haotian Sect, and they were furious when they saw his aunt Tang Yuehua, wearing silver and revealing clothes, trying to please a young man like a woman in a brothel.

You know, Tang Yuehua had already returned to the Haotian Sect before, and he recognized Tang Hao and the others as a very important person. To be bullied like this by outsiders, doesn't this mean that the Haotian Sect doesn't take them seriously?
"Which beast dares to come to Yuexuan to cause trouble? I wonder if this is the etiquette department of the Tiandou royal family and also belongs to our Haotian sect? He is simply looking for death!"

"Auntie, are you okay?"

A cloak flew over and covered Tang Yuehua's exposed shoulders and chest.

Su Xie calmly picked up a glass of wine, drank it, and said fearlessly:
"A Tiandou royal family or a Haotian sect, what does it matter? I don't even look down on a few brats who asked your parents to come to me."

At the sound of this voice, Tang Long and the others immediately looked at Su Xie.

At first glance, Tang Long felt that Su Xie looked familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere before.

A young man next to Tang Long was furious, his soul ring and martial soul were revealed, and he rushed forward:

"You're a young boy, aren't you? You look only fourteen or fifteen years old, but you're so arrogant. I'll teach you how to behave today!"

Su Xie didn't even look at him, and just slapped him away.

Even the Clear Sky Hammer was cracked by him.

His spirit was broken and his arm was broken. The pain caused him to scream so violently that it made people shudder.

At this time, Tang Long finally saw Su Xie's appearance in the dimness and recognized him. He kept hindrance and showed fear on his face.

There were two more disciples beside Tang Long. Although they were shocked by Su Xie's power, they still didn't know how terrifying he was. They said angrily: "Boy, you dare to hurt our disciples of Haotian Sect. Do you want to die? You Which sect does it belong to?"

"To shut up!"

Tang Long spoke to stop him.

"Brother Long, this kid bullied my aunt like this and hurt our people. Why can't you say, Brother Long, why are you afraid of him? He's just a brat. He was lucky and careless, and Ahao was beaten by him..."

"Shut up, don't you hear me?" Tang Long glared at them.

Immediately, he took a step forward, cupped his hands towards Su Xie and said:

"Evil Immortal Douluo, why are you here? Although you are powerful, it is not good to do things like this."

When the words "Evil Immortal Douluo" came out, everyone present was stunned.

Even Tang Yuehua looked at Su Xie pitifully. Is he the evil immortal?The Evil Immortal Douluo who makes the entire continent turbulent and fearful? !
The other two Haotian Sect disciples were so frightened that they sat on the ground.

There is a lot of discussion within the Haotian Sect about the power of the evil immortal.

Tang Long took a deep breath: "With your strength, you can achieve a high status and power, and even choose concubines in the empire, live a good life, and live a legitimate life, instead of causing trouble everywhere, which will not only cause chaos to the country, but also Provoking many enemies, hasn't Evil Immortal Douluo thought about it?"

Tang Long thought from the perspective of a normal person.

Su Xie, a young titled Douluo with top-notch strength, was always being recruited wherever he went.

If he is willing to sincerely join the Tiandou royal family, Emperor Xueye will accept it without hesitation and give him the position of honorary elder, a high salary and a vast fief.

But Su Xie seems to have chosen a path of no return...

Su Xie smiled lightly and said: "Of course I have thought about it, and just because I have thought about it, I have to be an unfettered self. Think about it, being bound by a sect and a country requires a lot of energy and sacrifice for it. In the end, But it helps others, is it worth it?"

Su Xie stood up. He had a way of confusing people:
"Think about it, just like you, if you work hard for the Haotian Sect, who will get the greatest benefit in the end? Will it be you? The sect leader will take the blame for you? The Haotian Sect will fight tooth and nail to protect you? Is it possible?"

"That's my clan..."

Tang Long blushed when he was told that he couldn't refute. Of course it would be difficult for him to be the leader of the Haotian Sect, and the Haotian Sect would not fight for him. This was really heartbreaking.

"Bring a message to your clan leader. Tell him that I am here. When will the original agreement be fulfilled?" Su Xie said lightly. After saying that, there was a powerful wave of soul power that sent them flying. Got out:

"get out."


After being driven out of Yuexuan, Tang Long and several others supported him back to Haotian Sect and hurriedly asked to see the sect leader Tang Hao and the founder Tang Chen.

After learning that Su Xie had also arrived in Tiandou City, Tang Hao and Tang San felt bad.

This Evil Immortal Douluo is really haunting!

They have all succumbed and surrendered to the Evil Immortal, but they are still staring at them!

They originally didn't want to disturb the Patriarch's retreat, but since it concerned the Evil Immortal, Tang Hao could only take Tang Long to disturb Tang Chen's practice.

After receiving Su Xie's warning, Tang Chen sighed deeply.

He finally understood that the Evil Immortal had not let him go, and had been pressing him above his head, watching them.

The trip to Poseidon Island and the decisive battle with Wuhun Palace must continue.

Otherwise, the entire Haotian Sect will face the evil immortal's suppression.

This is a terrible thing.

The most terrifying thing about Su Xie is that he has no power and no worries, so he can do whatever he wants.

If Evil Immortal Douluo has clan descendants and friends like Wuhundian, then everything will change. He can protect himself, but cannot protect all clan members, so he has concerns.

This was also the reason why Wuhun Palace did not dare to attack Haotian Sect rashly when Tang Chen was still alive. If it reached the point of fighting to the death, a peerless Douluo would be enough to make Wuhun Palace chickens and dogs restless.

But now, the Haotian Sect is also facing such a situation, and it is a person who is more difficult to deal with than the Peerless Douluo. He can know everyone's evil thoughts and control the evil forces in the world endlessly.

"Mainland is going to change drastically, and it will take at least two years."

Tang Chen sighed deeply.

But where are the descendants of the Haotian Sect?
Among the younger generation, Tang Long and Tang Yu are both good children, but if they want to shoulder the great responsibility of the Haotian Sect, they are still less talented.

In the end, Tang Chen made a major decision, which was to train Tang San with all his strength, and Tang Hao returned to the Slaughter City to find the inheritance of the gods, which might allow him to return to the top. As for Tang San, he would personally take him to Poseidon Island. Accepting the inheritance of Poseidon, if this plan can succeed, then the transformation of Haotian Sect will be just around the corner.

If Tang Hao can find the inheritance of the God of Evil Thoughts, he can restore his martial soul and even gain new strength. Coupled with his own experience, it will be enough for him to quickly grow into a super strong man.

As for Tang San, Tang Chen's expectation is for him to become the leader of the new generation. If Tang Hao fails, he can also retain the fire for Haotian Sect. As long as he can quickly pass the first seven tests of Poseidon, he can become the leader of Soul Dou. A strong man of Luo level and above.

God can quickly increase the power of a soul master.

Tang Chen himself finally made a decision: go to Poseidon Island!
Three days after being warned by the Evil Immortal, Tang Chen selected three Haotian Sect disciples to take a ship to Poseidon Island as guests, and brought a personal letter from him. To be precise, it was a letter of engagement.

More than a month later, Tang Chen finally healed his original injuries to seven or eight, and in the eyes of Ice and Fire, he completely eliminated the parasitic soul of the Nine-Headed Bat King, absorbed its power, and his own strength recovered. At its peak.

So, Tang Chen didn't hesitate anymore and rushed to Poseidon Island!

He had a premonition that the mainland would soon undergo major changes, and a bloody storm would begin.

He was finally going to make up for the regrets of this life. He had a lot to say to that woman!

Poseidon Island is the holy land of Poseidon Masters and a place where Poseidon is enshrined.

It was a huge island with a diameter of up to four hundred miles. To a certain extent, it could already be called land.

Most of the soul masters in Wuhun Palace believe in the God of Angels, and Wuhun Palace worships the God of Angels, so it is revered by the soul masters on the mainland, and has grown into the number one soul master force on the mainland.

The sea spirit master also has his own belief, which is the sea god.

The sea soul masters firmly believe that the sea god does exist, is in charge of everything in the sea, and is the ancestor of the sea soul masters. The sea god protects the sea soul masters.

Poseidon Island is the place where Poseidon set up to manage and protect them.

Poseidon Island has a total of seven holy pillars and seven cities. Each city has about 1000 people, who are the most loyal followers of Lord Poseidon. There are more than 3000 soul masters on the main island, and they are all powerful beings in the sea.

Tang Chen took Tang San on a ship and saw the ocean scenery along the way.

Tang San's heart was also very rough. He knew that when the ship stopped sailing, there would be a big battle.

What they didn't notice was that ten thousand meters above their ship, Su Xie was flying with a sword following them, with four people beside him.

In addition to Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, there were actually two girls.

It was none other than Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er were also very distressed. They had seen how terrifying Su Xie was, and they killed six or seven titled Douluo while joking. It was so terrifying.

Naturally, they don’t want to have too much contact with Su Xie and the others. Although this evil immortal is powerful, he is too moody and has too many enemies!

What if one of them is unhappy and kills them too?
However, they were also confused that Su Xie could find their location accurately and abducted them without saying anything.

And he took them directly to the sky, thousands of meters high in the sky!An unprecedented experience!
A mixture of emotions including excitement, excitement and fear.

After getting used to this feeling, the two of them became sad. Shui Yue'er muttered:

"Why did you suddenly kidnap us? What are you going to do? Are you going to throw us down from a height of [-] meters to feed the sharks?"

"According to the various deeds of the Evil Immortal in the rumors, it's true that he can't do it." Shui Bing'er responded calmly from the side.

But the wind was howling, I wonder if Shui Yue'er heard it.

Shui Yue'er almost cried, "I don't want to die yet, I still want to become the top water element soul master of Tianshui Academy, woo hoo~"

Shui Bing'er rubbed her temples, feeling relatively rational, but if it fell into the hands of Xie Xian, who would they ask to reason?
"Okay, don't worry, I will bring you here this time and I won't hurt you."

"On the contrary, there is an opportunity for you. It depends on whether you can seize it."

A playful smile appeared on Su Xie's lips.

Poseidon, as the overlord of the ocean, has a maxed-out water element affinity, so what if a person with the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit inherits the divine throne?

(End of this chapter)

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